How will they rule ??!

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"The Constitution shall never be construed… to prevent the people of the United States who are peaceable citizens from keeping their own arms." Samuel Adams

"…arms like laws discourage and keep the invader and the plunderer in awe, and preserve order in the world as well as property. The same balance would be preserved were all the world destitute of arms, for all would be alike; but since some will not, others dare not lay them aside… Horrid mischief would ensue were one half the world deprived of the use of them…." Thomas Paine

"To preserve liberty, it is essential that the whole body of people always possess arms, and be taught alike, especially when young, how to use them…"- Richard Henry Lee

"The supreme power in America cannot enforce unjust laws by the sword; because the whole body of the people are armed, and constitute a force superior to any band of regular troops that can be, on any pretense, raised in the United States." Noah Webster

"A free people ought not only to be armed, but disciplined; to which end a uniform and well-digested plan is requisite; and their safety and interest require that they should promote such manufactories as tend to render them independent of others for essential, particularly military, supplies." George Washington

"What country can preserve its liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms." Thomas Jefferson

"The laws that forbid the carrying of arms are laws of such a nature. They disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes…. Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man." Thomas Jefferson

"I ask who are the militia? They consist now of the whole people, except a few public officers." George Mason

"A militia, when properly formed, are in fact the people themselves …" Richard Henry Lee

"The people are not to be disarmed of their weapons. They are left in full possession of them."- Zachariah Johnson
Does anyone on here have complete trust in government? If so, please tell why.
"The Constitution shall never be construed… to prevent the people of the United States who are peaceable citizens from keeping their own arms." Samuel Adams
All my suggestions allow peaceable citizens to keep their arms.

"…arms like laws discourage and keep the invader and the plunderer in awe, and preserve order in the world as well as property. The same balance would be preserved were all the world destitute of arms, for all would be alike; but since some will not, others dare not lay them aside… Horrid mischief would ensue were one half the world deprived of the use of them…." Thomas Paine
My suggestions do not change the fact that you will be able to have guns.

"To preserve liberty, it is essential that the whole body of people always possess arms, and be taught alike, especially when young, how to use them…"- Richard Henry Lee
My suggestions actually teaches people how to use weapons because you have to be trained and show capability to own them. You, on the other hand, want people like the Uvalde shooter, to be able to purchase AR-15's on the day of his 18th birthday and murder children.

"The supreme power in America cannot enforce unjust laws by the sword; because the whole body of the people are armed, and constitute a force superior to any band of regular troops that can be, on any pretense, raised in the United States." Noah Webster
My plan allows people to stay armed, and in fact, encourages them to turn to rifles as opposed to handguns, which are a hell of a lot more potent in a situation where we are at war with our government. And in fact, if these changes don't go through, we are at risk of losing the ability to purchase both the AR and the handgun cause the liberals won't stop.

"A free people ought not only to be armed, but disciplined; to which end a uniform and well-digested plan is requisite; and their safety and interest require that they should promote such manufactories as tend to render them independent of others for essential, particularly military, supplies." George Washington
What exactly are you suggesting to ensure discipline? You seem to advocate for an undisciplined, yet armed, populace.

"What country can preserve its liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms." Thomas Jefferson

Again, done and and done under my plan.

"The laws that forbid the carrying of arms are laws of such a nature. They disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes…. Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man." Thomas Jefferson

That's not really true and there is evidence in other Western countries of this. For example, the murder rate of all Western nations is a fraction of ours. Even if you controlled for controversial things like race you'll find that our murder rate is higher. Same for suicide rate.

"I ask who are the militia? They consist now of the whole people, except a few public officers." George Mason

Nothing would change under what I suggested.

"A militia, when properly formed, are in fact the people themselves …" Richard Henry Lee

Same as the above. You still have your militia.

"The people are not to be disarmed of their weapons. They are left in full possession of them."- Zachariah Johnson

My plan only disarms those who do not value their rights.

