How will they rule ??!

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The US used to be the ones buying off countries. But then you conservative morons voted in Bush JR and we got the never ending ME wars that sucked all our money and focus away from anything but bombing Muslims. So China stepped in and completely bought out Africa and Asia.
Money talks, BS walks. A lot of woke Twitter scumbags are getting ready to get a dose of reality if Musk is as legit as we think he is. Seems to be our only hope of someone who will use his money and power for good.

That is how stupid their apologists are. Twitter is not a private company. Once they opened their doors to be publicly traded all bets were off and thankfully/hopefully Musk gets ish right in that cesspool company.
If democrats lose big tech as they appear to be losing twitter & they can no longer sensor conservatives. Then the democrat party will cease to exist. Example, 1 in every 10 Biden voters said that if they had known about Hunter Biden & the Biden crime family getting money from our enemies, that they would not have voted for Biden.

full video for context and not intentionally misinforming people
Rupar the king of missing context is all of a sudden upset about missing context...lololololololololololololol. Dude even has his own word named after him.

"California policymakers who make up the “Future of Abortion Council” just dropped a bombshell. They intend to not only codify the killing of unborn children throughout all nine months of pregnancy but to decriminalize killing newborns days or even weeks after birth.

New language added to AB 2223 last week revealed the disturbing intent. The proposed legislation would shield a mother from civil and criminal charges for any “actions or omissions” related to her pregnancy, “including miscarriage, stillbirth, or abortion, or perinatal death.” Although definitions of “perinatal death” vary, all of them include the demise of newborns seven days or more after birth.

The bill from Assemblywoman Buffy Wicks additionally protects anyone who “aids or assists a pregnant person in exercising” these rights. It also allows a woman to sue any police department or legal authority which arrests or charges her for hurting or killing her child under provisions of the bill."

We need to abort all of these people trying to do this. They were allowed to be born but want to keep others from being born. They want to kill babies. Hopefully, they have more policy makers who have enough sense to vote against this. If not, let the earthquakes begin and just take that state into the ocean.

If anybody still thinks that Joe Biden is running the show, just watch this video from the 3:15 thru 4:42 & see if this doesn't change your mind. The president of the United States being totally ignored. What a complete lack of respect, no wonder foreign leaders from Saudi Arabia & other countries won't even take his phone calls. This is what the media & big tech has done to our country. Without them there's no way that this clown is in the white house.
"California policymakers who make up the “Future of Abortion Council” just dropped a bombshell. They intend to not only codify the killing of unborn children throughout all nine months of pregnancy but to decriminalize killing newborns days or even weeks after birth.

New language added to AB 2223 last week revealed the disturbing intent. The proposed legislation would shield a mother from civil and criminal charges for any “actions or omissions” related to her pregnancy, “including miscarriage, stillbirth, or abortion, or perinatal death.” Although definitions of “perinatal death” vary, all of them include the demise of newborns seven days or more after birth.

The bill from Assemblywoman Buffy Wicks additionally protects anyone who “aids or assists a pregnant person in exercising” these rights. It also allows a woman to sue any police department or legal authority which arrests or charges her for hurting or killing her child under provisions of the bill."

We need to abort all of these people trying to do this. They were allowed to be born but want to keep others from being born. They want to kill babies. Hopefully, they have more policy makers who have enough sense to vote against this. If not, let the earthquakes begin and just take that state into the ocean.
Right when you think that the Godless, heartless democrat party can't possibly become any more immoral they do this. And if we think that this is as low as they will ever go. They will go lower.
Right when you think that the Godless, heartless democrat party can't possibly become any more immoral they do this. And if we think that this is as low as they will ever go. They will go lower.
I have been saying for years that it is only a matter of time before these people start killing babies out of the womb. The rallying cry for them over the years has been the "zygote" definition as a way to get the foot in the door to a larger more evil intent. It was used as a way to get things started touting that it would only be during the first trimester. As the years have gone on it gets further down the line to where we are now. If not stopped, they will go further and further until killing children is acceptable if you can't support them (far fetched?) no. There was a politician or professor (can't remember) in England who proposed up to 2 years after birth.

This is what liberalism is, they do the same thing in every area of concern in this country. Watch out 2nd amendment. We need not give an inch anywhere now for we can see that their intent is the destroy this county.

Another area where they are trying to kill this country is with the new tax plan. Biden's new plan is to have the highest tax rates for the developed world. Tax and spend party will continue to tax and spend. The more money they get, the more they will want.
"California policymakers who make up the “Future of Abortion Council” just dropped a bombshell. They intend to not only codify the killing of unborn children throughout all nine months of pregnancy but to decriminalize killing newborns days or even weeks after birth.

