How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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I'm so confused about white privilege. Does it skip? Like, it didn't help rosenbaum from being a convicted felon... hmm... it's so selective. Help me understand how "white privilege" covers some and not others. I'm waiting on my multimillion dollar salary job too.
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It's fine, now that the precedent has been set we get to clap the next right-winger who starts shooting at a protest. Self defense. If Grosskreutz had just pulled the trigger and popped Kyle's head it would've been self defense right? Kyle was pointing a gun at him and had already killed two people.
Who pulled the gun on who first? Grosskreutz pointed first yet lost the battle. If he pulled first he provoked it. That’s not self-defense, though we all know he would have been hailed by the left as a hero and likely never would have ever seen a courtroom. Probably would have been pardoned from all his other crimes.
He isn’t a girl going to a bar to have fun. He’s a kid getting a friend to buy him the AR he can’t to go intimidate racial justice protestors. He wasn’t just walking by with his AR on the way to Walmart for Doritos.
They weren't racial justice protestors. They were scumbag criminals using the police shooting as a reason to go out and destroy other people's property. If they were there to protest they would have just marched around with their signs and chanting their nonsense.

They wouldn't be getting in the face of a kid with a weapon that's there to protect the real innocent people, the business owners. They also wouldn't have chased after him and tried to harm him.

It's about as dumb as getting up in the face of a momma bear protecting her cubs and yelling. Then when she tries to leave you go and chase after her and try and hurt her. You're just asking to get killed or mauled.
I didn't say specifically that protest. See my last comment about the recording where he revealer his intentions.
Youre talking about the video that was dismissed by the court because it was a pointless video? That video? This is like scrolling through someone's text between them and a friend and taking everything they said 100% serious.

None of that crap matters because we have multiple videos of the events that happened that night. We have multiple witnesses from that night that all testified on what they saw happened that night.

The best case you can make is, Kyle putting out the fires was the act of aggression which led to everything. So Kyle shouldnt have put out the fire, and just let the dumpster burn. Because that's what set off the mental child rapist.

So if that is the case you want to make, again its all Kyle's fault because he put out a fire in a dumpster and because of that the mental child rapist got angry. Then go for it, thats all you man. Because even halfway through the trial even the prosecution gave up on this. Again that is why they went with the "He shouldnt have been a coward and just took the beating" approach.
Just sent in my mail in vote request. I know that triggers all u rednecks.
Trying to put blame on Kyle is ridiculously stupid and laughable.

But but Kyle shouldnt have been there... Why not? His father lives there, he works there, his friends live there. Hell last time I checked this is still the US and he is free to travel wherever the hell he'd like.

First and foremost, the rioters shouldnt have been there. If people werent being idiots and burning and destroying the city, none of this wouldve happened.

Second, whoever told the police to stand down and allow the rioters to do whatever they want and destroy the city. Whoever made that decision should be held responsible.

So if people didnt riot and if the cops were actually allowed to do there job, then none of this wouldve happened. I got no problem when individuals step up to defend themselves, property or a town from lawless thugs when the police fail to do that.

Just like I have no issue at all with the Rooftop Koreans from back in the 90s down in LA during those riots. LA was burning and being destroyed and they basically said F that and took control because no one else would in the face of riots.

The fact that people say Kyle had no reason to be there but child rapist just being checked out of the mental hospital and trying to start fires was totally cool being there. Goes to show how biased you are.
The Rooftop Koreans were defending their own businesses. There's a conversation to be had about that. Kyle was not.
Who pulled the gun on who first? Grosskreutz pointed first yet lost the battle. If he pulled first he provoked it. That’s not self-defense, though we all know he would have been hailed by the left as a hero and likely never would have ever seen a courtroom. Probably would have been pardoned from all his other crimes.
The convicted felon with a gun, illegally, yep, Dion would sing his praises.
I'm white so all I'll have to do is get on the stand afterward and cry like a little bitch like your boy Kyle and it'll be self defense.
It's called evidence you moron! Only a democratic moron can watch all that evidence and come to another conclusion. Now hopefully he becomes a multimillionaire like the families of the common criminals that did last year.
He pulled that gun after two people had already been shot dead by Kyle.
1. he is a convicted felon, he should be in prison for a gun crime
2. those 2 people needlessly attacked kyle
3. kyle didn't charge him, he charged kyle and drew first
4. unfortunately kyle didn't blow the front of his head out the back of his head
So one can only defend his own things? Are you really this stupid? Every time you post something you think is a "gotcha", it's laughably ignorant.
Duh. You can't shoot someone for looting. You aren't the police. (That's a joke btw, the police can't shoot someone for looting either.)
The Rooftop Koreans were defending their own businesses. There's a conversation to be had about that. Kyle was not.
Actually not true. A good chunk of the Koreans werent all business owners. A good chunk of them were out there helping other Koreans. There was major friction between the Korean and Black communities down in LA at that time. Lots of the Rooftop Koreans went there to help fellow Koreans and their stores.

Also you dont need to own a property to protect it. There is a reason Kyle or any of the other guys who went out there to protect property (that they didnt own) arent in jail right now.
Not with deadly force.
This really isnt that hard to understand.

Youre allowed to protect things. If while protecting that thing, if someone then puts your life in jeopardy, youre allowed to use whatever force is needed to protect yourself. If that ends up being deadly force, then so be it. That is why we have self defense laws and why Kyle was found innocent today.
Lol you love Snopes now? Watch it for yourself it's real. "Snopes says unproven!" You sound like a liberal.
It isn't clear that its Kyle is the issue. You're welcome to believe what you want. It is totally irrelevant to what happened in Kenosha.