There’s plenty of data & support for my opinion. I was waiting on the country you chose so that we could have an intellectual debate on how the two compare with one another regarding the topic at hand. But you seem content to circle back around to where we started. So I’ll leave you with just one data supported fact that is all-encompassing...
- The USA has 1.8 million black millionaires. That’s more than ALL of the other countries in the world COMBINED. (Technically speaking it’s 1.79 million)
Money isn’t everything. But that’s what I call major economic opportunity for POC that is uniquely available in one country...the USA.
Before you go there...yes, there is still a wealth gap problem in this country that needs to be addressed. Both black vs white & top vs bottom regardless of race. No doubt. Doesn’t diminish the economic opportunity gap revealed in the fact above between the USA & all other countries in the world.
I personally know 4 black millionaires that live right here in Kentucky (2 of them are your neighbors right there in Louisville). One came from a middle class family but the other 3 went from being penniless to becoming self-made millionaires albeit by very different routes.
But I know how skeptical this place is of anecdotal stories (with good reason). So I’ll end this with a link to a good Business Insider article about 3 American black
female millionaires and how they got there. That article also talks about wealth gap...which shouldn’t be glossed over...but I encourage you to take the author’s advice & focus on the stories of those three outstanding young ladies. All came from nothing and became self made millionaires...ages 33, 38 & 42 when the article was written.
Side note: I would pay top dollar to be there in person when you told those 3 strong, independent women to their faces that they should hand their hard-earned accumulated wealth over to the government when they die instead of passing it on to their children. Hahaha. Lord have mercy on your soul, brother! They would absolutely shred you to pieces. Hahahahaha
Side note 2: There’s some links to good articles specifically about wealth gap at the end of that article as well which I’m sure you will enjoy.