He is the main reason Ukraine is in the position it’s in today. Almost like he planned to be where we are today.
If Soros is tweeting fake tears for the Ukraine, something fishy is absolutely going on.
You're so bad at this.
What you are refusing to say is that I'm right. You're just twisting yourself into a pretzel to avoid it and still try to sound semi-intelligent.
Unfortunately, you failed. Because you know I'm right: Trump will run, and DeSantis will not, and I said it. And you disagreed.
Here's the thing. Your claim of all Antifa at the Capitol riot sounds just as stupid to me as my sarcasm does to you. Just stop creating an alternate reality. It was Trump supporters at the Capitol riot and BLM at the summer riots. Let's start with reality before moving on to real debate.
Here's the thing. Your claim of all Antifa at the Capitol riot sounds just as stupid to me as my sarcasm does to you. Just stop creating an alternate reality. It was Trump supporters at the Capitol riot and BLM at the summer riots. Let's start with reality before moving on to real debate.
I apologize for being too brash. Should have been more civil. Just to see where our thinking is different could you tell me where I am wrong on the list of things I said you stand for? Just pick out a couple and tell me why I am wrong. I will be more civil from now on.
Yea, they probably shouldnt be doing this.Real balsy of them 18-24 months too late.
Many on here claim Antifa was the cause. Just scroll back a few pages.Again. SCIENCE DUDE lies and lies.
Find one single post on here claiming Jan 6 was all antifa.
You won't because you can't, because you are a despicable liar.
Except he didnt. But you want it to be so real bad.Gonna be awkward when the right has to explain why they called a homicidal sociopath a "saavy genius" and questioned why anyone should care about Ukraine over Russia like Tucker Carlson on Fox News did.
The Ruble is currently trading for 1 cent per dollar. Germans already have arms....They are just investing a higher percentage of their GDP into it. That's a good thing right now.I'm sure Putin is really shaking in his boots over the Swiss. LOL you really think Putin gives a rat's ass about the rest of the countries being against him? Newsflash: China isn't. I suppose you think Biden exposing our intel to the ChiComs and then them laughing all the way to Putin with that info was "perfectly played" too, idiot.
Also, you're an idiot to celebrate the GERMANS arming themselves. What next, the Japs too? Great. You're clearly an ignoramus when it comes to history.
So the corrupt Clintons biggest doner was Ukraine. A foreign country a major player in our election. And you OK with that, I presume. Because your party was OK with it. As I have said before, Trump obviously took the right path with foreign leaders because there was no invasions, massive loss of life, botched pull outs, etc etc etc. He had the right balance of getting along but being respected also. And like the other 30 things he did for you and your country, you could care less. Just because he aligns with the constitution and American values.Biden has rallied NATO and is sticking the world's economic boot up Putin's ass along with arms flowing like a river into Ukraine. All Trump did was lick Putin's boots, defund NATO and call him a f'ing genius. It's all on video.
Gimme a break.
Many on here claim Antifa was the cause. Just scroll back a few pages.
The Ruble is currently trading for 1 cent per dollar. Germans already have arms....They are just investing a higher percentage of their GDP into it. That's a good thing right now.
Yea, but just because he was there, it doesnt mean he was there.
You musta missed this gem....Are you a Putin fanboy too like Trump?Except he didnt. But you want it to be so real bad.
You're so clueless. The Trump club is almost as shielded from reality as the Russian people.As Trump requested they do multiple times, but idiots such as yourself claimed he was 'defunding' NATO.
and I use idiots here in the the kindest possible terms. You might be not only the dumbest poster on here, but also objectively the least honest.
Not what i was talking about nor what i responded to, but keep trying.You musta missed this gem....Are you a Putin fanboy too like Trump?
See all the clandestine pictures of the illegals being dropped off all over the country the last several months? What has Biden done about that? Oops, he is the president breaking this law. Now who would vote for a law breaking president? All kinds of law breakers out on the streets. But for goodness sakes, a president joining in with the law breaking? Sneaking around in the middle of the night. Kind of like a sneaky terrorist would do. Slip around and do things that could hurt innocent Americans.See ya an Antifa and raise you some of your breathren....
When i read his post about a virus replicating on your mask i laughed pretty hard out loud. the MAGA crowd aren't the brightest
You're so clueless. The Trump club is almost as shielded from reality as the Russian people.
Trump NATO Funding Cut Is a Christmas Present for Putin, Academic Says
The U.S. will cut its contribution to the direct NATO budget, which covers maintenance of the NATO headquarters, joint security investments and some combined military operations.www.newsweek.com
Yea, makes me wonder now if I should be rooting for Russia.
If Soros is tweeting fake tears for the Ukraine, something fishy is absolutely going on.
Yea, like I'm some part of a conspiracy. Only voted for him twice( enough). LMAO. But go get em, butt lickers!He wants to make it seem like there's still some large swath of never Trump Republicans.
She's going into post operative treatment. He doesn't have to decide for a year. But good chance you're right. Hence, I need a write-in candidate lined up.With his wifes health I doubt seriously that he runs this time.
You know, all the Pubs should wear red masks.
So awesome. But they shouldn’t stop there. They should wipe out the liberal arts degrees entirely.damn, no transgender candle making studies degrees 😭
World seems to get worse almost daily and still political people rooting Biden on. Will be interesting to see what this puppet presidents people have him to say Tuesday. Will he blast Putin, talk about the climate, talk about spending trillions of dollars to make this place a lot worse place to live, maybe how he is wanting to take from Americans and give to illegals? So weak, corrupt, low IQ and power hungry, hard to even look at his face anymore much less hear his voice.Saw gas for 3.79 on the way home from work tonight. Unbelievable. 4 bucks here we come. Thanks China Joe!
Yea, right. The Germany military is worthless & would take years to make meanignful again.Germans already have arms....They are just investing a higher percentage of their GDP into it. That's a good thing right now.
Dropped 20% since Friday.The Ruble is currently trading for 1 cent per dollar.