How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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I had a tough weekend betting, and Tampa Bay isn't helping...I just want you to know if someone, perhaps having a bad financial week, steals something out of your car or home in was probably Plat. Yep, definitely Plat. If plat has an alibi, it's gotta be screwduke.

Just place a bet on the Reds and all will be better. Oh wait. Can’t do that till next April.
Big Pharm always takes into consideration lawsuits costs.. Calculate that with profit's, profit's always win. They know this vax is suspect ( proven by many doctors ) yet they continue to push it simply for profits..
They have immunity against lawsuits for the Covid vaccine. This is all profit. Need to get that booster to everyone before the truth about Ivermectin etc. actually gets widespread.
science says their are many genders because it is a social label. You are confusing sex and gender. and sex is also not binary because you can be intersex with allows for basically an infinite number of variations. sex is bimodal and always has been and you are probably to stupid to even understand what that means.
I'm not so sure anymore. I'm not sure there are enough people with the intestinal fortitude for what that kind of action entails.

Anyway, in other good news from the Biden admin. The puppeteer has chosen a new Controller of the Currency. What is that? Why do we need one? Hell if I know, but I would bet it isn't good.

You might not usually follow links but I recommend everyone read this so you can fully get your head around what it means if this woman is put in place. E-Coin here we come.

President Biden’s controversial pick to be the Treasury Department’s comptroller of the currency is a USSR-born and educated professor who has praised the former Soviet Union’s lack of a gender pay gap while recently advocating for ending banking “as we know it” by moving Americans’ finances from private banks to the Federal Reserve.

...Her nomination has sparked criticism from Republicans, who say she is seeking to “radically reshaping the basic architecture and dynamics of modern finance” — and reportedly Janet Yellen, Biden’s Treasury secretary raised concerns about her taking the post.

In an early 2021 paper titled “The People’s Ledger,” Omarova argued for making private banks “non-depository lenders,” changing banking “as we know it.”


I suspect she does not get confirmed. The big banks (aka big donors) hate her.

However, I am curious if Manchin/Sinema does her in, or if someone new gets drafted to vote against her and get his/her pockets lined.

Ultimately, I suspect that they plan for her to get axed, so they can get a less radical (yet still radical) person in place.

Originally, it appeared that that a pro-Fintech lib (white guy) was the front runner, but there was a lot of push from the radicals to appoint a liberal black woman.

Well, if this is the compromise, they went left of pretty much any black woman with a banking background that you could find.
Another tragic life lost to this bs. 15k and counting on VAERS. Likely number between 75k-125k. Surprised social media hasn’t deleted this girls post yet because if it doesn’t exist on Facebook, it never really happened, right? They’re counting on it.

This is terrible (if true - and why wouldn’t it be?).

I really believe you have to pull your kids out of these schools, and also protect your mothers, as well.

We talk openly about this at home. I have promised my children that we will not send them to school next year if a mandate is implemented.

But I am admittedly nervous, as my concern is that they will come after our healthcare next.
Say a prayer today for everyone who succumbed to pressure to take this vax, that God will work to strengthen their immune systems and remove any ill effects that may come.

And pray that He will intervene to stop this madness before someone you love is destroyed.

And lastly, pray that the lives of those who died from this will not be lost entirely in vain. But that they will ultimately be cited as evidence to put an end to this madness of forced vaccination.

I wish no ill will on anyone. We will all stand in judgment before God. Let God deal with the unrighteous as He sees fit, but may He intervene and protect those at this time who so desperately need His protection.
The narrative about the vaccine's effectiveness takes another hit, and this study indicates that the vax is likely the key driver behind the emergence of the C19 Delta variant.

This ^ is EXACTLY why you DO NOT introduce a vax in the height of an outbreak/pandemic. It forces/prompts the virus to mutate to survive. Of course, they knew that... and they knew most of the general public didn't know it.

