I challenge you to look at what happened with Crime in NYC when Rudy Guilianni was in charge.
His stop and frisk worked but at the end of the day it was unconstitutional.
That said...you and I are probably in agreement on most crime related issues.
I am against defunfunding police.
I am for stricter jail terms.
I am for building more prisons.
I think the Three Strikes laws were good.
I think the legal justice system is too soft on crime.
I think we should hire more cops and pay them better.
I'd like to see firing squads and chain gangs make a comeback.
I feel the same about our military.
I get bashed on here for being liberal but I'm ONLY liberal about decisions that ONLY effect the individual making them.
If your decision doesn't impact me IDGAF....ie abortion, trans issues, gay marriage etc.
Those decisions are all between that individual, their doctor and God IMO.