Jesus died for our sins, not the effects of sin on the world. I don’t think I clarified that earlier. Both were results of the fall. Cancer, heart attacks, genetic defects all are still consequences of original sin set into motion for now.
The time will come when Jesus returns to rule and Satan is bound and the curse is reversed.
The day will come” – for example – “when the desert will blossom like a rose. The day will come when the waste places of the earth will be like the gardens of paradise. The day will come when the wolf will dwell with the lamb, and the leopard will lie down with the kid, and the lion will eat straw like an ox. The day will come when children will play with snakes, and they will not be hurt or destroyed by them.”
This is why many believers have no faith in government to create anything close to utopia. Although some can come way closer than others, the curse still corrupts. It can only be done by Christ as ruler.
There are no inconsistencies. If any appear to be so, it’s more likely my lacking in the explanation. Intelligence isn’t a prerequisite for faith.