How will they rule ??!

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Britain was in that thing too. Don't see them doing anything. And those nukes had a minimum range that couldn't've really been used for defensive purposes against Russia. But go ahead if you want your war. I'm just on the side of my fellow Americans not dying. I freely admit WWIII is out of my depth. It's hopefully out of everyone's.
No one does anything until the big stick does it first. Instead we have a shriveled up little nub being controlled by a former community organizer playing geo politics at a 1st grade level. We are letting the world down. Because of ppl like you.
No one does anything until the big stick does it first. Instead we have a shriveled up little nub being controlled by a former community organizer playing geo politics at a 1st grade level. We are letting the world down. Because of ppl like you.
We aren't Team America World Police. You argued the same about the ME when Trump was president but now that you can use it as a club to beat Biden you're all about it.
Wow. Putin straight up gave a Hitler speech while at the same time saying he is saving Ukrainians from the rise of neo nazis.
So how long does Taiwan have, and how long before we have any chip factories up and running in then US?

Hopefully America is smart enough to stop the democrats from stealing any elections in 2022. Biden is the worst (puppet) president of my lifetime, and, in second place, Obama isn’t even close.
When bullies sense weakness they sure do pounce. Putin would have never tried this under Trump. That makes the Democrats so mad they go blind but it's the truth. Anybody looks at that psycho old man president and knows he has no clue what he's doing. And giggles is the replacement. Way to go Democrats you own this s***.
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It’s sad when memes are closer to the truth and reality than actual news sources are. With the US military being about equality (aka lowering the bar) we probably wouldn’t be much help if we do get involved.

You can feel or say whatever you want about the last administration… but nothing like we are seeing came anywhere close to happening.
So how long does Taiwan have, and how long before we have any chip factories up and running in then US?
You just answered your own question. Taiwan has until that huge ass wafer chip factory in Ohio is up and running. After that it's game over for them.

I don't know what kind of deal was struck between potato brain and Russia / China, but I'm pretty sure getting our chip manufacturing up and running first was a big part of that deal.
That Russian colleague of mine has been telling me the Ukrainians are Nazis for the last five years. I asked him to give me an example of how they are Nazis and he said “they’re Nazis”. Lol

Now, keep in mind that the Jews have a big gripe against the Nazis to put it mildly. But Hitler wanted to kill all the Soviets too. So the Russians hate those mofos too, with just as much passion.
That Russian colleague of mine has been telling me the Ukrainians are Nazis for the last five years. I asked him to give me an example of how they are Nazis and he said “they’re Nazis”. Lol

Now, keep in mind that the Jews have a big gripe against the Nazis to put it mildly. But Hitler wanted to kill all the Soviets too. So the Russians hate those mofos too, with just as much passion.
Zelensky, or however you spell it, is Jewish.
Hopefully we stay out of this because all indications are that Putin is dead set on doing this and believes they're in the right. The time for action was months ago before it reached this crescendo. Now it's too late. Let it go before we legit risk catastrophe over something only benefitting democrat politicians
Kumswalla isn't there to do anything but get a photo op for team Biden. Pretty soon the media will begin to squawk about Russia attacking a NATO member state and she will swoop in to save the day. Then the media will swoon and tell everyone how Biden saved the world from WW3 by making Putin back down.

Jokes on all of us, though. Putin has his eye on the Balkans next.
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No offense but people of the world are responsible for their own safety. The English speaking world can't keep going in and defending everyone.
Oh you’re preaching to the choir. I’ve always been against sending our young people to die in pointless conflicts. I hated Bush just as much as I do Biden. The farce of our leaders involving us in things like this is just a way to cover up their ineptitude at solving the problems here at home. And lining their donors pockets.
The day after the fraudulent election I talked with our financial advisors. Have talked with them many times since. Hope they made/make the right decisions....but I know that many of our investments have already taken a hit since Nov 2020

Dow futures down 800 points, US oil nears $100​

So your response to our sitting president actually molesting his own child is to justify it by posting a bad joke Trump made???

So I guess Trumps ridiculous joke justifies child molestation by your fav dem, got it. You sick and twisted F$ck.
Where is your evidence of Biden molesting his own kid you tin foil hat wearing fool?
You and your Cult 45 believe anything you see on Facebook.
Show some legitimate evidence of Biden being charged or convicted of child molestation or STFU dumbass Trumptard.
For four years msm cried that trump would start a war. Instead he ensured peace with Russia, north Korea, and brokered peace in the middle east
Anyone who trusts anything the MSM says at this point is a willfully ignorant fool.

They’ve been dishonest and slanted for quite some time, but Trump absolutely broke them and they not only burned the bridge of trust during that time, but stood over the edge and pissed on it’s ashes.