Thousands of doctors where screaming this from the high mountains over a year ago. In fact, it's how I know anything about why this happens by vaxing too early into the life cycle. Won't find this level of real science on CNN. You have to want the actual truth.

Nobody listened.

This is the ONLY search result I can find on the matter as the rest have been scrubbed from the net...
This is terrible (if true - and why wouldn’t it be?).

I really believe you have to pull your kids out of these schools, and also protect your mothers, as well.

We talk openly about this at home. I have promised my children that we will not send them to school next year if a mandate is implemented.

But I am admittedly nervous, as my concern is that they will come after our healthcare next.
Online Christian school. It is your job to teach your kids, not the government. If we ALL did this, maybe the next gen would be better. Jmo.

Oh, and I agree. Am concerned about HC.
Someone posted Fauci saying maybe we shouldn't get together with family at Christmas...

Fauci just did you a favor...those crazy liberals in your extended family that you hate seeing...boom, hit em with a "In Fauci We Trust". Tell them sorry, we can't see you guys this year. Pandemic and all, maybe next year.
The narrative about the vaccine's effectiveness takes another hit, and this study indicates that the vax is likely the key driver behind the emergence of the C19 Delta variant.

What I said a few weeks ago, the "vaxd" are the ones to look out for now. They are the ones trying to kill us all. Up is down
The party of standing up for marginalized people's rights takes yet another huge shit on womens' rights... and it is celebrated.

Read something yesterday about how in Germany, as a response to all the sexual crimes perpetrated by the new muzzie immigrant influx, all the parking garages at malls and shopping centers converted their lowest level to be just for women with wider/safer parking spaces, lighting, security, etc...

The LGBTQ+7 crowd was upset that the whamens were receiving special treatment, so they protested and filed lawsuits... and now those parking areas have been revamped with rainbows to be exclusively for the LGBTQ demographic.

Everything woke... turns to shit.
I'm with you. Hate to say it, especially on a UK board, but being an alum and fan for more decades than I care to remember....I didn't watch a second of UKBB after the kneel at UF....and haven't watched/listened to a second of UKFB after the BLM march.

Have had a number of calls/letters/emails from UK regarding donations and I've told them all the same thing...I'm done.
I feel the same way and can’t understand how anybody can support what they are doing and representing
any financial types on here harboring an opinion on the release of the “pandora papers” today ?

To the extent we hear about it in the US, it will likely be used by the MSM to target South Dakota and Kristi Noem.

Will likely also be used as another excuse to monitor all bank account activity of us commoners as the Biden Administration has been proposing.
I'm with you. Hate to say it, especially on a UK board, but being an alum and fan for more decades than I care to remember....I didn't watch a second of UKBB after the kneel at UF....and haven't watched/listened to a second of UKFB after the BLM march.

Have had a number of calls/letters/emails from UK regarding donations and I've told them all the same thing...I'm done.
Also, @JStaff2187...most of the week I was winning, so joke is on you. It was just this weekend that was so awful. I spent like 8 amazing days winning pretty much every bet and then in two days (mostly just Saturday)...I decided to give them their money back.

I always thought it was so stupid when people go fishing, catch a big fish, and then throw the fish back (what was the gawd damn point of all of this?). But that is pretty much what I did for 10 days, I caught this really big fish and I named it TheCasino'sMoney and then I throw it back in the water.
This is terrible (if true - and why wouldn’t it be?).

I really believe you have to pull your kids out of these schools, and also protect your mothers, as well.

We talk openly about this at home. I have promised my children that we will not send them to school next year if a mandate is implemented.

But I am admittedly nervous, as my concern is that they will come after our healthcare next.

CA students just got mandated. Public, private, and charter. K-12 pending inevitable fda approval. Not the teachers though (who you’d think would’ve as well since they are way more at risk). Amazing the pull a teachers union that contributes to an anti recall campaign can have. Of course KY knows very well about how the teachers unions roll.

And yes, if you get medicare medicaid food stamps EDD etc that comes from the gov, the jab will be required. Not a matter of if, but when.