New language added to AB 2223 last week revealed the disturbing intent. The proposed legislation would shield a mother from civil and criminal charges for any “actions or omissions” related to her pregnancy, “including miscarriage, stillbirth, or abortion, or perinatal death.” Although definitions of “perinatal death” vary, all of them include the demise of newborns seven days or more after birth.

The bill from Assemblywoman Buffy Wicks additionally protects anyone who “aids or assists a pregnant person in exercising” these rights. It also allows a woman to sue any police department or legal authority which arrests or charges her for hurting or killing her child under provisions of the bill."

We need to abort all of these people trying to do this. They were allowed to be born but want to keep others from being born. They want to kill babies. Hopefully, they have more policy makers who have enough sense to vote against this. If not, let the earthquakes begin and just take that state into the ocean.
Disgustingly evil people who are on board with any of that.
The bill from Assemblywoman Buffy Wicks additionally protects anyone who “aids or assists a pregnant person in exercising” these rights. It also allows a woman to sue any police department or legal authority which arrests or charges her for hurting or killing her child under provisions of the bill."
So why doesn't she follow her own heart? More of 'for thee, not me'?
Taking HER baby to work.....

Gas Dropped 30 cents today. Lumber futures took a huge dive. Thanks Biden for dick punching that inflation! He just never stops getting shit done.
Bill Barr now says their was no election fraud. We just can't stop winning!
To quite the great Bill “We realized from the beginning it was just bullshit,”

He told Karl that even if the machines had somehow changed the tally, the issue would be made obvious when the votes were recounted by hand.

“It’s a counting machine, and they save everything that was counted,” Barr said. “So you just reconcile the two. There had been no discrepancy reported anywhere, and I’m still not aware of any discrepancy.”
* KA - BOOM *

Damn it! WTF is going on here? You said everything would be better under Creepo Joe.


If anybody still thinks that Joe Biden is running the show, just watch this video from the 3:15 thru 4:42 & see if this doesn't change your mind. The president of the United States being totally ignored. What a complete lack of respect, no wonder foreign leaders from Saudi Arabia & other countries won't even take his phone calls. This is what the media & big tech has done to our country. Without them there's no way that this clown is in the white house.
It's been pretty obvious for awhile now what is going on here. Obama and his puppetmaster Soros and other Globalists are basically running this country via Obama's minions that were inserted in the Biden administration. They are now doing what they really wanted to do when Obama was in office but couldn't because they knew how damaging it would have been to his Presidency and legacy. Country was not ready for that massive of a switch to the extreme left. They did everything they possibly could to sabotage Trump's term and were scared ishless that Bernie would get the nomination so Biden was their best choice to run as a moderate and get the black vote. No telling the behind the scenes cheating that went on to keep Bernie out (ex. Iowa Caucus).

The guy has been a disaster his entire political career, severely compromised due to his and his family's corrupt dealings and is easily controlled especially now that he is basically a dementia patient. Kamala will say and do whatever they tell her. They are sacrificing Biden's term and legacy to get their agenda done. Simple as that!
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How did this guy ever get his job & now keep it:

"Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley predicted in early February that a Russian invasion of Ukraine could take Kyiv in just "72 hours," a far cry from the monthlong conflict Russia and Ukraine are now engaged in. That was dead on, right?

Milley delivered the dire prediction for Ukraine to Congress during closed hearings on Feb. 2 and Feb. 3, saying Ukraine would likely lose 15,000 troops compared to Russia's 4,000. Milley arrived to Congress to deliver another prediction Tuesday, this time saying the war in Ukraine could last "years."

Rep. Bill Keating, D-Mass., pressed Milley on what he now thought the timeline of the conflict would be.

"It’s a bit early, still," (LMAO) Milley responded. "Even though we’re a month-plus into the war, there is much of the ground war left in Ukraine. But I do think this is a very protracted conflict, and I think it’s at least measured in years. I don’t know about a decade, but at least years for sure.""

IOW, he doesn't expect Biden to either stop supporting Ukraine nor give him enough to kick Russia out & thus leaving us spending there for years - another boondoggle. Just awful.

It feels like there’s a Dem politician Covid calendar where one gets to send the obligatory “I have COVID but am grateful for my shots and booster” Tweet every two weeks. Bunch of clowns.
It's only anecdotal, but in Jan DW & I with three shots each got mild cases of covid. Two weeks before two unvaxxed friends were sick as dogs 10-14 days with covid.
A little anecdotal stock news. Mentioned the other day of a friend who was selling his Disney stock.
Told me yesterday afternoon that he talked with his stock advisor on Monday and told him to sell it. His advisor then told him that he/they (don't know the company) had been getting 'quite a lot of calls of people doing the same'.
So, I thought I would look up Disney stock and see how it's doing......

