How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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Would not surprise me to find out the virus itself does long term damage in some people as well. I always thought that there was more to the virus than TPTB told people.
Who doesn't think covid does long-term damage in a significant percent of folks? 10-30% of those infected I read today.
Here’s the latest shift in the Overton Window brought to you by Democrats:

MD GOP Governor Larry Hogan presumably has the basic human decency to veto this should it pass through their state legislature’, but this is a clear indication of where Democrats will eventually go once they control all the levers of power.
I said over a year ago that it would be a matter of time before they started killing off babies right after their born. It is coming.
Is this a hoax or real? Anybody know/or see the video with a bigger screen as to who it is? Which news agency/channel/network?
Comments say it was from a climate protest in Austria. The audio is claimed to be dubbed… of course you can’t tell from the video because he has a mask over his mouth.

Anymore, who knows anything? All we see can be so easily manipulated.
So now we’re on to TB? Where’d Covid go?
The way Covid is ending (ended) tells me all I need to know. Polls show a Dem disaster in November. Truckers shut down Ottawa. A couple Canadian province premiers (their governors) drop mandates. A couple of Dem governors do as well. But Biden/White House come out and say we still have to have mandates, etc, etc. Polls continue to go down. State of the Union.....poof....Covid is masks....everything opening up.
Does 'science' move that fast? Don't think so.
The way Covid is ending (ended) tells me all I need to know. Polls show a Dem disaster in November. Truckers shut down Ottawa. A couple Canadian province premiers (their governors) drop mandates. A couple of Dem governors do as well. But Biden/White House come out and say we still have to have mandates, etc, etc. Polls continue to go down. State of the Union.....poof....Covid is masks....everything opening up.
Does 'science' move that fast? Don't think so.
Well I think as many of us hoped the Omicron variant came along and wasn’t as severe while also exposing most of us to the virus. That’s how viruses have always worked. I’ve never had a flu shot. Have always felt that natural immunity was the best approach to fighting it. I haven’t taken the COVID shot. But I have no negative judgement of those who did. It’s a scary deal. But more to your point, yes most of what we saw during the pandemic was about control.
I do have a question for you. Are you under the impression russian propaganda and disinformation only works in one direction?

I've got some news for you. Who you think has funded and led the charge against fracking that you've had no problem being on board know, so people have to stay dependent on Russian oil.
The left was opposed to Big Oil and focused on environmental issues long before Russia ever learned how to use social media to brainwash the anti-Russian Republican Party of Reagan into the pro Russian Republican Party of TrumPutin. The left has shifted far less than the right has toward Putin's Russia. It's really not even debatable at this point. I miss the Republican party of Reagan.
Well I think as many of us hoped the Omicron variant came along and wasn’t as severe while also exposing most of us to the virus. That’s how viruses have always worked. I’ve never had a flu shot. Have always felt that natural immunity was the best approach to fighting it. I haven’t taken the COVID shot. But I have no negative judgement of those who did. It’s a scary deal. But more to your point, yes most of what we saw during the pandemic was about control.
I was at a wedding last evening where people were quite close together. I counted around 5 masks in about 150 people. Will see if anything comes out of that grouping.
Drive by shooting at a popular Louisville restaurant with 4 people shot. When will the liberal insanity end?

Last year people burned and looted all of downtown with noone held accountable. Not even the mayor that prevented the police from doing anything.

Last month a blm supporter tried to murder a mayoral candidate. Bond set a ridiculously low 100k and blm bailed him out next day.

When will the liberal insanity end? There must be a breaking point somewhere... right?
Drive by shooting at a popular Louisville restaurant with 4 people shot. When will the liberal insanity end?

Last year people burned and looted all of downtown with noone held accountable. Not even the mayor that prevented the police from doing anything.

Last month a blm supporter tried to murder a mayoral candidate. Bond set a ridiculously low 100k and blm bailed him out next day.

When will the liberal insanity end? There must be a breaking point somewhere... right?
Not really. Emotion-driven people just continue with their nonsense. They have no braking mechanism.
By Obama you mean people like Trump and all his rich buddies shipped all the jobs to Mexico and overseas. They couldn't stand having to pay workers a living wage for making their cheap crap when they could pay peasants a few pennies. Gotta have that extra billion or 2 stashed away in the Camans. And it started about 20 years before that.
The way Covid is ending (ended) tells me all I need to know. Polls show a Dem disaster in November. Truckers shut down Ottawa. A couple Canadian province premiers (their governors) drop mandates. A couple of Dem governors do as well. But Biden/White House come out and say we still have to have mandates, etc, etc. Polls continue to go down. State of the Union.....poof....Covid is masks....everything opening up.
Does 'science' move that fast? Don't think so.
It's crazy, covid was a global pandemic that was going to kill most of us unless we got the shots. Now Putin is going to kill most of us unless he gets shot.
show me where biden shut down us energy production? you cant because it didn;t happen. The only drop was in 2020 because of the fatass cheeto. Oil prices cratered and covid hit so production cratered. oil and gas production are up last year and this year and not stopping. Biden froze new leases, stuff that takes years to develop into flowing oil. The oil companies have enough tapped wells and ongoing projects for decades of production.
We were never energy independent under Trump. That is the dumbest talking point of the Trump Presidency. Independent means self sufficient which we never were. in 2019 we were still importing 5million barrels a day. US oil production has never gone above 14mill barrels a day. Consumption hasn't been below 18million barrels a day since the 2000's. I know math is hard for uneducated Trumpsters. keystoneXL was for Canadian oil and we are still receiving all of it through other pipelines. Their wasn't a single day of Trumps presidency that we weren't importing crude/LNG/coal and finished product from ME, Russia, South America, Canada. Natural Gas was what drove the US energy boom and that Boom was from Obama.
This image shows very clearly which president did all the work of equaling out our crude imports/exports. But that doesn't make us energy independent. It just means we are exporting out a lot of finished petro product. Obamas 2015 energy bill lifted the ban on exporting domestic crude which allowed the final push to 2019's net export. 2021 was pretty much equal export/import. 2022 is projected for a tiny net import because of covid screwing with the markets. 2023 and beyond is projected back to net export.

Of course all of this is offset by the fact that the President has very minimal control of oil. The companies will only produce and export what makes them the most profit. oil market is through the roof right now so production is going to also go through the roof to cash in. As soon as prices crash production will crash with it. That's the free market.
The only thing that would actually make the US energy independent would to be to go All In on renewables and nuclear. Which seems to be the long term goal of most smart states. Of course nuclear takes forever because every one wants the energy but America also loves NIMBY.

Well I think as many of us hoped the Omicron variant came along and wasn’t as severe while also exposing most of us to the virus. That’s how viruses have always worked. I’ve never had a flu shot. Have always felt that natural immunity was the best approach to fighting it. I haven’t taken the COVID shot. But I have no negative judgement of those who did. It’s a scary deal. But more to your point, yes most of what we saw during the pandemic was about control.
Serious question. If Omicron is so weak, why are so many still dying of Covid?
I said when this began. Our response should be to cut the head off the Venezuela regime and democratize the country. Have to take care of our backyard but negotiating with maduro is another terrible look for biden

Yep, and I wouldn't be surprised that Biden would fish Bin Laden's bones out of the water and try to work with him on Saudi Gas