I’ve been saying for awhile now that most of this BS is nothing more than a war on words because the left can’t win an argument if words mean what they’ve always meant.None of them actually know what they spout off about actually means because they just change the definition to what they think it means.
Fascism before 2020.
Fascism is a movement that promotes the idea of a forcibly monolithic (large, powerful, and intractably indivisible and uniform) regimented (very strictly organized or controlled) nation under the control of an autocratic (relating to absolute power) ruler.
Sure sounds a lot like the Democrat party with how they want absolute power and expect everyone to fall in line while they are very strict and controlling.
Fascism in 2020 and beyond.
Fascism is generally defined as a political movement that embraces far-right nationalism and the forceful suppression of any opposition, all overseen by an authoritarian government.
So they try and say it's about Republicans/conservatives by throwing in the far right nationalism part, yet the only ones trying to suppress opposition with an authoritarian government is the Democrats/progressives. They also say this:
Fascists strongly oppose Marxism, liberalism and democracy, and believe the state takes precedence over individual interests.
None of that makes sense to me because it is contradictory. I'd say the Republicans support democracy while the Democrats support liberalism and Marxism. The Democrats also don't care about our individual rights (vax mandates for instance) unless it is to directly contradict the Republicans (like abortion and the alphabet mafia's rights).
This is why the whole education system needs to be torn down, cleaned out, and rebuilt to get the woke agenda out of there and get back to teaching and not indoctrinating.
What’s scary is the fact that some people, including Webster’s at times, accept these changes. Inserting political leaning into the definition of fascism is clearly agenda driven.