Down 30% from this time last year.
Down 15% YTD
Down 5% last five days (hard to read if that's from sell orders or just the market)
It's only anecdotal, but in Jan DW & I with three shots each got mild cases of covid. Two weeks before two unvaxxed friends were sick as dogs 10-14 days with covid.
Also anecdotal, but my entire family got covid over the holidays last year. My parents, brothers family, and myself are vaxed. My wife and kids are not. I was down for a week, my parents a bit longer, while my brother and family got the crap kicked out of them for over 2 weeks. My wife and kids…may have coughed 3 times and that may honestly be an exaggeration as it literally did nothing to them.
It's only anecdotal, but in Jan DW & I with three shots each got mild cases of covid. Two weeks before two unvaxxed friends were sick as dogs 10-14 days with covid.
strictly anecdotal, I'm unvaxxed and had Covid twice apparently. Barely knew I had it either time. I've had colds, sinus infections and bronchitis in the past that was far worse than what I experienced. Both of my sons are vaxxed and both are on their third go around with it (They share an apartment at UK) and have worse symptoms than I ever did.
Also anecdotal, but my entire family got covid over the holidays last year. My parents, brothers family, and myself are vaxed. My wife and kids are not. I was down for a week, my parents a bit longer, while my brother and family got the crap kicked out of them for over 2 weeks. My wife and kids…may have coughed 3 times and that may honestly be an exaggeration as it literally did nothing to them.
The Coronabros keep trying but they simply can't prove that the vaxx actually helps.
strictly anecdotal, I'm unvaxxed and had Covid twice apparently. Barely knew I had it either time. I've had colds, sinus infections and bronchitis in the past that was far worse than what I experienced. Both of my sons are vaxxed and both are on their third go around with it (They share an apartment at UK) and have worse symptoms than I ever did.
I’ve had Covid 3 times. Mild symptoms every time. My wife and kids had less symptoms than me. My sister and brother in law are both RNs and have been vaxxed, boosted, and all. Both were down for about 2 weeks really sick the two times they’ve had it. I just had a head cold worse than any of my Covid experiences.
Strickly anecdotal. I don't know if I ever had it. Never tested and did not get sick. Wife, Daughter, MIL, BIL, my karate student, her father(vaxxed), her mother (vaxxed), her brother (vaxxed), her husband (vaxxed) and grandmother (vaxxed) all got it. Light symptoms for all except MIL who being a hypochondriac complained about symptoms and spent a couple of nights in the hospital wanting to stay more but they kicked her out because her vitals were good.

So, bottom line is most I know vaxxed or unvaxxed got it with little to no symptoms.
Re: COVID - there seems to be no rhyme or reason as to who gets it and how severe it is. DW and I both had it in mid-January. Both vaxxed and boosted. She had very mild symptoms for the 4-5 days that I had more severe (although, in retrospect, pretty mild overall) ones. Within a week or less, I was 100%. It's now been > 2 months and DW is still exhausted 2-3 days a week from long COVID. No other symptoms just extreme exhaustion which seems to have a mind of its own as to when it hits and how long it stays. Her doctor has basically said - you'll get over it in 3-6 months, nothing we can do about it.

Re: Obamacare - average premiums since it rolled out in 2012 have TRIPLED according to an article I read. Universal coverage? Nope. Reduce costs? Nope. Keep your coverage if you like it? Nope. Has Obamacare accomplished ANY of its objectives? Nope. So, why are we expanding it? It's been an utter failure and has cost the American people billions of wasted dollars.

Re: climate change - latest IPCC report is even more hysteria of flooding, global natural disasters, famines, significant increase of hurricanes/tornadoes, lions and tigers and bears - oh my!, locusts, rivers turning to blood, etc. All this while the global temperature has risen about 1 degree Celsius in the past 150 years (the end of a little Ice Age, according to scientists) and the temperature was actually warmer in the 1920s when population and industrial development were much lower. Why does no one ask why we should trust these dire predictions when exactly none of the models that predict all these calamities are in sync with actual data gathered over the previous decades? Personally, I believe the climate is in constant change and will continue to be so. I also believe that climate is most likely on a cycle that is much longer than we've been able to gather data to analyze. If the earth's climate is on a 2,000 year cycle, how can we possibly make projections based on 100 years of data?

I am all for clean environment but don't believe man can make much of any difference in climate change. I believe the sun accounts for 99% of change in the climate, either directly or indirectly. I love the outdoors and have and will continue to put my money to use to preserve our environment. But, the notion of 'settled science' is pure folly and smacks more of a political agenda than true science. If any of the proponents actually believed that catastrophe is right around the corner would they be buying property on the coast, flying to climate change conferences in their private jet, have multiple homes that they heat, cool, etc. using fossil fuels, etc.?
"California policymakers who make up the “Future of Abortion Council” just dropped a bombshell. They intend to not only codify the killing of unborn children throughout all nine months of pregnancy but to decriminalize killing newborns days or even weeks after birth.

