How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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  • Poll closed .
"Worship of the Written Word"




Were they trying to compliment me and my ancestors? White people sound awesome when they put it this way...


Amusing that they decry all these attempts at exceptionalism, while mis-spelling hoarding. 'Power hording', what about... lol
Have always worried but now at a point where I really fear for my generation's ability to survive in our older years. If you have not saved you are going to be in a real world of hurt come retirement age and even if you have saved it becomes clearer the people being put in power are going to find a way to tax our savings to death to pay for their spending. Younger generations might as well forget about it because there will be nothing left for them at the pace we are going.

Hell even if you have nice savings you still aren't in the clear. Our currency is about to take a deep dive on the global scale of the Biden puppet masters don't do something fast. That's assuming this catastrophe isn't what they actually want anyway
"Worship of the Written Word"




Were they trying to compliment me and my ancestors? White people sound awesome when they put it this way...

The left has made it abundantly clear how they apparently view whites and how they view minorities. Apparently they do believe in white supremacy and believe non-whites are helpless morons incapable of doing anything worth a damn or conducting themselves in a decent manner.
I think it was a combination of four things that cost Trump re-election. Had any two of the four, and maybe even one of the four not have happened, he would have won.
1. Covid. Trump had the economy going like a well oiled machine. Unemployment, stock market, all were in great shape. Unless you had TDS life was great for you. Covid screwed all of that.

2. Election Fraud. There was cheating. I don't see how you can be anything other than a brain washed sheep and deny there wasn't at least some cheating that transpired. You could make an argument that cheating wasn't the only thing that cost him the election I suppose. And I myself believe that he could have overcome the cheating if not for reason #4 on my list.

3. The MSM. The media had it out for Trump from the beginning. They've always hated Republicans but the vitriol they spewed at Trump was far beyond even normal for them. Something else was at play here pushing the media even further, and I suspect higher powers who didn't like the fact that Trump couldn't be controlled were involved. Unfortunately, a large segment of the population still listens to the MSM and they influence voters.

4. Trump himself. I loved that Trump had no fear and went toe to toe with the media. He definitely called some people out that needed it. BUT. One of the most important skills in life is learning how to pick and choose your battles. Half the time Trump allowed himself to get involved in the pettiest shit. It's ok to ignore people sometimes. In fact, a lot of times you can let them hang themselves just by keeping your mouth shut. He never figured that out. He should have tweeted 50% less. He turned off a lot of people who would have otherwise voted for him had he been a little more tactful in his rhetoric.

Three of the four he couldn't control. He wasn't perfect but he actually cared about America, which is more than I can say for 98% of politicians. It's a damn shame how it all played out.

Like everything else in 2020, the results of the election get an asterisk.

I can't remember a time when significant national and global events combined to create a world we all lived in for the past year or so. To top it off it was an election year which is generally looney-tune season regardless and one that had been shaping up to be more a clown show than previous cycles, for 4 years via the nature of all things Trump/Maga, anti-Trump/Maga, etc...

Impeachment not going according to plan, Solemani/Iran WW3 fear, pandemic, shutdowns, George Floyd, riots, election season...the year got off to a start and snowballed so fast that our collective culture couldn't handle it.

The momentum of each event just steamrolled into the next.

The only thing you can do during adverse, chaotic, outlier event times that are really out of the control of anyone is pay attention to how people, groups, officials, corporations, etc respond and take note.

You can hide who you and what your intentions are during normal and good times, but not during abnormal times, which I guess is the silver lining during historical episodes like this past year...a lot of folks and entities revealed themselves.

Though times have seemed and continue to seem dire, hopeless I think the masses of normal, reasonable people of all affiliations, backgrounds, etc took note of many important things, ideas, people, agendas that perhaps have been lost and forgotten in the general wash of how our country specifically and the world generally speaking have improved.

Things, ideas, agendas that, because times overall are better than they have been and improving, have been allowed to creep around and spread under the radar.

A lot of liberals who a few years ago were railing against guns suddenly got the urge to go buy guns and appreciate the right to do so.

A lot of citizens and non-citizens from other parts of the globe who aren't voting conservative, or at least weren't, are not huge fans of lockdowns, government overreach, and saying "hey folks we're here because we wanted to get away from a lot of things were seeing trying to take root here in careful..."

A lot of city folk from our progressive "utopia" cities that are bastions of intelligence and great leadership are flocking to rural areas they once criticized and only saw from afar while flying over them.

A lot of folks were censored and/or taken off social platforms...not just conservatives...which has lead to a renewed appreciation for the second amendment and awareness of the forces that would try to end it.

Cancel culture moved on from straight, white, religious, male conservatives, groups, businesses and started taking out gay, black, liberal, Latino, and women as well...

Even the most bleeding heart, kumbaya, we are the world globalists saw some things in the stem bill and were like "you know what, maybe we don't need to send billions to Sudan and Pakistan..."

Everyone is starting to see that cities with activist DA, mayors, agendas are literally in flames...

Lastly, and to circle back to the original topic, we all learned that our election system top to bottom isn't what it could and should be considering we are the most advanced, democratic nation more than capable of having a lot more efficient, accurate, secure election process.

