How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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  • Poll closed .
I'm sick because I agree with the U.S. Medical Association, American Psychological Association and the American Association of Pediatrics???
You are the sick one....dictating how others live their lives based on your weirdo religious views.
You are the equivalent of the Morality Police in Iran...backwards and crippled by an extremist religious ideology.
Only difference between the political right Evangelicals in the US and the Morality Police in Iran is a little melanin, geography and a turban.

You are a disgusting freak and should be barred from being anywhere near kids.
Looks like a solid sensible bill. Bans surgery for children who haven’t reached puberty and requires approval of parents for children who have reached puberty. Keep on groomin Sam.
It also restricts hormone therapy which is a huge component of trans therapy. How bout minding your own business and staying out of people's pants, doctor's offices and therapy sessions. Morality Police.... US edition. Nutty control freaks.
Not groomin.... Just mindin my own damn business.
Looks like the democrats finally got their criminal hands on Trump’s tax returns. I assume the returns must be on the up and up if they haven’t leaked them yet.
I bet the charitable donations will be staggering. Regular Jeff Bezos giving away his entire fortune more than likely.
You are a disgusting freak and should be barred from being anywhere near kids.
I don't try to control kids and their family decisions. You're the one voting in the nuts that are dictating what happens in family homes, people's pants, doctors offices and therapy sessions....not me.
I mind my own damn business and let other people chose for themselves how to live their lives.
Weirdo control freak.
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You'd have to explain.
Gladly! Whether fair or not (and I actually don't think that it is) a hawkish perspective on foreign policy is generally considered to be a right wing perspective. It's safe to say that you have a very hawkish perspective on foreign affairs, which is quite obvious when your posts on this and the Ukraine thread are examined. As a matter of fact, you are a textbook definition of a neoconservative. I cannot think of any poster on this thread with as aggressive an attitude as yours as to foreign affairs (except for, ironically, a couple of the Lefties), and for that reason, I submit that you are well to the right of the other posters on the Paddock political thread, at least on that issue.
Protect kids my ass. Total line of BS.
These are procedures and medications taking place under a medically supervised doctor's care. They are also required to undergo an in depth certified psychological examination and care during the process.
So are you saying you know more than all of the doctors and psychologists that are basing their medical and psychological care on decades of peer reviewed studies??
What unbounded arrogance.
What right do you have to override all of the medical and psychological studies related to trans issues in youth?
You're not helping them.... you and all of the ignorant evangelical troglodytes are killing them. I guess you think they just need a splash of holy water and a leech to fix em right?
How bout getting your nose out of other people's asses and crotches so they can live their lives in peace??? Why is it any of your business whatsoever???

It sounds like you think confused adolescents should have their genitals irreversibly mutilated. And that you think this helps them.

Is that correct?

I remember just a few days ago it was just a conspiracy theory. Now the company agrees and actually sued the ad company it was so bad
“the very thing you are claiming other people are doing. YOU are the ones normalizing pedophilia”-lolzguy
Weren't there several places where voters were complaining they were told they had already voted? Did some not care enough to vote or complain?
Well that happened when I worked polls in KY. Not a lot, but 1-2 per election. Their names are already signed to the poll registry book. People forget they mailed a ballot in. Not saying that happened here, but it happens.

But 31,000 didn't know they didn't get ballots? LOL. Of course there's no response to that valid point. Screws up the desired narrative.
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Side note interesting to me is that in the US, firearms use deaths are about 1/3 higher for suicides than for homicides/killing someone else. Never would have guessed till I read it.
And gun grabbers will use that number together to pretend guns are used in more murders than they are.
Gladly! Whether fair or not (and I actually don't think that it is) a hawkish perspective on foreign policy is generally considered to be a right wing perspective. It's safe to say that you have a very hawkish perspective on foreign affairs, which is quite obvious when your posts on this and the Ukraine thread are examined. As a matter of fact, you are a textbook definition of a neoconservative. I cannot think of any poster on this thread with as aggressive an attitude as yours as to foreign affairs (except for, ironically, a couple of the Lefties), and for that reason, I submit that you are well to the right of the other posters on the Paddock political thread, at least on that issue.

So you define supporting Ukraine against an unprovoked invader as very hawkish?
You define opposing new members to NATO like Sweden & Finland as very hawkish?
You define sending troops to Poland as a member of NATO as very hawkish?
Taiwan apparently has to fend for itself to not be very hawkish & you're fine with that? We don't need their chips at all, do we?
You think we need to bring all our aircraft carriers & subs to home ports and tie them up to not be very hawkish?
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Pedos should be publicly executed.

The most sickening stories are the ones where they let a guy out of prison early even though he has already hurt a child and then when he gets out he escalates to murder and murders the next child so there isn't a witness cause he doesn't want to go back to prison. I can't imagine being a parent and your child is murdered by a guy they already caught for some pedo sh-t but they let him out.
And gun grabbers will use that number together to pretend guns are used in more murders than they are.
OK. But total deaths from gun use reached near 49K in 2021, highest since 1993. Of course more people now. Frankly the suicides save a lot of medical resources and Social Security payments since they are disproportionately old folks, men & white to boot. Assume nursing homes lack appeal. I'll let you know in another several years.

