Apparently not. In our system of government, rights are inalienable and endowed by our creator. Whether you believe in God or not, the point is 1), that they are inalienable, meaning they can't be alienated or surrendered, and 2) they are granted by our creator, meaning they are not granted by the state. The State doesn't have the power to grant rights because we are born with those rights. Any attempt by the State to alter and eliminate our rights is unjust because they didn't grant them in the first place. This is an important distinction between us and many other countries where the State is deemed to have granted rights which means they also have the power to take them away. Our founding fathers believed your rights exist because you exist. In other words, your very existence creates those rights and they flow from our creator. If you don't believe in God that's fine, but you come across as ignorant when you ignore the fact that our rights are natural rights believed to be endowed by our creator and not State granted rights.