What were you sayinglmao. Trump is using chinese money to launch his fake TRUTH media company. and his good little doggies lap it up.
What were you sayinglmao. Trump is using chinese money to launch his fake TRUTH media company. and his good little doggies lap it up.
He probably marks the Beijing Lakers games on his DVR as must-see TV.
I'm surprised that they haven't edited Michael Richards out of Seinfeld yet.
Trickle down poverty.
* Newsflash from the 'Why They'd Rather Talk About Donald Trump' Department *lmao. Trump is using chinese money to launch his fake TRUTH media company. and his good little doggies lap it up.
@LowCountryCat anything you’d like to add to the quoted post?
My wife works for a company that makes seats for Ford, they were shut down this week and she was told by a coworker not to be surprised if they get a call at the end of the week telling them they're off until January.* Newsflash from the 'Why They'd Rather Talk About Donald Trump' Department *
The Car Shortage Is About To Get A Whole Lot Worse
A critical element in everything from engines to bodies is in short supplyjalopnik.com
Thanks, Joe! You are dismissed.
Crap like this here is one of the reasons that peoples opinions of school teachers is a lot lower than people realize. Parents paying this sorry, bitch's salary & her acting this way.
I fail to see an issue, that's exactly what California voted for.
In this case...it's ok to be a holocaust denier
These are the same people that can’t fix potholes so Domino’s had to step in and do their job for them.https://apnews.com/article/climate-...-environment-7026beffefc88fda431c381459090764
And we all thought that only God had control of the weather. Little did us poor, mere mortals know that all we have to do is give democrats 3 or 4 trillion dollars to spend on their new green deal & they would show God how to control the weather. We didn't realize how lucky we are to be living on the same planet as these highly intelligent democrats. Just turn the weather over to them & then there would never be another drought, flood, bone chilling cold, heat waves, tornados or hurricanes. Aren't democrats smart. They're smarter than God, aren't we lucky to share a planet with these superior people.
I actually just saw it. A woman objected to a video being shown of parents at a school board meeting because they didn’t have 48 hours notice... and he sustained the objection. A video of concerned parents wasn’t allowed to be shown because, like “insurrection” footage, it shows how FOS these clowns are.I saw where Nadler is trending...didn't even look to see why, but I bet @55wildcat knows
I actually just saw it. A woman objected to a video being shown of parents at a school board meeting because they didn’t have 48 hours notice... and he sustained the objection. A video of concerned parents wasn’t allowed to be shown because, like “insurrection” footage, it shows how FOS these clowns are.
But @55wildcat already knew all of that.
I fail to see an issue, that's exactly what California voted for.
How do people with this thought process function? Seriously. They compare 1/6 to 9/11 and Dave Chapelle making jokes to the Holocaust.
Didn’t Gina Carano get fired for merely comparing today’s reality to how the Holocaust started out in similar fashion?
Like I mentioned yesterday...we need a barf button.
For a minute there I did not think law enforcement could contain the fans. Thought they were going to have to get their riot gear on
It couldn't happen to a more deserving bunch. The people in California keeps voting for these idiot democrats to run their state. Apparently this is what they want. Let them continue to suffer, I don't feel a bit sorry for them. They made their bed, now let them sleep in it.