How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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    Votes: 9 18.0%

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Here's a completely different question to ponder:

Why don't we have a national sales tax/VAT and do away with income, capital gains, SS taxes? By my calculation, the Federal budget is roughly $4.5 trillion (damn.....) and the US' GDP is right at $23 trillion annually. A national sales tax/VAT tax at, let's say, 20% funds every dollar of the budget (in a time where we're spending ~ $1 trillion more than we take in). Don't know about you, but I pay more than 20% in taxes every year when you include SS and Medicare (~7.5%). For those who don't make a certain amount, they file and get a refund of 20% of their income below that amount (sort of a standard deduction). So, just to make it 'fair' or 'smart' let's make it 21-22% sales tax. And that tax is on everything you buy - home, stocks, groceries, cars, cable bill, etc. If you make a profit, you pay 20%. If you don't, you offset income. But, no deductions from your paycheck every month. Each individual would have a CHOICE of how much tax to pay as it's directly correlated to how much you buy.

Higher income/'rich' people will buy more stuff and, therefore, pay more tax thus pleasing the 'tax the rich'/'pay your fair share' crowd. Lower income people pay less but still have some skin in the game (for a lot of them, anyway) thus pleasing the '47% of Americans pay no tax' crowd.

I know the political animals would NEVER pass such a thing as it takes the power of coercion via the tax code out of their hands. But, it makes a lot of sense to me (assuming the tax rate is correct, of course). US debt level is a huge concern (and is only getting worse under current tax code) and 70k pages in the US tax code is ridiculous. National debt is $30 trillion but promised-but-unfunded debt adds another $50+ trillion to that number. We can't continue down this road forever and what we're doing is not working.
I'm all for more users pay taxes. Get to people who dodge income taxes with cash payments such as illegals & drug dealers.
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Most of the world bans abortion after 14 weeks. Even Godless China bans it after I've heard either 14 weeks or maybe as late as 24 weeks. Which brings us to democrats in our country. They want to allow abortion all the way through 9 months (39 weeks). The fact that democrats are more heartless & Godless than even China. If this doesn't tell you how despicable & Godless that democrats are then nothing will. If I were a democrat voter, I would put my knees on the floor and beg God for forgiveness.
Won't be surprised in China turns around and bans them because they population is dropping rapidly.
Insane it ever got that far. Guessing they'll appeal.

It's legit insanity to think many here want non citizens to vote. Can you imagine going abroad on vacation and just swinging by to vote in their presidential election? Lol it's absurd
You're defining Lib = insanity because they want this for more votes. I don't disagree.
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The ability to terminate a pregnancy does several things for the victim of the rape . . . it allows her to not risk physical death from carrying a child, it allows her to not be socially shunned, it allows her to not have the life altering interruption of an education or a career, or the life changing responsibility of caring for another human being. The victim of a rape asked for none of those things and should not be required by the government to endure them.
The baby is also innocent. Why punish the baby with a death sentence?
The ability to terminate a pregnancy does several things for the victim of the rape . . . it allows her to not risk physical death from carrying a child, it allows her to not be socially shunned, it allows her to not have the life altering interruption of an education or a career, or the life changing responsibility of caring for another human being. The victim of a rape asked for none of those things and should not be required by the government to endure them.
She can actually do all of those things and put the baby up for adoption. The actual risk of dying from child-bearing/giving birth is the only somewhat logical reason for an abortion.

The baby is innocent and should not be punished. Killing the baby just makes the victim a murderer.
Which party championed in the system of corporate rule? which party spent every waking moment in DC trying to pass laws to expand corporate power? Which party pushed citizens united up to SCOTUS? Which party worships corporations in the name of the "free market"? Which party fought to dismantle every government agency that tries to fight for consumer rights? Which party pushed though the patriot act, gave us the police state, and quintupled the size of government spying with the DHS in the name of "national security"? It was only when those corporations turned into "big tech" that the GoP leadership started pretending like they cared. they don't.

100%. I posted the same thing yesterday in the Commonwealth Stadium thread:

- cheaper than maternity leave
- cheaper than an added person on insurance
- they don’t lose an employee for 8-12 weeks
- and they get to package it as being on the side of Twitter SJW so social media eats it up and corporate views it as good marketing

Four birds with one stone and the idiot leftists slurp it up.
How kids are raised does have a effect on society as a whole. See single parent kids. See drug dealing kids.
Of course those issues matter but there are laws in place regarding drug use. I'm talking about caring about whether a parent teaches their kids to be tolerant of homosexuality or trans people.
How does teaching kindness and love for your fellow American harm society?
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I've got zero issues with a teacher praying between classes, on their planning, before or after school.
As long as they aren't requiring the students to join them or using class time I don't care and most liberals don't either. It's fake outrage.
Ah, but that’s not the point.