Why on earth would oil companies listen to the green new deals puppet who vowed to bankrupt them? Trump told us all this would happen and I’ll be damned if he wasn’t right again.
Trump was right about EVERYTHING
Why on earth would oil companies listen to the green new deals puppet who vowed to bankrupt them? Trump told us all this would happen and I’ll be damned if he wasn’t right again.
When you want the truth, Yahoo News is what everyone thinks of first.High gas prices explained.
The real reason gas prices are so high
Gas prices were low for years because oil drillers produced too much oil—and lost money. Now they're trying to keep profits intact.finance.yahoo.com
GoP has been using fear porn to get votes for 200 years. Every year it's a new country ending boogeyman.
It helped that Obama laid the groundwork for 8 years, taking this country super far left. Demographics also were astronomically different than when Carter was in office and we didn’t have big tech serving as a non-stop propaganda tool.
Riiiiiiigghhtt. A couple billion to help make it easier for them to get here.
Won’t hurt my feelings if Twitter goes the way of MySpace.You do realize what’s going to happen if Elon Musk backs out, right? Twitter is about to take a HUGE loss.
More gaslighting at its finest
"economist say". L O L... Which economist? The one's that said inflation wasn't going to be a problem... then said it would be transitory.... then said it was actually good for us.... Those economist? Just enjoy the suck and keep telling yourself that Biden isn't to blame. It'll help during the rolling blackouts this summer.Yes, that's what it is! The economist say it's because of Covid, and the invasion of Ukraine and companies price gouging the hell out of us! Nah it's because Grump got rigged! My God you are brainwashed and in a cult
What would she have thought if Trump used the FBI to go after Biden to hurt him during the campaign and then had a tech guru actually set up bugs in the Oval office to spy on the President of the United States? That sounds treasony.
You aren't dumb enough to think this is good news are you? We want to shrink the trade deficit but this aint how we do it. Pain coming. People that think it's been bad need to realize we have 18 more months of inflation at the least. Even if the economy tanks and demand goes down.... prices are still going to be high because people won't be able to keep producing because parts and electric will hurt production.
Even now, with prices soaring, energy companies are being cautious about ramping up their oil output. They’re slowly putting new rigs to work drilling more wells, which helps. But they’re also limiting how much they invest in new production so that they can reward their investors with bigger dividends and stock repurchases.Here's another article, which explains the oil producers perspective.
Why Are Gas Prices Still Going Up?
The cost of a gallon of gas is at an all-time high. What’s driving the surge and will gas prices go down anytime soon?www.kiplinger.com
Why haven't we built a refinery since 1977? Who was president in 1977? Weird that people are comparing Biden to Jimmy Carter. Inflation and soaring gas prices.... It's almost like the policies are at fault.The first refinery since 1977 was built just last year but its capacity is a fraction of what the biggest ones produce. Also Biden didn't invent or build a clean energy future anymore than he drills wells and builds refineries.
Take whatever Bill tells you with a huge gain of salt. This is a guy who thinks Biden stole the election from Trump when 60 judges disagreed and other republicans on the same exact ballot somehow won their seats without incident. 🤣
Brassow: Be afraid of the caravan! Very afraid! Build the wall!!
🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣
Why is NBC reporting this? Lol it's funny you're trying to make a non existent narrative out of ppl reporting real news. Things must be bad. Thus is what happens when you rely on Rupar to get your info...has he edited this video yet?Brassow: Be afraid of the caravan! Very afraid! Build the wall!!
🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣
Here’s how you know the “ climate crisis” is bullshit. If it were truly an existential threat that could be altered, the US would tell China and India that we will no longer do business with you until you meet our standards. We don’t, and they aren’t and won’t.
Do not insult Jimmy Carter by comparing him to an incompetent idiot like Joe Biden.Why haven't we built a refinery since 1977? Who was president in 1977? Weird that people are comparing Biden to Jimmy Carter. Inflation and soaring gas prices.... It's almost like the policies are at fault.
I will be here all day! You're ANTIFA too right? We all are against facismI was told the way to break your fingers is to punch you in the nose.
Antifa guilty of insurrection.
The US doesn't have the oil reserves to sustain hyper production. If we had spent the last 50 years not importing oil we would be dried out. All the oil is in south America and the middle east. Everything left in north America is really ****ing expensive to get to and also destroys the land and poison the water table. The only viable solution for the US is a shitload of nuclear and electric cars. 70% of our oil use is transportation. Cut that in half and oil isn't an issue anymore.
$5.11 this morning at a sunoco station just north of cinci. 🤬
I will be here all day! You're ANTIFA too right? We all are against facism
How many guns in that video do you think were purchased legally? or even purchased?
We are now way passed DOUBLED. rapidly nearing TRIPLED.Gas prices have DOUBLED, since biden took office and canceled leases and pipelines.
What fascism exists in the United States? Labeling anything you don't like fascism, doesn't make it fascism.I will be here all day! You're ANTIFA too right? We all are against facism
Mostly women and children…..![]()
Yea.... it's only 8 people.