Got any more quotes, Dave? Or are you ready to start talking logic?
It would have been soooo easy for the Dems to pass gun laws that the majority of Americans could have supported. But Biden has already gone to the "you - a responsible citizen - doesn't need a gun except to go shoot deer or protect yourself from intruders" as if that has anything to do with the constitution.

I strongly believe we need to do a better job controlling who gets a gun. You may say that violates your rights. Well guess what, some psychopath who should never have a weapon, procuring a gun and killing me violates my rights too. So we need to find a middle ground.

I also firmly believe that if you ban AR's but do nothing with handguns school shooters will switch over to handguns and not miss a beat. So that's a non-starter to make any difference.

So why not do this:
  1. Ban the purchase and ownership of semi-automatics from anyone under 21.
    1. Reduces the chance psychos whose brains haven't fully developed can get weapons that can kill a lot of people quickly
    2. Gives a few more years to weed these losers out
    3. If you are under 21 and go hunting or shooting with a friend who is over 21, he can let you use his but you can't keep it on you without him around
    4. If shit goes down and we fall into a civil war or something, people over 21 can hand people under 21 a semi and we've got a militia which is what part of the 2nd amendment talked about.
  2. After age 21, you need gun safety certification to purchase a semi-automatic gun or revolver. You need to renew this every couple of years or so. It will cost several hundred bucks.
    1. Responsible gun owners: this is a GREAT thing. It will weed out lazy ass criminals from owning weapons.
    2. Yeah - it will put a slight burden on you - but this is designed to keep some of the people who have nothing going for them from keeping weapons.
  3. For handguns, extra licensing and training are required. This will require costs more in the $1K+ level.
    1. The majority of murders and suicides involve handguns
    2. They are easy to conceal
    3. They are less valuable in terms of defense from the government than say an AR
    4. You need to prove you still own said handgun each year
    5. This is a larger burden for responsible gun owners, but it will shrink the murder and suicide rate significantly.
  4. If you feel your life is in danger, you can put in for a temporary permit to get a handgun to give you access while you apply for the permit. You must go to the police and make your case and describe why you are in danger.
    1. This is what the police are for.
    2. And if you are doing illegal stuff and dealing with bad people and therefore don't want to go to the cops, well, tough shit.
No. To all of it.

If the US Gov can stick a semi-automatic rifle in an 18 year olds hand and send them to fight, then a 20 year old who works on power lines should be able to buy a semi-auto hunting rifle.

We have anywhere from 1.5 to 3 million defensive uses of guns per year where crime is actually prevented by their presence or action. We shouldn’t restrict the ability of citizens to acquire them quickly when needed or to pay for training to keep them. You really trust police to keep you safe 24/7?

Rifles account for less homicides than fists & feet. On and on and on, but you’ll just never see it if you think those answers will work.
All my suggestions allow peaceable citizens to keep their arms.

My suggestions do not change the fact that you will be able to have guns.

My suggestions actually teaches people how to use weapons because you have to be trained and show capability to own them. You, on the other hand, want people like the Uvalde shooter, to be able to purchase AR-15's on the day of his 18th birthday and murder children.

My plan allows people to stay armed, and in fact, encourages them to turn to rifles as opposed to handguns, which are a hell of a lot more potent in a situation where we are at war with our government. And in fact, if these changes don't go through, we are at risk of losing the ability to purchase both the AR and the handgun cause the liberals won't stop.

What exactly are you suggesting to ensure discipline? You seem to advocate for an undisciplined, yet armed, populace.

Again, done and and done under my plan.

That's not really true and there is evidence in other Western countries of this. For example, the murder rate of all Western nations is a fraction of ours. Even if you controlled for controversial things like race you'll find that our murder rate is higher. Same for suicide rate.

Nothing would change under what I suggested.

Same as the above. You still have your militia.

My plan only disarms those who do not value their rights.

Got any more quotes, Dave? Or are you ready to start talking logic?

