How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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That's complete BS. Like no one said "Thou shalt not kill or steal" before the ten commandments. I mean they're literally the first two laws of the Code of Ur-Nammu from over a thousand years earlier. Hammurabi's Code, Assyrian Law, the Code of the Nesilim, they're in them all. Our laws come from all human history, not "Thou shalt have no other gods before Me" or "Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain."
got some links to prove your claims? Show me photographs of the actual manuscripts while you're at it. How old are the manuscripts? Are they even within 500 years of the dates they were written?
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SCOTUS nominees....if you are white, hispanic, asian, are dismissed.

If you are a are dismissed.

If you are a black are dismissed.

You could be the most qualified SCOTUS pick in the history of the court, and unless you are a black female....see ya.

Joe Biden is a pathetic, racist, stupid son of a bitch.
I don’t know what everyone is complaining about. I mean, just identify as a black woman during the nomination process if you want the position… problem solved!
Wow, that's your argument? That it's common sense? Fact is, evolution doesn't even work out mathematically. Of course, you probably can't even do long addition with more than two columns, so I wouldn't expect you to understand. But before we get into this part of the discussion, I need to know that you understand exponents. Did you take 11th grade math?
Mr Bible genius gonna out math evolution!
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“Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished. (NIV, Matthew 5:17–18)

So do you christians believe jews will all burn in hell for ignoring the new testament and sticking to old law? Or do you follow the vaticans new idea that you just have to be a good person to get into heaven, the jesus stuff is just bonus points.
The law is impossible to fully follow. The messiah Jesus came to fulfill it and become the substitute atonement for the sin. Yes Jews who do not believe Jesus is the coming messiah will not go to heaven according to Him.
I guess the jews are communists to!
Wow, that's your argument? That it's common sense? Fact is, evolution doesn't even work out mathematically. Of course, you probably can't even do long addition with more than two columns, so I wouldn't expect you to understand. But before we get into this part of the discussion, I need to know that you understand exponents. Did you take 11th grade math?
What's 11th grade math to you? I passed the AP Calc test that junior year.
try it out and let us know

so we use 2 out of the 10 and in very small amounts 3 out of 10 and that counts as "derived from"? lmao. 25% success rate is winning! Stupid Humans never knew killing and stealing was bad without a imaginary friends made up book.
What murder and theft? You’re completely wrong
  • I am the Lord your God. You shall not have strange gods before me. You shall not make to thyself any graven thing; nor the likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or in the earth beneath, nor of those things that are in the waters under the earth. You shall not adore them nor serve them. Freedom of religion derived from this so that you have free will.

  • You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain. 100 years ago in this country you could have been arrested or fined in some places. Still though the FCC will not allow it on mainstream television or radio. You will be fined or shutdown.

  • Remember to keep holy the Sabbath day. - where do you think the weekend came from? Saturday is the sabbath. You like your weekend? Then thank HaShem

  • Honor your father and your mother. You belong to your parents and must obey them until adulthood. That’s the law!

  • You shall not kill. It’s actually murder in the Torah which is the original text

  • You shall not commit adultery. You comitt adultery in a marriage and you could lose rights to see your kid or possibly monetary privileges such as alimony. In the military you are dishonorably discharged. There are several other instances in which is penalized legally for adultery but I laid out the primary examples.

  • You shall not steal. You go to jail potentially prison depending on the degree.

  • You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. False witness? You go to prison for perjury, there are 100s of scenarios that lying will land you in legal jeopardy.

  • You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife. You covet another woman again see adultery not to mention restraining orders and charges for stalking etc. if proven in divorce that this lead to the issues then again you lose parental rights, benefits etc that’s in current laws in all states.

  • You shall not covet your neighbor’s goods. Again this goes to restraining order, stalking, if there is absolute proof that say through gossip you lose your job not to mention you don’t have theft without coveting other people’s shit.

How about this. 9 of them solid will get you in hot water or are used to determine legal matters. Especially with displays of coveting. So let me ask. Where did those 9 come from? Why would you accept the 9 and discard the others? Oh because of your feelings? Well that’s not how it works. You think those 9 just poof popped up in some old Hebrews mind? Cmon dude. You lied the first time about only 2 mattering. You need to get some education because it’s not like all this came from thin air.
I guess pigs need a 3 room condo according to California libs....

'Iowa Pork Producers Association CEO Pat McGonegle says the standards will cost up to $3,000 per breeding pig.'
California is also expected to feel the financial effects of Prop 12. Some Proposition 12 opponents say the state could see bacon prices initially spike 60%, and a University of California study says the law will cost state residents $320 million more annually.'

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Does everyone bitching about Biden vowing to nominate a woman of color to the court not remember that Reagan vowed to nominate a woman during his 1980 campaign? So is promising a nomination from a specific demographic only a problem when a Democrat does it?
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Nope. I didn’t like it then either. How. About you?
And when Trump did it?

Honestly I don't really give a shit, I'm sure whoever the nominee is will be qualified. Just not a huge fan of the hypocrisy on the issue. If conservatives hate it so much I'm sure you'd be able to direct me to Hannity ranting about Trump's vow or other conservative outlets bitching about Reagan doing it.
Funny you say that. This is a great video I watched yesterday. This guy thinks truckers are walking into a trap and discusses how these people, these globalist elite assholes, have been planning this thing for years.

Massive non compliance seems to be the only fix imo. Need way more to wake up for that to happen tho.

Other methods of pushback just seem to dig the hole deeper.
The Eastern part of Ukraine want to be part of Russia so it seems kind of ass backwards to fight a war over it. The issue is how far will Putin push the land claim beyond that. The Russian guerilla forces already control most of the ethnic Russian territory. But now Putin is staging troops in Moldova and Belarus. That is contesting the parts of Ukraine that don't want to rejoin Russia including Kyiv. Right now Putin is just flexing to see what he can gain. He already got the important Naval ports. The only thing left of value is the old shipyards and more control over the Black Sea.
And when Trump did it?

Honestly I don't really give a shit, I'm sure whoever the nominee is will be qualified. Just not a huge fan of the hypocrisy on the issue. If conservatives hate it so much I'm sure you'd be able to direct me to Hannity ranting about Trump's vow or other conservative outlets bitching about Reagan doing it.
You must give a shit, you made the post about it. But again, I don’t like it when anyone does it. Using race/gender as a hiring criteria, is wrong.Period! .