Clinton was 💯 percent wrong for those pardons. It was complete and utter politically motivated BS to appeal to the Puerto Rican population in New York his wife needed to get elected.
Clinton had great policies but was a complete slimeball. At least I'm not so brainwashed I can't see reality.
Here's the difference between you and I.
I have zero problem criticizing Clinton for this pardon or criticizing Joe Biden for the God awful Afghanistan debacle.
You on the other hand will stay loyal to your cult and orange man no matter what he says or does. As long as it's orange man you will find any excuse possible to stand by your man. It's pathetic.
Bet you were a Bevin boy too. How'd you like his pardon of child rapists in return for political donations? As long as he's a Republican it's AOK right? As long as it's your clowns they can bash in windows, kill cops, beat up police, smear feces on walls, steal from the Capitol and destroy property. Those poor Proud Boyz need pardons.
Take a look in the mirror for a good look at disgusting.
Kill cops, eh? Keep that gaslighting going you lying POS.
Innocent lives/livelihoods/businesses were destroyed all across the nation by DEMOCRATS all the while DEMOCRAT politicians defended it, encouraged it, and supported it financially. Even openly encouraged bailing them out of jail so they could keep on doing it.
When the people (from all walks of life) had finally had enough of that horseshit, they took it to the PEOPLES house. Smearing shit on the walls was the LEAST they could do. And one thing is for certain…..not one damn politician lost their life/livelihood/or business/office.
You know nothing about my local and state voting history. Shove that up your ass. At the national level? Yeah, you could probably guess my voting record since Obama, but you have no idea how I vote locally or state level.
You want me to stop supporting trump because he wants to pardon people who walked the halls of the Capitol and destroyed some f’n property? GTFOH.
And anyone assaulting a cop/Capitol police SHOULD be held accountable. Do you honestly think there were hundreds of people doing that? Again….GTFOH. You have hundreds of people sitting in a DC jail because they took their complaints to their OWN house, let in by the so-called security of that house
And as I’ve said more than a handful of times on here……you want me to give up my support of Trump, I will under ONE condition. I’ll trade Trump for the imprisonment of Obama/Clinton/Comey/Brannon/Clapper/Wray/and everyone else that was complicit in turning our federal agencies on a political foe in order to undermine his candidacy and term as the duly elected POTUS. Complicit media and judges included.
That’s when I’ll give up my support of Trump. Until then, how bout you GFY?