Again....Where did you receive your medical and psychiatry degree exactly?? Because the American Medical Association, American Psychology Association and American Society of Pediatrics ALL say you don't know jack sh** about this issue.Yeah, it’s not our business if a parent is abusing their child. Right. Gotcha! Keep throwing out those assumed and fake stats out there to support your desire to see kids irreparably harmed.
There is NO parent abuse except in your imaginary world. These kids are directly under a doctor's care. They are receiving therapy from a psychologist. There are strict guidelines for who gets this medical/psychological care and therapies. It is a decision made between the child, parents, doctor and therapist....NOT YOU.
You still have not answered a very simple question....HOW the hell does it effect you at all??? Why can you not stand to stay out of other people's private personal business?? Why do you need to know what a child in Arkansas is going to see a doctor for if it isn't your own child???
It is just mind boggling how one group of people can feel absolutely entitled to exert complete control over another person they have never met in their lives and will never even interact with EVER. WTF??