How will they rule ??!

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Formerly known as the Australian Shark Attack File, the organization will now be referred to as the Shark Incident database, with particular emphasis on removing the word "attack" and instead focusing on "bites", "interactions" and "negative encounters".

This type of stuff is indicative of mentally unstable activists. Sharks aren't going for jobs or trying to eat at a restaurant and being discriminated against. 😂 They're giant fish monsters who can rip you apart because they want to investigate you by biting you. That's as far as it goes.

None of these types of policies are going to do anything for sharks. No one is going in the water and being like "I respect you, shark" and the Shark going, "Thanks, man. I watch a lot of TV and I hear the bad things they say about us sharks and it hurts our feelings."


"I'm sorry I profiled you."
Its these reckless California hippies out here. I come to California for a couple of weeks and they're spreading this thing like crazy out here. Its clear that the close to 2 year long mask mandate for the state and essentially a vaccine mandate (not official but most places around here seem to act like one is in place) isnt doing enough.

I think everyone agrees that there is only one rational way to go about this. Triple mask requirements everywhere, indoor and outdoor and require boosters at the door for every building. And Im not talking proof of a booster. Im saying every building has a guy (preferably a trans illegal) giving the jab to everyone that walks into the store.

Walk into a Target, boom get the jab as you walk through the door. Whoops you forgot your wallet in the car and run back to grab it, then head back into the store. You get jabbed again. I mean these things are completely safe right, I dont see any downfalls to this idea...

Finally some common sense about this whole thing. A modest proposal indeed.
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I have met a few people down here that just recently moved from California. So far all of them appear to be fine, hard working, conservative people. We welcome them to the state because I really feel they will contribute to our state and no take from the state.

Their reason for leaving was because of their children. They want their children to grow up free in a safe environment.

If the decent people left Cali and NY to relocate in normal places, we could gain the electoral edge needed to restore sanity to the country.
The only question I have is Why the hell aren’t Republicans doing the exact same things?
They certainly could. We all need to hope they don’t though. If this starts to happen, elections will become about as meaningful as the ones in NK or Iraq under Saddam.

It’s so frustrating to hear liberals claim that nothing is wrong with these tactics. They are brazenly saying the ends justify the means when nothing could be more untrue. Free elections are a precarious, rare event in human history.

At the end of the Roman Empire, the people lost any interest at all in the government. It was just a series of factions fighting it out to gain power, and the gain of power was the main goal. Meanwhile, their borders crumbled and their republican values rotted.
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I remember seeing it before a while back. Might have been on rumble or something though.
Edit: was referring to the Fauci video. I’m on vacation and late to the party.
Why in the F are these people getting tested even when they're not sick?
I was 5 days past my fever breaking and a tooth infection flared up. I was done, but to get an antibiotic, I was going to have to test. I had that tooth filled seven months prior.

If you have lib family that live in metros, then you know. Fauci told them that they needed to test to safely gather. They willfully complied without mandate or requirement. All of the metros had a surge in testing before Christmas and now New years.

🤣 This reminds of when we were kids and you were playing guns or swords or whatever and you tagged someone and they'd keep running instead of acknowledging defeat and you'd go "I got you" and they'd say something like "Nuh uh, I've got an invisible bullet proof vest on" just making up anything to excuse a defeat and keep going.

That's how the Democrats and Fauci types are. They never want this to end. They move the goalposts constantly and they keep making up excuses to justify the next thing. Oh, the vaccine isn't working like you said? Better say there's a new deadly strain that is invincible to the jab so we can keep making them play the game.

This is bullshit.
Lmao. been away a week moving into a new house. The hill Trumpsters plan to die on is Flynn. A guy that plead guilty TWICE and was fired for lying to the White House. Trump was failing epicly at the coronavirus PR game and decided it was better to pivot back to conspiracies and feeding his hateful sheep more meat. Just try to remember this you sheep. If Trump had done his job and used the power of the Fed to lead the response then the States wouldn't have stepped in and created this mess we have now. We have had plenty of virus outbreaks that didn't lead to the collapse of our economy because we didn't have inept administrations in charge. Trump let the media and states form the narrative and response because he was to busy doing daily rallies to give a shit. If the feds had released early guidelines and locked down production for PPE & testing the states would have followed along knowing they could just blame TRump if things went bad. We could have had a simple smart approach. Lock down nursing homes, work from home as much as possible, wear masks, test often, keep old people out of the public. Instead we got a shit show of some states going way to far and some states doing nothing because the Fed said screw it, do whatever makes you feel good. And then Trump doubled down on stupid and actually said the never-ending statewide lockdowns were great and his idea. And then the next day realized his sheep hated that and pivoted to saying we needed anti-lockdown protests! Just a complete failure at every level.