You presented an argument that the founding fathers didn't know what they meant or we misinterpret "shall not be infringed." They knew exactly what they wrote and the dangers of your astroglide based slope.

Wayne, you had hot takes on keeping your fellow citizens in masks and clot shots, but I'm sure you are well within your lane on gun control.

There is no compromise. If you don't like the amendment, repeal it. That's the mechanism, not reinterpret. That's how we ended up with RvW granting nonexistent rights.
If guns were renamed to uterus, the pro-birth scum on the right would be ready to regulate the hell out of them. Political and agenda driven . . . pot meet kettle.
“Pro Birth Scum”? So by default you are “Anti-birth”. Odd use of words there. Sounds like you want ALL babies aborted in the act of being born (definition of birth), else the mothers are scum for bringing another human into the world.
It would have been soooo easy for the Dems to pass gun laws that the majority of Americans could have supported. But Biden has already gone to the "you - a responsible citizen - doesn't need a gun except to go shoot deer or protect yourself from intruders" as if that has anything to do with the constitution.

I strongly believe we need to do a better job controlling who gets a gun. You may say that violates your rights. Well guess what, some psychopath who should never have a weapon, procuring a gun and killing me violates my rights too. So we need to find a middle ground.

I also firmly believe that if you ban AR's but do nothing with handguns school shooters will switch over to handguns and not miss a beat. So that's a non-starter to make any difference.

So why not do this:
  1. Ban the purchase and ownership of semi-automatics from anyone under 21.
    1. Reduces the chance psychos whose brains haven't fully developed can get weapons that can kill a lot of people quickly
    2. Gives a few more years to weed these losers out
    3. If you are under 21 and go hunting or shooting with a friend who is over 21, he can let you use his but you can't keep it on you without him around
    4. If shit goes down and we fall into a civil war or something, people over 21 can hand people under 21 a semi and we've got a militia which is what part of the 2nd amendment talked about.
  2. After age 21, you need gun safety certification to purchase a semi-automatic gun or revolver. You need to renew this every couple of years or so. It will cost several hundred bucks.
    1. Responsible gun owners: this is a GREAT thing. It will weed out lazy ass criminals from owning weapons.
    2. Yeah - it will put a slight burden on you - but this is designed to keep some of the people who have nothing going for them from keeping weapons.
  3. For handguns, extra licensing and training are required. This will require costs more in the $1K+ level.
    1. The majority of murders and suicides involve handguns
    2. They are easy to conceal
    3. They are less valuable in terms of defense from the government than say an AR
    4. You need to prove you still own said handgun each year
    5. This is a larger burden for responsible gun owners, but it will shrink the murder and suicide rate significantly.
  4. If you feel your life is in danger, you can put in for a temporary permit to get a handgun to give you access while you apply for the permit. You must go to the police and make your case and describe why you are in danger.
    1. This is what the police are for.
    2. And if you are doing illegal stuff and dealing with bad people and therefore don't want to go to the cops, well, tough shit.
I really appreciate the time it took to write all of this. Not a complete fan of some of this. Mostly because the definitions of "acceptable" will change. We see this admin changing definitions now.

I really do like the education requirements. Would offer a kid should not be allowed to graduate without an NRA safety course (and ability to balance a fing checkbook).

Im not completely joking. (Maybe a little, but not completely.)
No. To all of it.

If the US Gov can stick a semi-automatic rifle in an 18 year olds hand and send them to fight, then a 20 year old who works on power lines should be able to buy a semi-auto hunting rifle.

We have anywhere from 1.5 to 3 million defensive uses of guns per year where crime is actually prevented by their presence or action. We shouldn’t restrict the ability of citizens to acquire them quickly when needed or to pay for training to keep them. You really trust police to keep you safe 24/7?

