How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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Another idiot liberal teacher. Home schooling is definitely becoming the way to go.

The biggest mistake this country ever made (and I'm not exaggerating when I say this) is giving women the right to vote. They are emotionally-driven, hysterical reactions, and I think I last read that they are 40% more likely to have mental illness than men.

When you see these videos it's like 99% batshit crazy women. Female influence without anything to balance it out, has shown through education and crime that it's bad. If men were the main issue then kids born without fathers in the picture would be doing very well but that's statistically not the case. Having unchecked female influence and leadership leads to disaster in your homes, your classrooms, work, politically, etc.

I really do not give a crap if this offends anyone or gets me banned. Women are more susceptible to trends. Combine that with everything above as well as this notion that they are not allowed to be criticized or ever disappointed and you have a disaster.

I hope you folks are stocking up on necessary supplies. Even ramen noodles will taste better than nothing when the supply chain completely fails. Definitely stock up on needed meds.

DEF (diesel exhaust fluid). I had no idea what this stuff was a month ago. Now it seems to be liquid gold. Without it modern diesel engines go into limp mode, think 45mph tops. It is becoming almost impossible to find. The west coast just experienced a massive short fall of supply. They had to ration diesel. Didn't hear about that on the media though did you?

Now this.
South Korea is now out of DEF, and their government is scrounging the planet for it. Russia, another significant producer, placed quotas on fertilizer exports last week. A military airlift of DEF from Australia is happening this week to keep transport from immediately crashing. The government ordered that companies hoarding more than 110% of their usual inventory face fines of $84,000 or three years prison, and inspections for DEF sensor tampering have been suspended

On a separate note, DEF is urea based. So is fertilizer. There is also a huge shortage of necessary replacement parts for semis right now. Shortage as in none to be had. Shortage of drivers too.
So I clicked the article and also did a search to try and find the actual survey. No mention of how many people were polled, where at (I assume this is in the Bay Area), how old they were, their profession, etc. You're just to believe this blind statement. You could poll just four people in San Fran and ask a leading question to get 3 yes responses to climate change concern and then BOOM! "75% of Americans fear climate change."

It's like those "Most Admired Person of the Year" Gallop Polls where Hillary and Obama would always win. "Obama is the most admired man of 2017!" Then you click the link and you see 1,049 people were polled and Obama wins it with 22 percent. So that means, polling half of a small Eastern Kentucky town and then saying that represents America. So 230 people of 1,049 said Obama! Then you click that same year when Hillary won and you see she won with 9 percent! So 94 people saying Hillary= "MOST ADMIRED WOMAN OF THE YEAR!"

This stuff is bullshit especially when it comes to climate change. That stuff is a huge indication of someone who is delusional/mentally ill.
To be fair, Mike Obama really did win "Most Admired Man of the Year".

I mean, I admire (and envy) ANYONE with a cawk that big...
Here is the thing. They dont say who was included in this survey, where was the survey taken, and how many people.

But I assume since this is a Bay Area report, it was taken in the Bay Area. So first of all, trying to use Bay Area people as a basis for generalizing for the entire country is laughably stupid. Even then Im sure the 70% is exaggerated. But I wouldnt be shocked if the number is around 50% and the younger the people the more scared of Climate Change.

I used to work and live in that area and still know many people from that area. Id wouldnt be shocked if the number is 50% are terrified of Climate Change.

With that said, I think climate change and Covid are 2 examples on why MSM isnt dead. I know their overall viewing numbers are down, but the stories they run still get spread like wildfire online. I mean I know many healthy people in their 30s and 20s who are terrified of Covid. Its because all day long they read stories about how deadly Covid is. Same goes for Climate Change, especially out in that area. These things are beaten into people's heads.
And it’s only a matter of time before many states start mandating it for children 5-11.

Worst thing we did as a country was continue to feed into the BS after 2 weeks. Everything post those 2 weeks was just conditioning it seems.

Now we have parents rushing their children to get this jab, that has a better chance of hospitalizing them than covid ever would. And they’ll have to continue to get these shots every few months.

Quite the clown world we’ve made ourselves.
would be leary of any ingredient that has Lucifer in it's name.

Ok, I'll bite...

You prefer the term whining, I will go with just telling the truth. Your comment that Stoops 'has won many games against rosters with considerably more talent' is demonstrably false.

Stoops is 5-15 against the SEC West since arriving: three wins against Mississippi State, one close win against an Arkansas team in the midst of a double digit SEC losing streak, and an LSU team that currently has a record of 9-10 the last 2 seasons.