This is horrible news, horrible, but thank goodness for science. Thanks to science we now have a brand new covid pill and another two on the way.

These new pills are super safe and effective. Merck and the FDA say so. Praise science.
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So got a Christmas letter from a distant cousin who I met through genealogy searches online 10+ years ago but have never met her in person. She was a life-long (early 60 something years old), Northern CA (Marin County) resident but this year moved to northern SC. Says the CA political climate, state government-caused fire disasters, and cost drove her out. Seems to be a moderate Conservative - Ronald Reagan fan. She also considered TX Hill Country.
We went to the Ark Encounter a couple of weeks ago and met a lady who had moved to the Cleveland area that used to live in N. California. She lived in Paradise and lost everything in that fire in '18. So after insurance paid off, etc she decided to get out of the state for the same reasons as your cousin. With her was a 'friend' who still lived out there. He told me that he was thinking strongly of moving as well (same reasons) but wasn't quite sure yet. He was in his late 70s and was born there. Hard to leave.
We went to the Ark Encounter a couple of weeks ago and met a lady who had moved to the Cleveland area that used to live in N. California. She lived in Paradise and lost everything in that fire in '18. So after insurance paid off, etc she decided to get out of the state for the same reasons as your cousin. With her was a 'friend' who still lived out there. He told me that he was thinking strongly of moving as well (same reasons) but wasn't quite sure yet. He was in his late 70s and was born there. Hard to leave.

I know if I was looking to get out of my current spot, Cleveland would be near the top of my list.
Just HOW easy do you want it to be for people to vote? Do you think we should just vote like we’re voting for winners of America’s Got Talent? Give us some scenarios that are easier but still able to easily verify the vote is legit and cast by a live American human citizen.
As easy as humanly possible. Obviously security is a concern but participation in our democracy giving voice to the powerless and downtrodden is paramount. In Australia voting is mandatory and they have over 90% turnout every election.
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Lmao. been away a week moving into a new house. The hill Trumpsters plan to die on is Flynn. A guy that plead guilty TWICE and was fired for lying to the White House. Trump was failing epicly at the coronavirus PR game and decided it was better to pivot back to conspiracies and feeding his hateful sheep more meat. Just try to remember this you sheep. If Trump had done his job and used the power of the Fed to lead the response then the States wouldn't have stepped in and created this mess we have now. We have had plenty of virus outbreaks that didn't lead to the collapse of our economy because we didn't have inept administrations in charge. Trump let the media and states form the narrative and response because he was to busy doing daily rallies to give a shit. If the feds had released early guidelines and locked down production for PPE & testing the states would have followed along knowing they could just blame TRump if things went bad. We could have had a simple smart approach. Lock down nursing homes, work from home as much as possible, wear masks, test often, keep old people out of the public. Instead we got a shit show of some states going way to far and some states doing nothing because the Fed said screw it, do whatever makes you feel good. And then Trump doubled down on stupid and actually said the never-ending statewide lockdowns were great and his idea. And then the next day realized his sheep hated that and pivoted to saying we needed anti-lockdown protests! Just a complete failure at every level.
This didn't age well, now that Biden has abandoned the federal response to Covid.
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This is like being in a zombie movie. Going to the grocery store to see every clown in a mask is like being in The Walking Dead. The psychosis media, politicians, and Big Pharma have unleashed on the public is appalling.

Why in the F are these people getting tested even when they're not sick? That's how paranoid these people are. Even when you are sick, what's the test going to do for you? Invite the government into your life? Because you do not need a doctor nor the Health Department in order to get over a cold or flu. You don't. I didn't go to a doctor when I had COVID. I took vitamins C, D, and zinc, normal over the counter stuff and drank water and ate chicken noodle soup.

People are insane, man! Relationships have been destroyed over this. Jobs lost. Kids have been absolutely dismissed in favor of satisfying the worst of adults.
When or if a real pandemic hits these people will be the first to go.
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As easy as humanly possible. Obviously security is a concern but participation in our democracy giving voice to the powerless and downtrodden is paramount.
And that's where we disagree. What's paramount is that every vote is legit regardless if the powerless & downtrodden have to make an extra effort by their standards to vote. If these people can get welfare they can get an ID. If they can get to a soup kitchen they can get to a polling station. And "easy" doesn't mean someone else filling out the ballot as you supposedly want - LOL - and then them deciding whether to take it to be counted or not.