Rifles account for less homicides than fists & feet. On and on and on, but you’ll just never see it if you think those answers will work.
Before I was ever able to vote, Uncle Sam had qualified me with more weapons than I can remember. I had fired hundreds of thousands of rounds. I had been shot at and watched and listened to people die before I ever voted. I protected and led men and property for him, and now I am supposed to let some beurocrat judge my worthiness and pay him a fee.
It would have been soooo easy for the Dems to pass gun laws that the majority of Americans could have supported. But Biden has already gone to the "you - a responsible citizen - doesn't need a gun except to go shoot deer or protect yourself from intruders" as if that has anything to do with the constitution.

I strongly believe we need to do a better job controlling who gets a gun. You may say that violates your rights. Well guess what, some psychopath who should never have a weapon, procuring a gun and killing me violates my rights too. So we need to find a middle ground.

I also firmly believe that if you ban AR's but do nothing with handguns school shooters will switch over to handguns and not miss a beat. So that's a non-starter to make any difference.

So why not do this:
  1. Ban the purchase and ownership of semi-automatics from anyone under 21.
    1. Reduces the chance psychos whose brains haven't fully developed can get weapons that can kill a lot of people quickly
    2. Gives a few more years to weed these losers out
    3. If you are under 21 and go hunting or shooting with a friend who is over 21, he can let you use his but you can't keep it on you without him around
    4. If shit goes down and we fall into a civil war or something, people over 21 can hand people under 21 a semi and we've got a militia which is what part of the 2nd amendment talked about.
  2. After age 21, you need gun safety certification to purchase a semi-automatic gun or revolver. You need to renew this every couple of years or so. It will cost several hundred bucks.
    1. Responsible gun owners: this is a GREAT thing. It will weed out lazy ass criminals from owning weapons.
    2. Yeah - it will put a slight burden on you - but this is designed to keep some of the people who have nothing going for them from keeping weapons.
  3. For handguns, extra licensing and training are required. This will require costs more in the $1K+ level.
    1. The majority of murders and suicides involve handguns
    2. They are easy to conceal
    3. They are less valuable in terms of defense from the government than say an AR
    4. You need to prove you still own said handgun each year
    5. This is a larger burden for responsible gun owners, but it will shrink the murder and suicide rate significantly.
  4. If you feel your life is in danger, you can put in for a temporary permit to get a handgun to give you access while you apply for the permit. You must go to the police and make your case and describe why you are in danger.
    1. This is what the police are for.
    2. And if you are doing illegal stuff and dealing with bad people and therefore don't want to go to the cops, well, tough shit.
So I guess if you join the military out of High School, you’d be exempt from having to be 21?
Well Dave, it's already infringed upon given that you can't buy an automatic weapon. Furthermore, background checks were considered legal too. Furthermore, laws limiting those under 21 to purchase firearms (i.e., in Florida) are on the books.

There's also a part of that amendment: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

So the way that it's written gives some people interpretation that it's intended to cover a well-regulated militia.

My point is, it's a little trickier than "shall not be infringed".
You can buy an automatic weapon still. It’s just going to cost you.
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Before I was ever able to vote, Uncle Sam had qualified me with more weapons than I can remember. I had fired hundreds of thousands of rounds. I had been shot at and watched and listened to people die before I ever voted. I protected and led men and property for him, and now I am supposed to let some beurocrat judge my worthiness and pay him a fee.

On the other hand, that little effer in Uvalde had zero training and zero parental support. Do you not see how that is different? Also, while you were in the barracks did you get to keep guns on you or were those locked up? It's like you morons can't figure out that there's a big million miles between leaving it wide open so psychos and criminals get weapons where they can kills 19 kids in one day and you not being able to have AR-15's and handguns. What I suggested is closer to wide open.

And you idiots also haven't refuted that there is a restriction on automatic weapons that has held up for 90 years. It's like you are too stupid to realize that your mentality is going to get your gun rights removed someday.
It would have been soooo easy for the Dems to pass gun laws that the majority of Americans could have supported. But Biden has already gone to the "you - a responsible citizen - doesn't need a gun except to go shoot deer or protect yourself from intruders" as if that has anything to do with the constitution.

