1) Why are some of these states allowing this is a great question. Why aren't they rounding them up and taking them to Cal, NY, Chicago, back across the border clandestine like the way they are bringing them in.
2) Is there not at least one person on here that knows if the president aiding, abedding and sneaking illegals in is against the law? If it is, how can a president be allowed to blatantly break a serious law like that and not be locked up by now? Not caring for the American peoples health and safety likens him to a terrorist or something.
3) If a country like this is purposely being torn down by people that don't even care about it is there no law or no people that can halt it all legally? Basically terrorist/socialist behavior and America cannot stop it? Trying to brainwash our kids and the like, just because they want power? How is this different than a dictator from a socialist country coming here and tearing down the history of America, brainwashing young kids and bringing in millions of people to get votes so they can stay in power. Zero care for Americans. How can a country like this
allow this to happen?