How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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It’s a sign of where we’ve allowed our nation to get. We have third world level corrupt elections now. I’m just taking it one day at a time now. Enjoying what I can of the life I have, praying my job and all I own survives whatever calamity the globalist elites will foist upon us next to attain their ultimate goal. I’ll be honest if culling the masses or population reduction or whatever you want to call it, is inevitable and no amount of fight is going to stop it, then I’ll take being culled over living in whatever dystopian, 1984 style, tyrannical nightmare they envision.
I have less to lose than most. I'm an old man and the vast majority of my life is behind me. Besides being old, I am conservative, so I'm probably high on their deplorable list. I'm not worried about me, but my daughter and grand kids are a different story.
The elusive "Big Foot" cheater strikes again!!
Nobody can see him.... Nobody can catch him.... But you just know he's out there. 🤣
You sound like Linus waiting on the Great Trumpkin to rise again. 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Everyone sees it. The media just told you it doesn’t exist and you believe it.

Btw still waiting on you to comment on those JB pics/videos.
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GDP was revised up to 3.2%. That is called WINNING!
gas was $2.60 today. unemployment lowest ever. most jobs ever created by a president. largest wage increases ever. greatest economy in history!
Biden just keeps kicking ass
It is possible to dislike both Putin and Zelensky and not shill for one or the either.

It’s also possible to like the idea of sending some aide to a country that has been wrongfully invaded AND ALSO like the idea that an audit on the multi-millions we have already sent to Ukraine should take place BEFORE we send multi-millions more.
The elusive "Big Foot" cheater strikes again!!
Nobody can see him.... Nobody can catch him.... But you just know he's out there. 🤣
You sound like Linus waiting on the Great Trumpkin to rise again. 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Guess you missed the Iowa recount where the machines declared the democrat the winner but hand recount showed Republican won. Oh and you can definitely see the big foot cheater, he’s sitting in the Oval Office chair shitting in his pants as we speak.
How does Lib Fraudster SBF post $250 million bail when his net worth is $100,000, his dad’s net worth is $ 5 Million, & mom ‘s net worth is $3.8 million. Math doesn’t add up. Something stinks real bad here.
Tucker talked about this last night. There was no real money put up. It’s a $250 million dollar bond or something to that effect. Basically the appearance of money but all fake.
Tucker talked about this last night. There was no real money put up. It’s a $250 million dollar bond or something to that effect. Basically the appearance of money but all fake.

A promise to pay if he doesn't show. For people with that level of means, the extent of the fraud, and the likelihood of flight, it should've definitely been secured by cash.
I have less to lose than most. I'm an old man and the vast majority of my life is behind me. Besides being old, I am conservative, so I'm probably high on their deplorable list. I'm not worried about me, but my daughter and grand kids are a different story.
I worry about our kids as well. I’m 53 so I have a bit of time ahead of me. But of the 8 kids between me and my new wife, ranging in ages for 17-25, only one of them (my youngest son) hasn’t bought into the total brainwashing and liberal nonsense. So part of me says they have to learn the hard lesson of reaping what they sew. If they’re all on board the dystopian train then they choose that end.

What I really want to know is how the collective governments of the UN and the US among others, can look objectively at what the unelected elites and bureaucrats of the WEF, have planned and in store for us and logically think it’s a solid and righteous path to go down. They obviously didn’t learn their lessons from 80 years ago.
* Newsflash from the 'Why They'd Rather Talk About Donald Trump' Department *

Biden claims

— Survived a fire
— Arrested in civil rights march
— Star football player
— Once a truck driver
— Arrested meeting Mandela
— Son killed in Iraq
— Overheard mass shooting
— Top of his class in college
— Hit a 368’ homer in baseball game
— Had job at timber co.