I strongly believe we need to do a better job controlling who gets a gun. You may say that violates your rights. Well guess what, some psychopath who should never have a weapon, procuring a gun and killing me violates my rights too. So we need to find a middle ground.

I also firmly believe that if you ban AR's but do nothing with handguns school shooters will switch over to handguns and not miss a beat. So that's a non-starter to make any difference.

So why not do this:
  1. Ban the purchase and ownership of semi-automatics from anyone under 21.
    1. Reduces the chance psychos whose brains haven't fully developed can get weapons that can kill a lot of people quickly
    2. Gives a few more years to weed these losers out
    3. If you are under 21 and go hunting or shooting with a friend who is over 21, he can let you use his but you can't keep it on you without him around
    4. If shit goes down and we fall into a civil war or something, people over 21 can hand people under 21 a semi and we've got a militia which is what part of the 2nd amendment talked about.
  2. After age 21, you need gun safety certification to purchase a semi-automatic gun or revolver. You need to renew this every couple of years or so. It will cost several hundred bucks.
    1. Responsible gun owners: this is a GREAT thing. It will weed out lazy ass criminals from owning weapons.
    2. Yeah - it will put a slight burden on you - but this is designed to keep some of the people who have nothing going for them from keeping weapons.
  3. For handguns, extra licensing and training are required. This will require costs more in the $1K+ level.
    1. The majority of murders and suicides involve handguns
    2. They are easy to conceal
    3. They are less valuable in terms of defense from the government than say an AR
    4. You need to prove you still own said handgun each year
    5. This is a larger burden for responsible gun owners, but it will shrink the murder and suicide rate significantly.
  4. If you feel your life is in danger, you can put in for a temporary permit to get a handgun to give you access while you apply for the permit. You must go to the police and make your case and describe why you are in danger.
    1. This is what the police are for.
    2. And if you are doing illegal stuff and dealing with bad people and therefore don't want to go to the cops, well, tough shit.
Yeah, I had to rewrite this reply a few times to civil things up a bit.

First off, forget everything you wrote except for maybe #1. Everything else sounds like some kind of liberal wet dream and it fixes nothing.

I am not paying any more money to the government to enjoy my God given rights, nor am I creating a whole new government bureaucracy in the process. That is absolute and unconditional. I already pay to have a gun license, have a short barrel rifle or shotgun, or anything that requires a tax stamp.

There is no law that will stop gang violence. In case you didn't notice they don't give a shit about laws. There are a crap ton of laws on the books and they have stopped nothing. Those include very restrictive red flag laws.

I wrote a big bunch of stuff up to say this. If you want to stop mass shootings you have to fix our current society. That includes the 24 hour media, glorifying violence, the schools, legal drugs, mental health, etal..

Good luck.
I was responding to the idea that Democrats didn’t vote for Kemp in an open primary where the Democrat is running unopposed.
They also won’t be voting for him in November.
Some Dems in Georgia will vote for Kemp. I was down there a couple of weeks ago and he seems well-liked in the areas where we were traveling.
On the other hand, that little effer in Uvalde had zero training and zero parental support. Do you not see how that is different? Also, while you were in the barracks did you get to keep guns on you or were those locked up? It's like you morons can't figure out that there's a big million miles between leaving it wide open so psychos and criminals get weapons where they can kills 19 kids in one day and you not being able to have AR-15's and handguns. What I suggested is closer to wide open.

And you idiots also haven't refuted that there is a restriction on automatic weapons that has held up for 90 years. It's like you are too stupid to realize that your mentality is going to get your gun rights removed someday.
Depending on where I was at, yes I carried a weapon with me at all times. At one time, I kept an M16 and an M79 grenade launcher with me when I slept. My main problem is I just don't trust government. Just look at recent events with rioters and the Afghan debacle. How can anyone trust them?
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So its cool that Russia is using chemical weapons in the UK and attacking US troops because its not the 80's anymore? Putin feels so powerful atm that he's not even trying to keep his assassinations low key anymore.
I wonder why it's only in America that Christians believe that owning all the firepower you can amass was the first thing on God's mind when he was creating humanity.

