What did he say about the conservatism? Did you post that? I missed it if you did. Not sure why you left that out. The guy was an atheist. Surprised?Had a busy weekend so only now getting around to reading the manifesto. Most of it is stuff you see on here every day. He's just a proud American nationalist! Some snippets from his handy-dandy self-FAQ:
"I am simply a White man seeking to protect and serve my community, my people, my culture, and my race."
"Mass immigration will disenfranchise us, subvert our nations, destroy our communities, destroy our ethnic ties, destroy our cultures, destroy our peoples. Long before low fertility levels ever could. Thus, before we deal with the fertility rates, we must deal with both the invaders within our lands and the invaders that seek to enter our lands. We must crush immigration and deport those invaders already living on our soil. It is not just a matter of our prosperity, but the very survival of our people."
"Why did you decide to carry out the attack? To show to the replacers that as long as the White man lives, our land will never be theirs and they will never be safe from us. To directly reduce immigration rates to European lands by intimidating and physically removing the replacers themselves. To intimidate the replacers already living on our lands to emigrate back to their home countries. To incite violence, retaliation and further divide between the European people and the replacers currently occupying European soil. To show the effect of direct action, lighting a path forward for those that wish to follow. A path for those that wish to free their ancestors lands from the replacers grasp and to be a beacon for those that wish to create a lasting culture, to tell them they are not alone. Most of all it was to spread awareness to my fellow Whites about the real problems the West is facing, and to encourage further attacks that will eventually start the war that will save the Western world, save the White race and allow for humanity to progress into more advanced civilizations."
"What do you want? We must ensure the existence of our people and a future for white children."
"Who do you represent? Millions of European and other ethno-nationalist peoples that wish to live in peace amongst their own people, living in their own lands, practicing their own traditions, and deciding the future of their own kind. Do these groups hold power/who are the people in these groups? The total number of people in these organizations is in the millions, the total number of groups in the thousands. People from every walk of life, in every place of employment and field but disproportionately employed in military services and public service occupations. Unsurprisingly ethno-nationalists and nationalists seek employment in areas that serve their nations and community."
"It would have eased me if I knew all the blacks I would be killing were criminals or future criminals, but then I realized all black people are replacers just by existing in White countries."
"Did, or do you personally hate blacks? A black man or woman living in their homelands? No. A black man or woman choosing to invade our lands, live on our soil, live on government support and attack and replace our people? Yes, I dislike them. The only people I truly hate are the converts, those from our own people that turn their backs on their heritage, turn their backs on their cultures, turn their back on their traditions and become blood traitors to their own race. They are not completely hopeless however. I believe some can come back, so it’s important to welcome them when they are awoken instead of shaming and ostracizing them. Do you believe those you attacked were innocent? There is no non-white living on White lands that is innocent. Was the attack anti-immigration in origin? Yes, beyond all doubt, anti-immigration, anti-ethnic replacement and anti-cultural replacement."
And @jameslee32 already linked a tweet to this quote but I'm doing so directly from the source material and of my own accord. So no plagiarism accusations @Marleydogg lol.
"Are you a fascist? Yes, fascism is one of the only political ideologies that will unite Whites against the replacers. Since that is what I seek, calling me a fascist would be accurate."
Are you a conservative?
No, conservatism is corporatism in disguise, I want no part of it….
^^ sounds like a lot of liberal posts on this board.