I hope to live long enough to see the DNC media face permanent consequences for the cancer they are to our society.
Yeah thats their problem. The guy they're talking about did this 100 years ago.This cult, my goodness, let's seriously separate from each other. We want nothing to do with each other and they're too damn crazy to run a functioning society with. As usual, the Democrat Party, responsible for the most evil crap in our nation's history, is the source of the main problems in our nation (that and their weak ass JV team RINOs).
In the comments of the "Bridges are racist" post, the left was like, "Yeah, absolutely. So and so from the 1800s made buildings and was racist. Look it up." WTF does that have to do with modern day access? Honestly, it's wasted energy talking to these idiots.
A lot of folks are going to be in for a shocking moment when they get their first heating bill for this month.Heating oil up 115% YTD.
What inflation?
Thanks Brandon!
A lot of folks are going to be in for a shocking moment when they get their first heating bill for this month.
Naivete. I wonder if she felt that way about the Fascist's assembly line style gassing her people and burning their bodies in ovens.
Some things in this world are not fit for civilized society. It's our duty to crush this evil from existence.
Jeremiah 17:9"in spite of everything I still believe that people are really good at heart." - Anne Frank
This gentlemen is a PERFECT example of a USEFUL and educated IDIOT!!!! Talking about mayor Petey "boy"...are there really this many idiots in this country that hate it this bad to vote for these MORONS!!!?I honestly think that has to be one of the top 5 most moronic and idiotic things I’ve ever heard in my life.
The vice president elect is now tied to the president elect. So without Biden there would also be no harris. So pelosi would be president.
White privilege.How come whites can navigate these bridges but blacks and puerto ricans can’t? 🥸
Is that moron trying to say Ted Cruz would secretly make his kids get the jab “to protect them” and that he secretly fears the virus?
Cool. GOLD STEAK FOR EVERYONE!! That is there new standard they expect for everyone, right?
I’m a retired middle school pe teacher. The students use to pull this mess for attention or to rebel against their parents. Now since it’s celebrated, most of them seem to be all in. The generation coming through the school system now thinks all the letters LGBTQ/$\?t& are all perfectly normal. Smh. Our society is crumbling.Doesn't this lend credence to the "Not born gay" theory? This group has been about 3-4 percent of the country's population. Now, with media, school and politics going non-stop on the alphabet mafia agenda (Especially the last decade), you've got kids who are confused about gender, have an enormous amount of labels, and now identify as "gay"? That's the result of conditioning. You now have a group who have been brought up with the celebration and attention given for how crazy woke and sexually confused you can be.
A guy I worked with has a daughter. Comes out as gay at 12, about a year later, his daughter now wants to be a boy and be called by a boy's name. Just the craziest shit.
“Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat”
Yeah, it’s a global market for oil and gas, but we were a net exporter in that market until Biden came along.
the Morgan Freeman one seems out of place. I don’t think he’s a far left loon like the rest of those sheep.
the Morgan Freeman one seems out of place. I don’t think he’s a far left loon like the rest of those sheep.
Wait….Wtf is this?! Good Lord I hate Twatter. Ahhh, Australia?Vax Cult
I mean...no one said liberals were intelligent.Ok. So they think it’s Tyrannical to NOT WANT mask mandates and give people choices. But not tyrannical to force masks and vaccines on the population. Got it.
Cmon man, he just needed a few days to prep for attending a wedding.https://stevekirsch.substack.com/p/gavin-newsom-is-out-of-sight-likely
California Gov Newsom seems to have gotten Bells Palsy from the clot shot.
Lol, of course that dunce Rex is on there.
Lol, of course that dunce Rex is on there.