How funny. They ignore what they put Sarah Palin, Kavanaugh, Miguel Estrada, Robert Bork, and others through. They threatened and doxxed the SCOTUS!!! But discrediting a psycho bitch is somehow beyond the pale. LOL
They don't like it when we use their tactics against them.
I had posted...then deleted a post before lunch about Nina being gone. Had my headphones on while doing some woodworking (table saw running) and thought I had heard she was gone. Host was joking about if she would do a YouTube or TikTok video singing her resignation. So I posted what I heard, or thought I heard. But I couldn't find anything online about it, so deleted.Ding dong! The witch is gone, the witch is gone!
What a day! Mary Poppins version of 1984 on pause.
I celebrated Juneteenth with a church in inner city Louisville quite a few times over the past 6-8 years or so. Before that time, I was unaware of the date as a day of celebration. But, it makes sense to me.Just got a Kroger 'My Magazine'....a quarterly issue with recipes and coupons. In it they have a page dedicated to June 19th. Talking about it and how to celebrate it. A couple of 'testimonials' from a couple of their 'associates' of what they do for the day....cookouts, family celebrations, block parties, etc, etc,
Have in there that 'Juneteenth celebrations often include a red punch or a red dessert or strawberry pie. many people (blacks) had ever heard of this day up until a year or so ago?
How many years have these family celebrations and block parties been going on?
Science deniers testifying in Congress. Brilliant!!!
And what are here medical and scientific sources to verify that's the case? So all that separates a person from being a human versus a clump of inanimate cells is punching their noggin through a hole in their "BiRtHiNg PeRsOn"
Gotta love how Tucker triggers these losers.
These are who we want to hand our medical sovereignty to.
Dont worry...we are sending 40 billion to Ukraine so everything is going to be alright.From July 2020....If gas hits $10, I'm afraid Trump may be right............
'President Trump said Thursday that his defeat by Joe Biden could mean a “1929 situation” for the economy'
“You’ll have a crash like you’ve never seen before if you put the wrong person in office. You’ll see things that you would not have believed are possible.”
Just thought I would do it again ........
One of my boys and I were talking about this Sunday. His job is very reliant on very high end (mostly new) houses. He's worried.
GoP always spend out the ass when they have control. Might as well let Biden and the Dem's have some fun for once.
Isn't it amazing the difference between Donald Trumps kids, who we have never heard a bad thing about any of them. Compared to Joe Biden's boy Hunter a complete & total piece of trash. A chip of the old block.Sweet sweet Ivanka...oh I miss her.
Paging @Platinumdrgn . What the HELL is wrong with this picture? I'll hang up and of a moment ago
Just got a Kroger 'My Magazine'....a quarterly issue with recipes and coupons. In it they have a page dedicated to June 19th. Talking about it and how to celebrate it. A couple of 'testimonials' from a couple of their 'associates' of what they do for the day....cookouts, family celebrations, block parties, etc, etc,
Have in there that 'Juneteenth celebrations often include a red punch or a red dessert or strawberry pie. many people (blacks) had ever heard of this day up until a year or so ago?
How many years have these family celebrations and block parties been going on?