New language added to AB 2223 last week revealed the disturbing intent. The proposed legislation would shield a mother from civil and criminal charges for any “actions or omissions” related to her pregnancy, “including miscarriage, stillbirth, or abortion, or perinatal death.” Although definitions of “perinatal death” vary, all of them include the demise of newborns seven days or more after birth.

The bill from Assemblywoman Buffy Wicks additionally protects anyone who “aids or assists a pregnant person in exercising” these rights. It also allows a woman to sue any police department or legal authority which arrests or charges her for hurting or killing her child under provisions of the bill."

We need to abort all of these people trying to do this. They were allowed to be born but want to keep others from being born. They want to kill babies. Hopefully, they have more policy makers who have enough sense to vote against this. If not, let the earthquakes begin and just take that state into the ocean.
This is so outlandish, even for liberals, that I have to question it.
Re: COVID - there seems to be no rhyme or reason as to who gets it and how severe it is. DW and I both had it in mid-January. Both vaxxed and boosted. She had very mild symptoms for the 4-5 days that I had more severe (although, in retrospect, pretty mild overall) ones. Within a week or less, I was 100%. It's now been > 2 months and DW is still exhausted 2-3 days a week from long COVID. No other symptoms just extreme exhaustion which seems to have a mind of its own as to when it hits and how long it stays. Her doctor has basically said - you'll get over it in 3-6 months, nothing we can do about it.

Re: Obamacare - average premiums since it rolled out in 2012 have TRIPLED according to an article I read. Universal coverage? Nope. Reduce costs? Nope. Keep your coverage if you like it? Nope. Has Obamacare accomplished ANY of its objectives? Nope. So, why are we expanding it? It's been an utter failure and has cost the American people billions of wasted dollars.

Re: climate change - latest IPCC report is even more hysteria of flooding, global natural disasters, famines, significant increase of hurricanes/tornadoes, lions and tigers and bears - oh my!, locusts, rivers turning to blood, etc. All this while the global temperature has risen about 1 degree Celsius in the past 150 years (the end of a little Ice Age, according to scientists) and the temperature was actually warmer in the 1920s when population and industrial development were much lower. Why does no one ask why we should trust these dire predictions when exactly none of the models that predict all these calamities are in sync with actual data gathered over the previous decades? Personally, I believe the climate is in constant change and will continue to be so. I also believe that climate is most likely on a cycle that is much longer than we've been able to gather data to analyze. If the earth's climate is on a 2,000 year cycle, how can we possibly make projections based on 100 years of data?

I am all for clean environment but don't believe man can make much of any difference in climate change. I believe the sun accounts for 99% of change in the climate, either directly or indirectly. I love the outdoors and have and will continue to put my money to use to preserve our environment. But, the notion of 'settled science' is pure folly and smacks more of a political agenda than true science. If any of the proponents actually believed that catastrophe is right around the corner would they be buying property on the coast, flying to climate change conferences in their private jet, have multiple homes that they heat, cool, etc. using fossil fuels, etc.?
We aren’t making projections based on 100 years of observation. We have polar ice cores going back tens of thousands of years. Yes the sun heats us. Which is why it’s bad when greenhouse gasses like carbon dioxide trap that heat in. Your body produces the same amount of heat consistently. When you put a blanket over yourself you get hotter. Because it traps that heat in.
"Wisconsin's Kenosha County executive flipped red for the first time in decades after the city gained widespread attention amid damaging riots and the Kyle Rittenhouse trial.

Voters elected Samantha Kerkman on April 5th as the county executive. The race was described as nonpartisan, but Kerkman had the backing of Republicans and serves as a Republican state representative. Her opponent, Rebecca Matoska-Mentink, is a Democrat and serves as the Clerk of Courts.

It is the first time a woman will serve in the position and the first time since at least 1998 that a Republican has been elected."

"Kenosha is a swing county and had not voted for a Republican presidential candidate since Richard Nixon until former President Donald Trump’s 2016 run, Fox 6 reported. The county voted for Trump again in 2020."

"Kenosha grabbed the nation’s attention in 2020 following the police-involved shooting of Black man Jacob Blake, who was left paralyzed from the waist down by the incident. Riots soon erupted in the city after the shooting, which coincided with riots and protests in other cities across the country following the death of George Floyd.

On the second night of unrest in Kenosha, Kyle Rittenhouse fatally shot two men and injured another. His trial gained widespread attention and he was ultimately acquitted of all charges in 2021.

The fallout from the rioting left the city looking like "a war zone."