Tommy Porter, a farmer in Concord, N.C., told FOX Business’ ....... Porter used the price of fertilizer as an example of how inflation has been impacting his business, noting that the cost is "up three to four times what it was a year ago."
"A 275-gallon tote of generic Roundup, which is a weed killer, a year ago [was] $1400; now [it’s] over $10,000," he noted.
Was thinking about this on Saturday. Live in an area that is surrounded by farms. Took a short trip to buy some things at a 'big box store' and decided to take the country...scenic route. I was amazed at how many fields are just sitting this late date (late for planting). Now, I'm not a farmer and about all I know is how to plant and then pick tomatoes in our garden. But I've heard rumblings from a few farmers I know....saying about the same thing this guy in N.C. is saying. Maybe it's because of the weather...ground wet from April rains. Don't know.
Passed one field.....thing is huge. No telling how many acres. Always, always corn or soy....rotated yearly.
This farm had planted summer wheat. Again not a farmer, but it made me wonder if wheat doesn't require the fertilizer that corn/soy does. (LOL) for thought. Hope I'm wrong.