How will they rule ??!

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Good video. About 30 minutes. But it discusses everything that real doctors are saying. That graphene oxide is in the Pfizer shots

Now, we will start seeing the counter arguments from those who walk lockstep with governments who are pushing this agenda and a harder push to get people vaccinated because once more people are informed of the dangers of the vaccination the less power the government will have to poison its people.
After seeing your post, I searched youtube expecting to see many vids on both sides, some claiming and demonstrating the magnetism belief vs others who were claiming that magnetism was bogus. Practically every vid was promoting the bogus side of the argument. My guess is that youtube is removing vids that someone like your wife might post. I chose to take the vaccine in order to be with a dying family member in the nursing home when he took his last breath. It was worth the risk.
Everything I’ve searched for it says it’s a myth or a trick. My wife didn’t totally believe it when my friend told me about it. Guy wouldn’t lie though so I did believe it. But when he FaceTimed it live last night, it was hard for her to argue.

Sorry about your family member. Sucks you had to do that to be with them, but I get why you did it.
Now, we will start seeing the counter arguments from those who walk lockstep with governments who are pushing this agenda and a harder push to get people vaccinated because once more people are informed of the dangers of the vaccination the less power the government will have to poison its people.

Which is also why to govt is going to start banning the sale of supplements/vitamins. NAC degrades the graphene oxide. Athletes and younger kids have high levels of glutathione in their systems which is why they don't get as sick
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Everything I’ve searched for it says it’s a myth or a trick. My wife didn’t totally believe it when my friend told me about it. Guy wouldn’t lie though so I did believe it. But when he FaceTimed it live last night, it was hard for her to argue.

Sorry about your family member. Sucks you had to do that to be with them, but I get why you did it.

My guess, some of those shots are a placebo (no graphene oxide or no S-1 spike protein). Problem is, who knows if you're getting the real deal. This is a lab experiment. They did not do trials involving animals for these vaxxes. They skipped that proccess
Many articles out there debunking the graphene oxide claim are saying things like, "not likely, not conclusive, not listed in the ingredients" blah, blah, blah.

Do you know that in all processed foods the FDA only requires companies to label just a small fraction of what is in their products? Mainly the primary ingredients. Just saying.
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Many articles out there debunking the graphene oxide claim say things like, "not likely, not conclusive, not listed in the ingredients" blah, blah, blah.

Do you know that in all processed foods the FDA only requires companies to label just a small fraction of what is in their products? Mainly the primary ingredients. Just saying.

In that video I posted, the doctor from Spain actually did a thorough breakdown of what's in it. Graphene oxide was in the sample that he analyzed.

They can say whatever.
The county I work in released a ton of data recently. In short, over a 12 month period (Mar 20-Feb 21), there were 1,575 monthly cases and 27.25 deaths. Over the past 5 mos (Mar 21-Jul 21) those numbers have dropped to 890 and 11.2, respectively. Good news, right?!? Most of us would agree a 59% decreases in deaths is a good thing.

However ... if you think that is good news, then you haven't been paying attention or you don't know how totalitarianism (or authoritarianism) works ...

No, no, no ... cases last week were 925! (BTW a significant # were "va$$inated".) This is slightly higher than the average number of monthly cases for 5 months, so from that perspective I understand some panic. [NOTE: according to the data release ... the ONLY way we can solve this is to get everyone va$'d.]

Then I looked in the data for deaths, bc in my mind, I don't generally care if I catch a flu or cold ... what I want to know: is this killing people? It was hard to find on the chart, but I finally found that deaths increased 200%! Why didn't they LEAD with this? Well, because the deaths went from 1 to 3. Of course, 3 deaths in a week (each is tragic), falls right in line with 11.2 deaths per month. Which we agreed earlier is a good thing and 1-3 per week should be expected if the average is 11/month.

Finally, they included a chart showing the surge of new cases along with the # of vaxd over time. A high number of ppl have been vac'd for nearly 3 months. But the spike hasn't occurred until the last two weeks? Weird ...

TIFWIW. Just saying info ...
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Great point. I also love the posts about how nurses are on the brink of emotional breakdown. Breaking down their early retirement plans, if anything. I know several and they're loving making bank from all the federal money flowing to hospitals.

Lol I just read up on it's billions of years old, named after a geologist (which isn't what they're offended about) but in a newspaper someone referred it to something that's a slur...that was in 1925.

No one has called it that since.

Also- the same ppl wanted a lincoln statue down.

What loser goes through 100 years worth of local reading material looking for hints of racism. It's a rock
Great point. I also love the posts about how nurses are on the brink of emotional breakdown. Breaking down their early retirement plans, if anything. I know several and they're loving making bank from all the federal money flowing to hospitals.

What loser goes through 100 years worth of local reading material looking for hints of racism. It's a rock
So are liberals so...
I am not a teacher my wife is. I code algorithms for UPS, mostly to determine optimal flight patterns for maximum fuel conservation. Filibusters don't matter when you use reconciliation rules. They could have easily slipped wall funding into the tax reform bill if Trump had cared even a tiny bit to ask for it.
Us finishes first for gold, silver, bronze, and overall count. Thanks to Biden America is back baby! We just can't stop winning! Thank the fake gods the fatass cheeto was kicked to the curb.
Well, true. But they aren't going through the exact channels as they do new meds. They technically should not get approval till end of 2023/early 2024. But we know that ain't happening
Nope. What’s messed up is if Pfizer does indeed include graphene oxide, which I have no reason to doubt after watching your video and seeing the magnet with my own eyes, how/why would the FDA approve it? Hard to trust anything anymore.

I’m going to ask my friend which vax that coworker got later today.
For those of you to stupid to understand how dumb the graphene in the vaccines theory is. Graphene is not naturally magnetic. You have to dope it with ammonia to get magnetic properties through electron spin. And the field produced is microscopic. This is a very expensive process that we haven't perfected yet. But 99% of the maga moron crowd will have no understanding of any of that. One of you morons go steal a vial from Walgreens and quickly find out how gullible you sheep are.
Ya'll know

Wow. So to sum up this video (still need more to watch)

But liberals say not to trust the vaccine when Trump was president

But now that joe is president, take the vaccine or lose your freedoms.

Same vaccines, Same CDC.
But you don't trust them regardless. So what's the point?