"Euthanasia became legal in New Zealand when the End of Life Choice Act 2019 took full effect on 7 November 2021."

Hard to find anything else about this outside of the article but thinking activist doctors won't abuse this is a leap of faith (no pun intended).
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We went to the Ark Encounter a couple of weeks ago and met a lady who had moved to the Cleveland area that used to live in N. California. She lived in Paradise and lost everything in that fire in '18. So after insurance paid off, etc she decided to get out of the state for the same reasons as your cousin. With her was a 'friend' who still lived out there. He told me that he was thinking strongly of moving as well (same reasons) but wasn't quite sure yet. He was in his late 70s and was born there. Hard to leave.
This story is being repeated over and over. I have two such indicents in my family, both frist cousins. They are brothers but totally different politically. One lived in Corona, CA and the other in Anaheim, CA. The oldest was from Corona and he moved out of California to Mississippi in 2010. He enjoys casino gambling and had been taking weekly trips to Las Vegas most of his working life. So Mississippi's gambling was attractive. He is very conservative.

The second cousin continued to live in Southern California and watched horror story after another and still made excuses and blamed it on Conservatives being mean to minorities. I had not spoken to him since 1995 when I was working out there and my aunt threw a party for me and all of the family came over. It was a miserable night for me because of his extreme liberal positions he wanted to let me know about. He thought people like me from the South were the armpits of the world .

Last summer I found out he had moved with his wife to Oak Ridge, TN. He had never been in Tennesseee and his wife had only been out of her native California to go to the casinos in Las Vegas. So I ask why would he leave his beloved liberal paradise. Same story as many others. Crime, quality of schools and quality of life forced him out. So when he was old enough to retire he did and moved within a month. He picked out Oak Ridge for quality of life and all he knew about it was what he read on the internet. Now I understand he is on the Trump Team. This is equal to the biggest whore chasing drunk in the neighborhood becomming a Born Again Christian and going to the "mission Fields" Unbelieable.
And that's where we disagree. What's paramount is that every vote is legit regardless if the powerless & downtrodden have to make an extra effort by their standards to vote. If these people can get welfare they can get an ID. If they can get to a soup kitchen they can get to a polling station. And "easy" doesn't mean someone else filling out the ballot as you supposedly want - LOL - and then them deciding whether to take it to be counted or not.
As I've always said if you want to issue everyone a free ID then go for it. I'm not against election security/integrity I'm against poll taxes. Like I said Australia has over 90% turnout every time. There are ways to get there and we need to explore them.
Who the F are these people ??? My lord 🙄

Dude it's a scary world we live in. I keep telling myself that only a fraction of a fraction of people actually think like this, but I think it's becoming more and more prevalent as the 2 sides push further apart. The right has come to the middle, the left has treated them like a similarly charged magnet and just runs further left every day.
As I've always said if you want to issue everyone a free ID then go for it. I'm not against election security/integrity I'm against poll taxes. Like I said Australia has over 90% turnout every time. There are ways to get there and we need to explore them.
How many people do you know that dont have an ID? You literally cant function as an adult without an ID. A quick list of things you cant do in this country without an ID.

Get a job
Apply for Welfare or unemployment
Open a bank account
Apply for a loan
Buy or rent a car
Buy or rent a house/apartment

Again you cant function as an adult without an ID. Now if youre someone who has all of that taken care of for you (someone is paying your rent, someone is providing you money for food and other needs) and you want to vote. And you live in one of the few states that doesnt offer some kind of free or highly discounted ID, you can just ask the person who is providing you with everything else for an extra $15 for an ID so you can vote.
Now the left have also lost their minds when it comes to mingling sports and fringe politics. How can anyone actually think/feel this way? I'm holding out hope it's a troll but doesn't appear that way.

I have now written Bo Jackson a letter apologizing for being a fan and loving to play as him in Techmo Bowl. It was wrong. I mistakenly thought being made into a video game and paid for it as well as being paid and celebrated for simply playing a sport was a form of glamorization. But it was dehumanizing. This guy said so.

He also said


Oh, and he's not actually a "Doctor." He's a doctor that can't help anyone- PhD in bullshit and of course, is a professor.