You are again dismissed.
You forgot-
Top of his law school class on full scholarship
full professor at Delaware
scared away Corn Pop with a bicycle chain
Guess you missed the Iowa recount where the machines declared the democrat the winner but hand recount showed Republican won. Oh and you can definitely see the big foot cheater, he’s sitting in the Oval Office chair shitting in his pants as we speak.
They recounted ALL the votes in Georgia and Arizona multiple times. Biden won.
So they got it right in Iowa just like they did in the Presidential election. So what?

Merry Loc Ness and Happy New Fear Chicken Little!!
Everyone sees it. The media just told you it doesn’t exist and you believe it.

Btw still waiting on you to comment on those JB pics/videos.
What's there to comment on? Biden sucks.
He is only President because the alternate choice was a democracy hating insurrectionist traitor from New York City.
I stand by my vote.
I choose democracy and voting over insurrection and coup.
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What's there to comment on? Biden sucks.
He is only President because the alternate choice was a democracy hating insurrectionist traitor from New York City.
I stand by my vote.
I choose democracy and voting over insurrection and coup.

Didn’t we actually go vote before 1/6 tho or any claims of election fraud that had occurred later that night.
They recounted ALL the votes in Georgia and Arizona multiple times. Biden won.
So they got it right in Iowa just like they did in the Presidential election. So what?

Merry Loc Ness and Happy New Fear Chicken Little!!
Hand counts don’t matter when fake votes are allowed in the mix. Mail in voting is the death of America and guess what that includes you unless of course you don’t give a rats ass about this country of which I have my doubts. No sane American could support this garbage yet here you are!!!

It’s also possible to like the idea of sending some aide to a country that has been wrongfully invaded AND ALSO like the idea that an audit on the multi-millions we have already sent to Ukraine should take place BEFORE we send multi-millions more.
We wish it was only multi-MILLIONS. It’s multi-BILLIONS. OVER 100 Billion now to be more precise.
Hand counts don’t matter when fake votes are allowed in the mix. Mail in voting is the death of America and guess what that includes you unless of course you don’t give a rats ass about this country of which I have my doubts. No sane American could support this garbage yet here you are!!!
No proof. Zero evidence of fraud.
Only the insane rantings of a failed President and his zombie soldiers.
7.5 million to study the “domestic radicalization” phenomenon?

Neato. Does that mean they’re going to actually address the indoctrination of youth going on in our educational system and find out why the majority of tgem have become radical liberal communist activists who’ve lost their damn minds and all common sense?

Oh, yeah, right.
The next couple of weeks are normally the coldest here. Still very cold for months though.

It was a high of +2 during the day here yesterday. My wife had a flat tire and I had to go out and change it. Stayed moving and it wasn't too bad.

I hope we all make it through the winter without losing power or heat.
Didn’t we actually go vote before 1/6 tho or any claims of election fraud that had occurred later that night.
President Pokemon was claiming election fraud months before the election even took place.
He knew exactly what to say and do in order to incite his mindless cult to action. His cult has no mind of its own.... only what he tells them to think.
January 6 is all on President Pokemon.

Today is weather... Not climate change.
Global warming is a pattern over time, not just a one day weather event.

So when do the oceans rise, as predicted for the last 59 years by you genocidal maniacs? Remember Al gore's 'An Inconvenient Truth'? Boy, it must be inconvenient to you climate idiots now.

Face it, SCIENCE DUDE, you swallow whatever the party tells you, you're a living embodiment of 1984.

I'm actually surprised you and your antifa friends had any historical statues to tear down and vandalize.

I was told in the 80's that acid rain was going to melt them all away. What happened, SCIENCE DUDE?

I guess you closed the hole in the ozone layer by getting rid of Aqua Net Hairspray, as well?
No proof. Zero evidence of fraud.
Only the insane rantings of a failed President and his zombie soldiers.
Again trump, trump, trump!!!! There is plenty of evidence but it is all suppressed by liberal judges.

Funny how in this age of technology we should know the results of an election within hours of the polls closing but democrats need week after week until they can keep coming up with enough votes to be declared the winner. Again it’s right there before your eyes but you have to clean the shit out before you can see.