There are hundreds of millions of Christians in other places in the world who worship the same God, but they don' t wake up in the morning and thank God for the desert eagle on the nightstand.
Well Dave, it's already infringed upon given that you can't buy an automatic weapon. Furthermore, background checks were considered legal too. Furthermore, laws limiting those under 21 to purchase firearms (i.e., in Florida) are on the books.

There's also a part of that amendment: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

So the way that it's written gives some people interpretation that it's intended to cover a well-regulated militia.

My point is, it's a little trickier than "shall not be infringed".
Well regulated meant well trained and in good order. If the government wants to offer free training for firearms owners then Im all for it but I don't care what people misinterpret it to mean. The freedom of the press doesn't say anything about electronic communication. We don't have to play semantic games though.... we know we have freedom of speech even though there are some legal limits.

And also, the fact they have infringed soooo much is why many of us don't want any more laws on the books. They just want confiscation as the ends so Im not helping them.
I wonder why it's only in America that Christians believe that owning all the firepower you can amass was the first thing on God's mind when he was creating humanity.

There are hundreds of millions of Christians in other places in the world who worship the same God, but they don' t wake up in the morning and thank God for the desert eagle on the nightstand.
You are lunatic moron. Just fyi.

The guns aren't for God. They are for the govts or monarchies or dictators that would want to stop you from your religious freedoms or any freedoms
It would have been soooo easy for the Dems to pass gun laws that the majority of Americans could have supported. But Biden has already gone to the "you - a responsible citizen - doesn't need a gun except to go shoot deer or protect yourself from intruders" as if that has anything to do with the constitution.

I strongly believe we need to do a better job controlling who gets a gun. You may say that violates your rights. Well guess what, some psychopath who should never have a weapon, procuring a gun and killing me violates my rights too. So we need to find a middle ground.

I also firmly believe that if you ban AR's but do nothing with handguns school shooters will switch over to handguns and not miss a beat. So that's a non-starter to make any difference.

So why not do this:
  1. Ban the purchase and ownership of semi-automatics from anyone under 21.
    1. Reduces the chance psychos whose brains haven't fully developed can get weapons that can kill a lot of people quickly
    2. Gives a few more years to weed these losers out
    3. If you are under 21 and go hunting or shooting with a friend who is over 21, he can let you use his but you can't keep it on you without him around
    4. If shit goes down and we fall into a civil war or something, people over 21 can hand people under 21 a semi and we've got a militia which is what part of the 2nd amendment talked about.
  2. After age 21, you need gun safety certification to purchase a semi-automatic gun or revolver. You need to renew this every couple of years or so. It will cost several hundred bucks.
    1. Responsible gun owners: this is a GREAT thing. It will weed out lazy ass criminals from owning weapons.
    2. Yeah - it will put a slight burden on you - but this is designed to keep some of the people who have nothing going for them from keeping weapons.
  3. For handguns, extra licensing and training are required. This will require costs more in the $1K+ level.
    1. The majority of murders and suicides involve handguns
    2. They are easy to conceal
    3. They are less valuable in terms of defense from the government than say an AR
    4. You need to prove you still own said handgun each year
    5. This is a larger burden for responsible gun owners, but it will shrink the murder and suicide rate significantly.
  4. If you feel your life is in danger, you can put in for a temporary permit to get a handgun to give you access while you apply for the permit. You must go to the police and make your case and describe why you are in danger.
    1. This is what the police are for.
    2. And if you are doing illegal stuff and dealing with bad people and therefore don't want to go to the cops, well, tough shit.
How does this penalize those who use them illegally?
How does this penalize those who use them illegally?
Exactly what i said in a previous post. They are breaking dozens of laws when they commit these acts of madness. So, 24 laws broken is okay, but not 25. Crazy mass murderers have standards too.

