How will they rule ??!

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I didn't ask you to get riled up. I didn't ask you to respond. But you did.

BTW, I don't see opinion there. I see reporting. I wondered if it was accurate reporting. Nothing yet that says it wasn't other than opinion. Net, the longer it goes without alternative reporting, the more certain I'll believe it's true & that MTG is persona non grata.

If you don’t see opinion in that “reporting,” that’s the problem.

If someone wrote that very same piece about Mitch McConnell, would you accept it at face value, or exercise just a minimal amount of critical thought?
If you don’t see opinion in that “reporting,” that’s the problem.

If someone wrote that very same piece about Mitch McConnell, would you accept it at face value, or exercise just a minimal amount of critical thought?
I asked if what was written was an inaccurate portrayal of events. I'm waiting.

Just how could someone write the very same piece about MM if he doesn't attend nor speak those words? Red herring.

"The fight for democracy is taking place throughout the world. It's not only in Ukraine but it's in our own country. And we've seen this through the campaigns of misinformation and disinformation. We see this happening in Ukraine. The fact that now we see those who are trying to take away the voting rights of people of color, of African Americans, of young people, of seniors, of the disabled; trying to neutralize or take away the voices of people that want to make this country better. And we see how they move and how they operate."

Okay, I know some of you fools think people are trying to stop people of color and African Americans (I like how African Americans get their own category but everyone else is just ‘of color’) from voting… which is utterly ridiculous… but the disabled? seniors? Young people? How young? Wtf is this moonbat talking about? She basically just said we’re trying to prevent everyone from voting.

And then to compare tanks running over cars, jets flying over air and explosions to January 6th… gaslighting at its finest. And some people buy this BS. Mind warped.
We talk about Joe and using the 25th ... this 'lady" may be 10x further gone.
Why would you post anything from Kinzinger? He’s despicable.
And there you go falling into the leftists ideology that anything that might be billed as “nationalist” in nature of course means it’s a big ole racist shindig. Because people who want to show patriotism to their country are automatically Nazi, white supremacists.
The title has nothing to do with what I think of what was written in the body of the article & how I think it reflects on MTG - which is quite negatively for me. Yes, lumping nationalist & patriotic & racist or whatever together is wrong. But I don't doubt some nationalists are racists (small segment). And that unrefuted writing portrays a viewpoint, a segment, that is unacceptable to me.
The title has nothing to do with what I think of what was written in the body of the article & how I think it reflects on MTG - which is quite negatively for me. Yes, lumping nationalist & patriotic & racist or whatever together is wrong. But I don't doubt some nationalists are racists (small segment). And that unrefuted writing portrays a viewpoint, a segment, that is unacceptable to me.
I mean it's Nick Fuentes. You can look up his views for yourself. This isn't someone who's getting cancelled for saying the N-word once on a tape from thirty years ago, he's the poster child of Gen Z anti-miscegenation. I don't understand their obsession with what the liberal media says about people. You can just go read what they've said for yourself, everything's recorded nowadays.
Have you found your dad yet ? Maybe he identified as one of those crazy ass types of different genders 🍺

My dad who I never met was killed in Vietnam in a mission flying grunts into a hot zone on a Huey. Since I’ve lived in Kentucky I know one thing, the people here love their country just like in Louisiana and can’t stand this bullshit of me him her she whatever you all want to call it but there’s more than us than you. We love to hunt gators, deer, squirrels, go crabbin, fish, and all the rest of what men and women do and are blessed to do in this United States especially the southeast.
I hope the kill every Russian they can and if that shit happened here you would to unless you wanted to wave the rainbow flag. You people make me ****ing sick 🇺🇸
Sorry for your loss and I feel the same way if the Russians were to invade here, but
Idk how bringing up pronouns or stereotypes has anything to do with the convo at hand.

Nobody said you can't like or dislike the things you mentioned.

I mean Jesus Christ man, you're putting your preconceived notions on me just because I lean left. You can have whatever ideals you want, I reallt don't care but the whole origin of this back and forth was me simply saying remote work is a reason for people leaving CA. I was called a liar for stating this so of course I'm going to defend myself.

You're taking your hate and anger and aiming it at me just because of what you see in the news and you feel that you have place it on any one who is liberal.

This country is made up of a wide array of people and just because they're different doesn't mean they should be ridiculed and that goes both ways.

I was raised in small-town KY, TX and LA and didn't live in another state until after I graduated college.

Until age 6 I was raised mostly in Cajun country where my step-dad would take my brother and I fishing or deer hunting. We lived in the middle of the woods in a trailer with a pond in the back and enough land to grow crops for the 4 of us. We had pigs, fish and 2 dogs, 4 if you count the 2 strays that roamed the area. We walked 1 mi to the bus stop where my step-dad built a teepee for us to take shelter from the elements.

We moved to KY and life was essentially the same, splitting time between trailer living and living with my grandparents, the latter are the reason why I'm even on this board cheering for UK. I stayed in KY until late middle school and decided to move in with my late father back in TX. I knew it was going to be hell for 4.5 years but the opportunity was greater in TX and that alone was worth the sacrifice.

I was fortunate enough to not be raised in just one locale like most are and because of that I saw how other people lived. I attended 7 different schools across 3 states before I decided to attend UK to be close to my grandparents.

Just because someone is liberal or conservative doesn't mean they have nothing in common. Most likely they have more things in common than not, especially if they lived in the same area.

Aim your emotions at something productive, like rooting for UK, hobbies, etc. Don't aim them at fellow Americans who just happen to think differently.

With that I hope you take care and treat others the same as you want to be treated.

This goes for everyone on this board.

I'll be heading back to RR for basketball chatter.
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Nick Fuentes has been labled way worse than what I've seen him actually say. I watched a couple of debates with him and while I disagree with a lot of what he says, he didn't come off as racist or crazy. They try to say that because he didn't want statues torn down in Charlottesville and then a neo nazi killed a woman... it means he is a neo nazi that kinda killed a woman. If we did the same leaps on the left, half the dems in congress would have to resign.

Charlottesville is the media's fault. They wanted to get Trump, so they flamed everything he supported, and he defended keeping our history, so of course we have to destroy it.

MTG sounds way different when you actually listen to her than how the media tells you she sounds.
You must be new to VH70. Little tip: He HATES Trump and effective conservatives, AND arguing with him will only make you stupider. He doesn't listen, he's not here to learn anything, and he recycles the same arguments perpetually.