Now, we all have known it for quite some time, however, there hasn't always been hypersensitive limelight shining on everything, especially politics, like there was last year. I would say you'd be hard-pressed to find an election season in which there weren't some shenanigans at some level. Whether it's local, state, or national, election tricky dickery is about as American as apple pie and I think we've all accepted it over the years. Some years it favors pubs in some places at some levels, other years dems. This past year though it seems to have been egregious and with serious consequences.

In a technological world of data, analytics, hyper security, logins, passwords, retinal IDs, for something as insignificant as being able to access a social platform to post or like a picture of a cat eating some avocado toast with the sun setting in the background, or buy a song via the apple mean to tell me we can't work something out for our elections.

We can pinpoint our friends and families' current location and what they're doing...but we can't track whether or not somebody went to the voting booth twice?

We can fact-check any statement made by anyone at any time and verify whether an online account is legit or a parody...but we can't easily call BS when Joan Smith born 1905 died in 1985 votes?

A lot of bullshit bubbled up in 2020 and I think a lot of people who couldn't smell it before got a good huff of it and didn't like it.
We went from knowing what a president ate, who he slept with, speaking to his doctor, analyzing his handshakes, focusing on a typo, tweets, just everything you could. Everyone who ever had some slight association with him wrote a book...

to a guy with dementia where he’s hidden away, isn’t allowed to talk to media without scripted questions and a teleprompter, blocking people online who are critical, burying everything that exposes him.

The deranged left is okay with this, of course. “dEmOcRaCy DiEs In dArKnEsS!”
Okay, so another win for Paul in the Paul vs Fauci series. I remember quite clearly Rand Paul clearly saying that Fauci is only wearing the mask after being vaccinated for theater. And Fauci got all quippy with Rand for saying that.

Well, a month or so later here is Fauci admitting that ya, it was all theater.

Im sure if we go back and track the entire Paul vs Fauci back and forths, Rand is probably up 7-0 or something close to that.

For the past year there has been one consistent thing with Fauci. Whatever he says, give him a month to say something completely contradictory, or he will just flat out admit that he lied. The dude has been a joke.
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"Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo called on China Tuesday to release evidence that disproves the theory that COVID-19 originated at a lab in Wuhan."
Off the top of my head here are some of the bigger Paul vs Fauci moments.

School openings: Rand in July said schools should be opened because there is no evidence that kids were at a real risk. Fauci said Rand didnt know what he was talking about. Then in November Fauci said schools should be opened because there is noo evidence that kids are at a real risk.

Funding the Wuhan Lab: Rand asked Fauci if he still supported funding the Wuhan lab. Fauci clearly stated that the NIH has never funded the Wuhan lab and again said Rand had no clue what he was talking about. Well now even Politifact admits the Wuhan lab got some funding from the NIH.

No need to wear masks after getting the Vaccine: Rand read off studies and evidence that once people had gotten the virus or had the vaccine they were at essentially no risk. And because of that there is no reason to wear masks. Fauci replied that because of the different variants we will need to continue to wear masks for quite some time. Well obviously that didnt last long.

And now calling out Fauci for wearing the masks for theater.

That is at least 4 big time clashes between those two that the majority of the media picked up with headlines of something along the lines of, "Fauci schools Paul" or something along those lines. Im sure there is a couple more moments I have forgotten as well.

I mean this should be embarrassing. A Senator shouldnt be schooling our so called lead scientist on this virus over and over again. Fauci being schooled over and over again, Fauci contradicting himself over and over again, or Fauci just flat out admitting to lying over and over again for the past year should be grounds to get him fired. But no this isnt about science, this is all politics.
Okay, so another win for Paul in the Paul vs Fauci series. I remember quite clearly Rand Paul clearly saying that Fauci is only wearing the mask after being vaccinated for theater. And Fauci got all quippy with Rand for saying that.

Well, a month or so later here is Fauci admitting that ya, it was all theater.

Im sure if we go back and track the entire Paul vs Fauci back and forths, Rand is probably up 7-0 or something close to that.

For the past year there has been one consistent thing with Fauci. Whatever he says, give him a month to say something completely contradictory, or he will just flat out admit that he lied. The dude has been a joke.
Considering Roger Stone was convicted for lying to Congress, shouldn't Fauci be similarly charged with that? I know he won't be, but he was clearly lying on this occasion, and likely on the funding for the Wuhan clinic.
Seems like anything in opposition of main stream left ideas results in killing people.

No masks? Killing people.

Fully opening up? Killing people

Law enforcement? Killing (black) people.

Won’t get a child hormone therapy? Killing children.

The extremists aren’t just extreme in ideology. They’re extreme with their theatrics as well.
I still hold out hope it's just incompetence but I'm not sure.
My feeling that they’re purposely trying to destroy the country grows stronger with each passing action/inaction of the powers that be.

I can’t help but feel like they want us to move towards a global governing body and what better way to do that than purposely sabotage your own country at nearly every level possible? I have a hard time believing anyone can be THAT incompetent... but if there was someone THAT incompetent... well...
Seems like anything in opposition of main stream left ideas results in killing people.

No masks? Killing people.

Fully opening up? Killing people

Law enforcement? Killing (black) people.

Won’t get a child hormone therapy? Killing children.

The extremists aren’t just extreme in ideology. They’re extreme with their theatrics as well.
Don't forget all the millions that died because of the tax cuts!