I liked a lot of wayne's post, so not trying to pile on, and he did try to offer some specific solutions. BIG Credit there. Not the lefty BS that just says "common sense gun reform..." and offers nothing but control, oppression, and suppression.
I wonder why it's only in America that Christians believe that owning all the firepower you can amass was the first thing on God's mind when he was creating humanity.

There are hundreds of millions of Christians in other places in the world who worship the same God, but they don' t wake up in the morning and thank God for the desert eagle on the nightstand.
How are those Christians in China and the mid-East doing, champ? When they’re not being murdered, raped, and tortured, I mean.
Kneeling for the anthem or not coming out for the anthem is like porn for leftist sports media to tug one out to. They love it. They obsess over it and cover it as much as possible.

Very few people could tell you who Gabe Kapler is but he’s front page on ESPN for days. ESPN loves leftist shit.

“Here’s Steve Kerr saying something we agree with”

“Here’s Popovich bashing Trump. Go Pop!”

“LeBron says...”

“___ kneeled during the anthem in protest.”

“Here’s a former player who says they’re gay.”

“Kaep gets tryout”
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How does this penalize those who use them illegally?
Well it caused those of us who use legally to get more training, certifications, etc. What you guys are missing the point about is that a lot of (especially women) voters want to ban all kinds of guns over this because they’re scared it’s going to happen to their kids. This is a way we on the right can get out in front of it.
It would have been soooo easy for the Dems to pass gun laws that the majority of Americans could have supported. But Biden has already gone to the "you - a responsible citizen - doesn't need a gun except to go shoot deer or protect yourself from intruders" as if that has anything to do with the constitution.

I strongly believe we need to do a better job controlling who gets a gun. You may say that violates your rights. Well guess what, some psychopath who should never have a weapon, procuring a gun and killing me violates my rights too. So we need to find a middle ground.

I also firmly believe that if you ban AR's but do nothing with handguns school shooters will switch over to handguns and not miss a beat. So that's a non-starter to make any difference.

So why not do this:
  1. Ban the purchase and ownership of semi-automatics from anyone under 21.
    1. Reduces the chance psychos whose brains haven't fully developed can get weapons that can kill a lot of people quickly
    2. Gives a few more years to weed these losers out
    3. If you are under 21 and go hunting or shooting with a friend who is over 21, he can let you use his but you can't keep it on you without him around
    4. If shit goes down and we fall into a civil war or something, people over 21 can hand people under 21 a semi and we've got a militia which is what part of the 2nd amendment talked about.
  2. After age 21, you need gun safety certification to purchase a semi-automatic gun or revolver. You need to renew this every couple of years or so. It will cost several hundred bucks.
    1. Responsible gun owners: this is a GREAT thing. It will weed out lazy ass criminals from owning weapons.
    2. Yeah - it will put a slight burden on you - but this is designed to keep some of the people who have nothing going for them from keeping weapons.
  3. For handguns, extra licensing and training are required. This will require costs more in the $1K+ level.
    1. The majority of murders and suicides involve handguns
    2. They are easy to conceal
    3. They are less valuable in terms of defense from the government than say an AR
    4. You need to prove you still own said handgun each year
    5. This is a larger burden for responsible gun owners, but it will shrink the murder and suicide rate significantly.
  4. If you feel your life is in danger, you can put in for a temporary permit to get a handgun to give you access while you apply for the permit. You must go to the police and make your case and describe why you are in danger.
    1. This is what the police are for.
    2. And if you are doing illegal stuff and dealing with bad people and therefore don't want to go to the cops, well, tough shit.
Nah. There’s enough laws on the books. It’s good against evil, not some mental illness Mumbo-jumbo

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