How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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You're so bad at this.

What you are refusing to say is that I'm right. You're just twisting yourself into a pretzel to avoid it and still try to sound semi-intelligent.

Unfortunately, you failed. Because you know I'm right: Trump will run, and DeSantis will not, and I said it. And you disagreed.

He wants to make it seem like there's still some large swath of never Trump Republicans.

That's simply not true. For every one of those, there's 10 of people like me who loved Trump, who would never /could never/ voted for a ROmney or McCain or some other Coke brother candidate... all's that's really left of the never Trumpers are the lincoln project and the likes, other diddlers.

Trump won more votes than any other R in history, the largest increase for any incumbent president candidate, and probably the most legitimate votes for any presidential candidate period in history.

He will run. He will win.

(atleast if there's any resemblance of fairness in who/how votes are counted)
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Here's the thing. Your claim of all Antifa at the Capitol riot sounds just as stupid to me as my sarcasm does to you. Just stop creating an alternate reality. It was Trump supporters at the Capitol riot and BLM at the summer riots. Let's start with reality before moving on to real debate.

Again. SCIENCE DUDE lies and lies.

Find one single post on here claiming Jan 6 was all antifa.

You won't because you can't, because you are a despicable liar.
Here's the thing. Your claim of all Antifa at the Capitol riot sounds just as stupid to me as my sarcasm does to you. Just stop creating an alternate reality. It was Trump supporters at the Capitol riot and BLM at the summer riots. Let's start with reality before moving on to real debate.

Wish I could find that YouTube video of all these Antifa changing into Trump hats under and behind that tree. Of course YouTube took it down so it wouldn’t hinder people like you from believing it.

Sam you have to see how this all works at this point in our country.
I apologize for being too brash. Should have been more civil. Just to see where our thinking is different could you tell me where I am wrong on the list of things I said you stand for? Just pick out a couple and tell me why I am wrong. I will be more civil from now on.
  • Socialism fails because it fails to take into accountability people's greed. However, there are parts of socialism that can be beneficial, like universal healthcare, for one example.
  • I am pro legal immigration, not illegal. If a person wants to go thru the proper channels to immigrate to America then they should be allowed to, rather that be asylum, to be a student, etc. Immigrants can be valuable and productive members of society, and the USA wouldn't even exist if not for immigrants.
  • I am anti-crime. I've long said, for example, that white collar crime needs to be treated more seriously because it effects a vastly larger portion of the population than most crime that gets news coverage. See the Sackler Family. They were the ringleaders behind the opioid epidemic that has killed over a million people. They have destroyed hundreds of thousands of families and the impact of that will last for generations. Yet how many days in jail are they going to see from it? Currently looks like zero.
Gonna be awkward when the right has to explain why they called a homicidal sociopath a "saavy genius" and questioned why anyone should care about Ukraine over Russia like Tucker Carlson on Fox News did.
Except he didnt. But you want it to be so real bad.
I'm sure Putin is really shaking in his boots over the Swiss. LOL you really think Putin gives a rat's ass about the rest of the countries being against him? Newsflash: China isn't. I suppose you think Biden exposing our intel to the ChiComs and then them laughing all the way to Putin with that info was "perfectly played" too, idiot.

Also, you're an idiot to celebrate the GERMANS arming themselves. What next, the Japs too? Great. You're clearly an ignoramus when it comes to history.
The Ruble is currently trading for 1 cent per dollar. Germans already have arms....They are just investing a higher percentage of their GDP into it. That's a good thing right now.
Biden has rallied NATO and is sticking the world's economic boot up Putin's ass along with arms flowing like a river into Ukraine. All Trump did was lick Putin's boots, defund NATO and call him a f'ing genius. It's all on video.
Gimme a break.
So the corrupt Clintons biggest doner was Ukraine. A foreign country a major player in our election. And you OK with that, I presume. Because your party was OK with it. As I have said before, Trump obviously took the right path with foreign leaders because there was no invasions, massive loss of life, botched pull outs, etc etc etc. He had the right balance of getting along but being respected also. And like the other 30 things he did for you and your country, you could care less. Just because he aligns with the constitution and American values.

You never saw him sneaking illegals into the country, letting terrorists, rapists, killers into the country on purpose. Pulled out all stops to get the vaccine produced quickly like never before. Saving no telling how many lives. But you could care less because it's all about political power only. Made us energy independent, saved us thousands of dollars driving. Do you not drive or is money no object to you? Trump was on the side of law and order. Did you approve of the democrat led states getting their businesses looted and burned down. Maybe you could care less about the owners of those businesses.

