How will they rule ??!

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You just wrote a rudimentary indictment of a capital based system and somehow came to the conclusion that it was good. If person A has 1 mil to invest and person B only 1k and both get their 10% all as you said, person A makes 100k and person B 100$. Person A and B did exactly the same thing but person A makes a thousand times more for absolutely no reason. Why should person A get a thousand times more for the exact same activity as person B?

Yep and when person A loses $100k and person B loses $100, both should be made whole because they’re exactly the same.

No doubt person B contributed just as much as person B to that 10% growth.

Just like person B (you) contributed just as much as person A (the bankers and politicians) to the financial collapse of 2008 that still has you wallowing in your parents basement.

P.S. The dollar sign comes before the number. Guess you’ve never seen a paycheck.

Piss of a democrat. Fly your American flag, especially this weekend.
Have added Disney to my list of companies I won't be doing business with.

"...we hope this change will make guests of all gender identities feel more comfortable when they visit our parks,"

...The company announced in January that it would remove racially insensitive scenes from its Jungle Cruise rides. The updated rides no longer include "negative depictions" of native peoples, according to Disney, and reflect "the diversity of the world around us."

.....In June 2020, Disney announced that it would transform Splash Mountain at US theme parks into "Prince and the Frog"-themed rides after backlash. The ride was connected to the racist "Song of the South" Disney movie from 1946.
And The UK built the world's largest Kingdom. The Nazi's conquered all of Europe for years. The Romans lasted thousands of years. The Soviets controlled most of Asia. Conservatism didn't build a republic. America's best years were when progressive minded people were in control. You're stuck in the past and if you don't learn to change the world will pass you by. Like when the Soviet downfall began, conservatives are smothered in corruption and medieval style of thinking. Conservatives should learn that change is okay. Trickle down economics doesn't work and has caused the largest wealth gap in this country's history. Pointless wars have caused massive unrest. Since the 20th century conservatism has offered very little to solve anything. Economic policies from conservatives hasn't worked. International policies hasn't worked as the eastern world never turned away from communism like Reagan said they would after the fall of the Soviets. Social policies have caused the most unrest in America since arguably the Civil Right Era (that majority of republicans tried to filibuster).
It's okay though.

You'll realize eventually that as more and more people are connected via internet and travel that people stray away from conservative ideals. And if you don't, well you'll probably be like the old dudes who still clamor that slavery was okay.
Where are you encountering old dudes who think slavery is ok? China perhaps?
You believe in a God with zero proof of existing because some ancient book that was written by people like you and me says it's true. Yet, you call others dumb because they follow science? Like it or not but conservatism is dying. There's a reason it's mostly old white dudes and why younger generations lean liberal. Also, you believe the FBI did Jan 6th, that massive voter fraud happened, and that life events are staged, and you call others dumb. I just. I'm done man. Good luck in that fantasy world where Trump's coming back in August.
You are not intelligent enough to recognize the true depths of your ignorance. I hope you truly are done. You have trashed this forum up enough with your Godless commie propaganda. You will make a fabulous new addition to my ignore list.
Trump’s SCOTUS picks have been absolute shit which I’m sure McConnell and company made sure to happen. ACB was a trash choice and so was Kavanaugh.
ACB was who Mitch recommended. Hard to blame Trump on Kavanaugh as Kennedy would only retire if Trump agreed to appoint him but he definitely should've known better on Barrett.
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Folks, it really boggles my mind that people like dion, plat, factchecker, and the like who profess to be so intelligent and woke can really be this dumb. I mean this, it's incredible. The dumbing down of America is in full force and it is happening to the ones who claim to be so smart. That's the beauty of it I guess. It's like those individuals who are the butt of a joke and are laughing not understanding that they are the joke.
Why aren’t all these you mentioned and a few others on ignore by everyone. If I wanted to know the left’s talking points I could just watch CNN.
Yep and when person A loses $100k and person B loses $100, both should be made whole because they’re exactly the same.

No doubt person B contributed just as much as person B to that 10% growth.

Just like person B (you) contributed just as much as person A (the bankers and politicians) to the financial collapse of 2008 that still has you wallowing in your parents basement.

P.S. The dollar sign comes before the number. Guess you’ve never seen a paycheck.
Glad you could join us, how does it feel to be out of prison?
No way. She's so likeable. Everyone loves her.

Just think for a moment how stupid this is. Man thinks he is so smart he can become a she just because he declares it. We need a thinning of the herd.
The alien invasion can't happen soon enough. Maybe they can abduct a bunch of these freaks and take them back to their home world to put in their zoos, use them as slave labor, or experiment on them.

How bout that jobs report eh!?
just another 850k jobs!
Biden getting shit done. His first year will be the largest job and wage growth in US HISTORY!
K A B O O M !
Helps when the Economy was shutdown for a year due to a virus released from China. Hell, Trump admin told us last year what the numbers would look like this year... due to opening the economy back up.
Wonder how much that is a result of Republican Governors cutting off unemployment benefits?
It is a huge reason. Many blue states are still not fully open. The truth is every decision from the Biden Administration borders on insanity. No, it is insanity. Liberalism is insanity.

Think where he would be without a press covering his tracks and treating him like a dementia patient. .
Trump’s SCOTUS picks have been absolute shit which I’m sure McConnell and company made sure to happen. ACB was a trash choice and so was Kavanaugh.
Trump nominated them & McConnell did as he desired. It's all on him. Why aren't you blaming him? Because you're a groupie of his? Net, you're comment is total bs.
I recently posted about the environmental nazis wanting you to turn your thermostat up to they are just saying no private air conditioning.

It would be a kill or be killed situation. They ever come for my AC and I will have the holes ready in the yard to bury them in...if they ever successfully take my air conditioning...I will be a suicide on the second night, wouldn't even last a week.

I am sad to have to agree with you. The Swamp made the recommendations and we are stuck. We may as well dig up Ginsberg and stick her in a chair.
IT'S ALL ON TRUMP !! If he couldn't figure it out, why is he worth a sheet? Ain't that hard.