I don't think anybody can argue that the SEC East schedules Stoops has faced have been by far the easiest of most if not all of our lifetimes. Tennessee is a shell of it's former self, I believe in the last 11 or 12 years we actually have more winning seasons then they do. And yet Stoops is 2-7 against them. After last year the Vols had a ton of players leave through the transfer portal, they had a coach in his first year, and were playing us on the road Saturday. We put up over 600 yards and had the ball for like 46 minutes...and we lost.

One of the best things that happened in recent memory to the UK football program and for Stoops was the addition of Missouri to the SEC East, I believe Missouri joined the conference a year before Stoops arrived at UK. Adding another East opponent meant going from 3 to 2 West opponents every year. I pointed out his record against the West, it is big deal getting Missouri every year instead of more games against the Auburns and LSUs...

Our success in recent years has largely been beating the three non conference bunnies on the schedule and really bad South Carolina teams, mediocre to bad Missouri teams, and of course...Vandy. Take away Missouri, SC, and Vandy and he is 9-38 against the rest of the SEC. And I have already mentioned how bad Tennessee has been in recent memory, many of the Florida teams Stoops faced were nothing compared to the Spurrier and Urban Meyer Gators we were once use to seeing.

3-6 against Miss St, 3-4 against Louisville...

It is fun being 6-3 and all, but right now it looks like there will be only one team on our schedule (Georgia) who will be ranked at the end of the year. How many times can you ever say that has happened? I remember a bunch of years where 4 or 5 or maybe even 6 teams we played were ranked at the end, that is how tough the schedule was historically.

There is actually a lot I like about Stoops but I'm not going to deny that a big part of his success has been because he has played against much weaker schedules than UK normally has faced. The SEC East has been really weak for a while now. I'm certainly not advocating for getting rid of him or anything, but saying he regularly wins games he shouldn't is a bit much.

Where are the many games he has won against a considerably better rosters?
I don't really have any issue with most of what you say here. However while acknowledging we have certainly played harder schedules before I think you are exaggerating a bit as to how weak our opponents are. You do realize we only played a 6 game conference schedule until the mid 80's. There were some truly dreadful years that followed that expanded 8 game schedule. The only run remotely close to what Stoops has done is Brooks (a great veteran coach btw) . On the last note from recent memory Florida and LSU were loaded with considerably more talent than the Cats. You say you actually like a lot about Stoops but you were making a concerted effort running him down. If that was a one off I wouldn't have bothered. Not that I consider it a big deal anyway. I actually regard you as very valuable with all you post on here.
If I was marketing for this place, I would lead with "These women used to be 110-pound models until they started eating our delicious Hooters Wings!"

See I said this to my parents once at PF Changs and my dad decided to embarrass me. We were sitting there waiting and I just said ‘our waitress is so good looking, wouldn’t it be better to have some fat person telling us how they can’t stop eating the food?’

The next time the waitress came by my dad said ‘my son thinks you’re too good looking to work here’
This was at the top of the Windows news feed on my work laptop. The propaganda is ramping up to cover for the Clinton crime machine as Durham indictments show how filthy these traitors really are. The average lefty is so GD ignorant and stupid, it will probably work.

Still hate Hillary? Get over it: She was right about Trump then — and she's right now

"To her credit — and unlike many other members of the American political elite — she is speaking out now even more boldly and clearly about the specific threat posed to American democracy and society by Donald Trump and the politically psychopathic Republican-fascist movement."
This was at the top of the Windows news feed on my work laptop. The propaganda is ramping up to cover for the Clinton crime machine as Durham indictments show how filthy these traitors really are. The average lefty is so GD ignorant and stupid, it will probably work.

Still hate Hillary? Get over it: She was right about Trump then — and she's right now

"To her credit — and unlike many other members of the American political elite — she is speaking out now even more boldly and clearly about the specific threat posed to American democracy and society by Donald Trump and the politically psychopathic Republican-fascist movement."
I looked up this guy's Twitter account that wrote this. Just as you'd expect.

- everything is racist
- not vaccinating your kid is a white supremacist mentality
- the GOP wants to murder school board members
Lol this whole thing has been exposed as a joke. Its becoming even more evident the left doesn't care about facts. They just want that guy in a cage bc he's a white dude.

Just came here to post this. You can see it at the very end of your tweet, but in this one you can see it for a longer time

You can see the reaction of the prosecution, they're devastated by this. The assistant DA looks lost and his assistant just has his head in his hand.

This witness completely destroyed the entire case that the state was trying to create. Because before this, this guy said he was chasing Kyle because he was worried about the harm he was in from everyone else. So here he is essentially saying Kyle was in harm from everyone else, then he admits to only being shot after pointing his gun at Kyle. He just nuked the trial haha.
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