I could keep going for a few pages but you get the picture. You see what we see when we look at you and the things you say you stand for. So much more could be pointed out. You take anything that Trump says that can be twisted just because you have nothing good to stand on. Trump got nothing from Russia to be elected. The world stayed peaceful with him. The country and our people were a lot better off then and anyone that would say otherwise is either a liar, ignorant at what has been going on forever or just a political person.
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The Ruble is currently trading for 1 cent per dollar. Germans already have arms....They are just investing a higher percentage of their GDP into it. That's a good thing right now.

As Trump requested they do multiple times, but idiots such as yourself claimed he was 'defunding' NATO.

and I use idiots here in the the kindest possible terms. You might be not only the dumbest poster on here, but also objectively the least honest.
As Trump requested they do multiple times, but idiots such as yourself claimed he was 'defunding' NATO.

and I use idiots here in the the kindest possible terms. You might be not only the dumbest poster on here, but also objectively the least honest.
You're so clueless. The Trump club is almost as shielded from reality as the Russian people.
See ya an Antifa and raise you some of your breathren....
See all the clandestine pictures of the illegals being dropped off all over the country the last several months? What has Biden done about that? Oops, he is the president breaking this law. Now who would vote for a law breaking president? All kinds of law breakers out on the streets. But for goodness sakes, a president joining in with the law breaking? Sneaking around in the middle of the night. Kind of like a sneaky terrorist would do. Slip around and do things that could hurt innocent Americans.
You're so clueless. The Trump club is almost as shielded from reality as the Russian people.

I could see why you’d think that when you read fake news. Lol @ Newsweek. That’s basically wet diarrhea in the form of words
Because of Biden's stupidity we are financially helping Putin kill innocent people. One of the first things Biden did was stop the pipeline and rely a lot more on Russia for gas. Importing 30 billion barrels of Russian gas. Not only am I out twice as much money on gas because of this man but now Russia is getting a lot more of our money to help fund his invasion and killing. All yall proud of voting for this man? Because without this idiot in power all those innocent people in Ukraine that have been killed so far would be living. The world relies on us for a lot. The president of this country cannot afford to be weak. Weakest president ever without a doubt. Maybe one of the dumbest and corrupt of all time. And just about a year in. Wonder what in the world is all going to happen the next almost three years? Pretty scary if you ask me. This much damage in the world in a years time. If he had any care for this country and the world he would step down and let someone stronger do it for him the next three years. He is destroying so much so quickly. And at least a third or more of this country either is too dumb to open their eyes, don't care or are rallying on this man to continue his destruction in literally everything he touches and does.
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damn, no transgender candle making studies degrees 😭
So awesome. But they shouldn’t stop there. They should wipe out the liberal arts degrees entirely.

If you went to a bank and asked for $100K to open a business where you’d discuss gender or Chicano studies, they would say no as there’s no way you’re going to be able to get the income to pay that off.

But make it a school loan and it’s no problem. “Enjoy a life of debt while working in retail.”
Saw gas for 3.79 on the way home from work tonight. Unbelievable. 4 bucks here we come. Thanks China Joe!
World seems to get worse almost daily and still political people rooting Biden on. Will be interesting to see what this puppet presidents people have him to say Tuesday. Will he blast Putin, talk about the climate, talk about spending trillions of dollars to make this place a lot worse place to live, maybe how he is wanting to take from Americans and give to illegals? So weak, corrupt, low IQ and power hungry, hard to even look at his face anymore much less hear his voice.
Germans already have arms....They are just investing a higher percentage of their GDP into it. That's a good thing right now.
Yea, right. The Germany military is worthless & would take years to make meanignful again.

"Germany’s most senior soldier said last week the country’s army needed thorough rebuilding. “I wouldn’t have believed that after 41 years of service in peacetime I would have to experience another war,” Lt. Gen. Alfons Mais said in a statement posted on his LinkedIn profile. “And the armed forces that I lead are more or less powerless.” This is the leader of Germany's military. What a farce.

Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, Germany’s defense minister until December, wrote last week on Twitter: “I’m so angry at ourselves for our historical failure.” Referring to Russia’s repeated attacks on neighboring countries in recent years, she added that “we have not prepared anything."

"Germany, for example, slashed the number of main battle tanks from 5,000 in 1989 to 300 currently, while reducing its armed forces from nearly 500,000 personnel to around 180,000." From 5,000 to 300! Think about that.

"Even more than greater military spending, Germany needs a change of mind-set to match more-effective fighting capabilities with strong political will, said Erich Vad, a retired brigadier-general who was a military-policy adviser to former Chancellor Angela Merkel.

Russia’s expenditure is marginally higher than Germany’s, yet our army is a laughingstock and theirs is menacing the world,” Gen. Vad said." And Germany is just now deciding to raise their budget a bit. LMAO.