How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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Re: COVID - there seems to be no rhyme or reason as to who gets it and how severe it is. DW and I both had it in mid-January. Both vaxxed and boosted. She had very mild symptoms for the 4-5 days that I had more severe (although, in retrospect, pretty mild overall) ones. Within a week or less, I was 100%. It's now been > 2 months and DW is still exhausted 2-3 days a week from long COVID. No other symptoms just extreme exhaustion which seems to have a mind of its own as to when it hits and how long it stays. Her doctor has basically said - you'll get over it in 3-6 months, nothing we can do about it.

Re: Obamacare - average premiums since it rolled out in 2012 have TRIPLED according to an article I read. Universal coverage? Nope. Reduce costs? Nope. Keep your coverage if you like it? Nope. Has Obamacare accomplished ANY of its objectives? Nope. So, why are we expanding it? It's been an utter failure and has cost the American people billions of wasted dollars.

Re: climate change - latest IPCC report is even more hysteria of flooding, global natural disasters, famines, significant increase of hurricanes/tornadoes, lions and tigers and bears - oh my!, locusts, rivers turning to blood, etc. All this while the global temperature has risen about 1 degree Celsius in the past 150 years (the end of a little Ice Age, according to scientists) and the temperature was actually warmer in the 1920s when population and industrial development were much lower. Why does no one ask why we should trust these dire predictions when exactly none of the models that predict all these calamities are in sync with actual data gathered over the previous decades? Personally, I believe the climate is in constant change and will continue to be so. I also believe that climate is most likely on a cycle that is much longer than we've been able to gather data to analyze. If the earth's climate is on a 2,000 year cycle, how can we possibly make projections based on 100 years of data?

I am all for clean environment but don't believe man can make much of any difference in climate change. I believe the sun accounts for 99% of change in the climate, either directly or indirectly. I love the outdoors and have and will continue to put my money to use to preserve our environment. But, the notion of 'settled science' is pure folly and smacks more of a political agenda than true science. If any of the proponents actually believed that catastrophe is right around the corner would they be buying property on the coast, flying to climate change conferences in their private jet, have multiple homes that they heat, cool, etc. using fossil fuels, etc.?
We aren’t making projections based on 100 years of observation. We have polar ice cores going back tens of thousands of years. Yes the sun heats us. Which is why it’s bad when greenhouse gasses like carbon dioxide trap that heat in. Your body produces the same amount of heat consistently. When you put a blanket over yourself you get hotter. Because it traps that heat in.
"Wisconsin's Kenosha County executive flipped red for the first time in decades after the city gained widespread attention amid damaging riots and the Kyle Rittenhouse trial.

Voters elected Samantha Kerkman on April 5th as the county executive. The race was described as nonpartisan, but Kerkman had the backing of Republicans and serves as a Republican state representative. Her opponent, Rebecca Matoska-Mentink, is a Democrat and serves as the Clerk of Courts.

It is the first time a woman will serve in the position and the first time since at least 1998 that a Republican has been elected."

"Kenosha is a swing county and had not voted for a Republican presidential candidate since Richard Nixon until former President Donald Trump’s 2016 run, Fox 6 reported. The county voted for Trump again in 2020."

"Kenosha grabbed the nation’s attention in 2020 following the police-involved shooting of Black man Jacob Blake, who was left paralyzed from the waist down by the incident. Riots soon erupted in the city after the shooting, which coincided with riots and protests in other cities across the country following the death of George Floyd.

On the second night of unrest in Kenosha, Kyle Rittenhouse fatally shot two men and injured another. His trial gained widespread attention and he was ultimately acquitted of all charges in 2021.

The fallout from the rioting left the city looking like "a war zone."


Bloomberg economists have sparked outrage after they told people that they should expect to spend an extra $5,200 this year due to inflation - while insisting that the average person will be able to cover these costs with the additional saving that they 'built up over the pandemic'.
100%. People are born developmentally disabled. Y’all weren’t born Nazis. Political discrimination is understandably legal, discrimination on disability obviously isn’t.
Well if you read the sign in the meme, is says call "SOMETHING" retarded. A THING implies something inanimate or a policy, belief or statement. The term retarded should be able to be used freely in that context.
Bloomberg economists have sparked outrage after they told people that they should expect to spend an extra $5,200 this year due to inflation - while insisting that the average person will be able to cover these costs with the additional saving that they 'built up over the pandemic'.
It doesn't take a Bloomberg degreed writer/editor to know that these 'savings' that have been 'built up over the pandemic'.....for most Americans is long gone. Burned a hole in a lot of pockets.
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It's coming.....

Well if you read the sign in the meme, is says call "SOMETHING" retarded. A THING implies something inanimate or a policy, belief or statement. The term retarded should be able to be used freely in that context.
No it shouldn’t. You can’t call a broken rake the n-word.
It should be able to be used in any context in a country with free speech.
It is. It isn’t illegal to say. Which is what free speech refers to, criminalization. It doesn’t protect you from being considered an asshole or losing your job.
It's always someone else's fault. I can imagine what he....uh.... 'heard'.

"I sincerely regret my actions on Tuesday at the ITF Tournament in Ghana against Raphael Nii Ankrah. I regretfully struck him after an extremely frustrating and intense match," Kouame wrote.

"During the course of the match, I was repeatedly verbally abused by a large number of individuals in the crowd, including insults to my mother in particular.'

😂 This woman is insane.

Hey Joy, which party is for importing the third world who rapes like crazy? Which part of the world and which cultures are pro child marriage? Who does the left refuse to criticize?

Which one is all about talking about sex to little kids?

Joy is mental and radical. She lives in a world of delusion and projection.
Feel sorry for any of you guys that have kids at home, mortgage payments, etc.
Was looking at a Meijer (like a Kroger) ad a little while ago. Noticed that one of the items in the ad is 9.6 - 11 ounce cans of Folgers coffee. 2 for $8.00...must buy two. Two or three years ago this same size Folgers coffee was more often than not in their 'weekend sale' or 'buy 10 for $10'. I think regular price two years ago was about $2.50.
You dopes do realize that Ghouliani has been sitting on this "breaking" Hunter shit for at least 6 months. If he thought it was going to be YUGE he would have used it a while ago. He knew it could only be used as a half assed hit piece and saved it for now. If you think it's going to lead anywhere I got some alaska bridges to sell you. Everyone already knew hunter was a drug addict, nobody cares. Fbi had this almost a year and threw it in the trash. Another flop on the pile.