So you define supporting Ukraine against an unprovoked invader as very hawkish?
You define opposing new members to NATO like Sweden & Finland as very hawkish?
You define sending troops to Poland as a member of NATO as very hawkish?
Taiwan apparently has to fend for itself to not be very hawkish & you're fine with that? We don't need their chips at all, do we?
You think we need to bring all our aircraft carriers & subs to home ports and tie them up to not be very hawkish?
I wasn't so much thinking of the things you referenced as much as I was thinking of your thinly veiled desire to see mushroom clouds, and lots of 'em. You want them missiles a-flying.
Bezos gave away his fortune? To his ex wife maybe.
"Forbes estimates that Bezos has donated more than $2.4 billion to charity in his lifetime. He committed a total of $10 billion to his own climate nonprofit, the Bezos Earth Fund, in 2020. As of November 2021, the fund had granted nearly $1 billion of that total."

Jeff Bezos Says He Will Give Away Most of His Fortune

Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon, said he would give away most of his money to charity, making him the latest billionaire to pledge to donate his vast fortune during his lifetime.

Mr. Bezos is the world’s fourth-richest person, worth $124 billion, according to Bloomberg. In an interview with CNN released on Monday, Mr. Bezos, appearing with his girlfriend, the former television anchor Lauren Sanchez, said they were making preparations “to be able to give away this money.”
Where the hell did this Schwab guy come from? He’s like a Bond villain that pops up that wants to rule the World.
It’s a joke, like blacks and Hispanics being “ white supremacist”.

Trump is too arrogant to listen to what a great case Pence is actually making for him. Pence, essentially, says Trump was a victim of his own incompetent staff allowing advisors into the Oval Office that should never have been allowed on White House grounds, to give Trump advice.

A president is elected for their judgment and their decision making. They are privy to information that your average American would find fantastical, and we've had Presidents routinely make decisions deciding the lives of millions, even to launch multiple nuclear strikes on civilian populations to bring an entrenched stubborn enemy out of their hiding places and end a World War. Very difficult decisions.

So Trump's best defense is that he did get advised by Barr and others that the election was not stolen, but Trump can point to other advisors that were telling him there were massive scams unfolding around the country to steal the election. As President, he was elected to listen to his advisors and make his decision.

So actually prosecuting Trump becomes very problematic with the way Pence has laid it out for Trump. We cannot handcuff Presidents from listening to what very well may be fantastical information and making incredibly difficult calls and that above all else must be protected. You can prosecute those advisors, but if a President has people in the oval office and their views are conflicted then the very thing he is elected to do is make that decision and essentially that's what Trump did in the Pence version. Trump should listen to him. The Pence version means Barr and other's testimony that they advised the President the election was not stolen doesn't matter, rather than Trump being forced to confront that testimony by multiple aids as false.
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Trump is too arrogant to listen to what a great case Pence is actually making for him. Pence, essentially, says Trump was a victim of his own incompetent staff allowing advisors into the Oval Office that should never have been allowed on White House grounds, to give Trump advice.

A president is elected for their judgment and their decision making. They are privy to information that your average American would find fantastical, and we've had Presidents routinely make decisions deciding the lives of millions, even to launch multiple nuclear strikes on civilian populations to bring an entrenched stubborn enemy out of their hiding places and end a World War. Very difficult decisions.

So Trump's best defense is that he did get advised by Barr and others that the election was not stolen, but Trump can point to other advisors that were telling him there were massive scams unfolding around the country to steal the election. As President, he was elected to listen to his advisors and make his decision.

So actually prosecuting Trump becomes very problematic with the way Pence has laid it out for Trump. We cannot handcuff Presidents from listening to what very well may be fantastical information and making incredibly difficult calls and that above all else must be protected. You can prosecute those advisors, but if a President has people in the oval office and their views are conflicted then the very thing he is elected to do is make that decision and essentially that's what Trump did in the Pence version. Trump should listen to him. The Pence version means Barr and other's testimony that they advised the President the election was not stolen doesn't matter, rather than Trump being forced to confront that testimony by multiple aids as false.
We need more words from you, the guy who supports and defends pedophilia.
It also restricts hormone therapy which is a huge component of trans therapy. How bout minding your own business and staying out of people's pants, doctor's offices and therapy sessions. Morality Police.... US edition. Nutty control freaks.
Not groomin.... Just mindin my own damn business.
Not to mention your overt bigotry toward Islam. Nice reveal, Shins.
We need more words from you, the guy who supports and defends pedophilia.
We need more words from you. A lazy unemployed house husband mooching off a woman while he smokes dope and does the dishes iike a good little b*&^^^^.

Get off the internet and get a job, loser. Stop taking advantage of some poor wretched woman to bring home your dinner.

Oh, you're also home with her daughter? I guess that explains where your obsession with Pedo comes from. Sitting there watching her. You're a pretty sick guy, on top of being a lazy unemployable mooch.
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