***Political Thread*** (Massive merge)

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Jul 10, 2001
John Huddy on Fox news is reporting He is hearing from contacts in Cuba and Miami, Obama plans on closing Guantanamo based and giving it back to Cuba!

This about 5 minutes ago on Fox News. This is entirely in consonance with Obamas philosophy of USA. He hates what the US has done geopolitically over the years so he is cozying up to the Cuban communists.

The first thing Cuba will do is allow Russia to put the nuclear missiles back on the island again, 90 MILES FROM MIAMI.

John Kennedy risked a nuclear exchange in 1961 but backed down Nikita Khrushchev and he removed the missiles. IN turn, we removed missiles from Turkey. But at least they are gone from Cuba.

Those of you that are young don't remember it but it was nearly a nuclear war.

There are no more moderates like Kennedy in the DEMOCRATIC party anymore. Just "progressives" liberals.

We are in great trouble because our president is trying to destroy this country, move by move.

When Iran gets a missile, Israel and the USA will be in great danger.

The American people re-elected Obama again and it is proving to be a huge mistake. That's what we get- and I say we because even the ones like me that did not vote for him-we are going to suffer because of it and our progeny.

Are you against giving GB back to Cuba?

This post was edited on 2/4 8:18 PM by kybobcat
Re: error- move this to political thread pls. thanks.

Paddock politics



Re: Political Thread: Closing Guantanamo?

Originally posted by ukfit:

Are you against giving GB back to Cuba?

This post was edited on 1/24 4:50 PM by kybobcat
We don't own Gitmo dude, we lease it, and the last time I checked President Reagan and General Secretary Gorbachev ended the cold war nearly 3 decades ago.
Re: Political Thread: Closing Guantanamo?

Yeah ukfit, don't you know that as long as we appease everyone no one will show any aggression towards us ever again. Our foriegn policies are the reason these countries and people have been fighting and invading other countries for thousands of years. So surely if we give in completely, they will never attack us again.
Re: Political Thread: Closing Guantanamo?

Glad to see some adults discussing tough issues reasonably here.
Re: Political Thread: Closing Guantanamo?

Judging by how our policy has changed from the time they were detained - waterboarding/interrogation evolving to drones - why not just bomb Gitmo via drone? Sounds silly but it is exactly what we are doing almost daily across the ME to the exact type of targets we have there.

I say we close it and just pay some 3rd world nation to imprison them, making them wish they were back on a tropical island.
Re: Political Thread: Closing Guantanamo?

Originally posted by qwesley:
Judging by how our policy has changed from the time they were detained - waterboarding/interrogation evolving to drones - why not just bomb Gitmo via drone? Sounds silly but it is exactly what we are doing almost daily across the ME to the exact type of targets we have there.

I say we close it and just pay some 3rd world nation to imprison them, making them wish they were back on a tropical island.
Good point!
Re: Political Thread: Closing Guantanamo?

I wouldn't put much credence in what Fox News or MSNBC says. They are there for entertainment purposes and will say anything to reel viewers in.
Re: Political Thread: Closing Guantanamo?

Originally posted by qwesley:

I say we close it and just pay some 3rd world nation to imprison them, making them wish they were back on a tropical island.
Agreed. Outsource it. Siberia should be a prime choice for imprisonment. Current USD$/Ruble exchange rate is quite favorable at the moment. Sign long-term contracts. Insist on housing 'em in remote arctic regions. Hell, for that matter, reactivate a few select GULAG camps (Норильлаг, Норильстрой, Норильский ИТЛ). Ivan no play around.

Re: Political Thread: Closing Guantanamo?

Another Gruber tape, this one bragging that Ted Kennedy helped Mass get $400m in federal money to make their healthcare plan work.

Re: Political Thread: Closing Guantanamo?

Greece tired of having to budget goes farther left. Dude basically ran on a platform of "elect me and I will tell the people that lent us money to go eff themselves". There was a Greece/Germany match a couple years ago where the crowd was chanting "we are never paying you back". From cnn:

Syriza's pledges to try to get some of Greece's colossal debt written off and roll back unpopular austerity measures appealed to exasperated members of the electorate -- even if it jeopardizes Greece's place in the eurozone. The election could lead to a dramatic showdown with the debt-laden nation's lenders.
Re: Political Thread: Closing Guantanamo?

It will be interesting to see what kind of leverage the Greeks have. Germany obviously wants to be paid back, and getting something is better than nothing. But Germany could also view this as a time to show them who's boss and get them tossed out of the European Union. From what I understand, that will hurt Greece big time.
Re: Political Thread: Closing Guantanamo?

Originally posted by Deeeefense:
Originally posted by ukfit:

Are you against giving GB back to Cuba?

This post was edited on 1/24 4:50 PM by kybobcat
We don't own Gitmo dude, we lease it, and the last time I checked President Reagan and General Secretary Gorbachev ended the cold war nearly 3 decades ago.
Ah yes. The ole "the 80s called and they want their foreign policy back" line. Sounds familiar. It's just as foolish now as it was then.
Re: Political Thread: Closing Guantanamo?

Man, Rip Van Paddock just woke up thinking that it's 1964.

"The first thing Cuba will do is allow Russia to put the nuclear missiles back on the island again, 90 MILES FROM MIAMI."

You really, truly believe this? How would abandoning Guantanamo suddenly allow this to happen? Didn't we have Guantanamo when this was attempted before? I'm lost.

"There are no more moderates like Kennedy in the DEMOCRATIC party anymore. Just "progressives" liberals."

What on earth are you talking about? Nixon was more progressive and liberal than Obama.

We are in great trouble because our president is trying to destroy this country, move by move.

You say this about every democrat president. Yet, it hasn't happened (yet). Maybe Hillary will finally do it.
Re: Political Thread: Closing Guantanamo?

I eat breakfast 300 yards from 4000 Cubans who are trained to kill me, so don't think for one second that you can come down here, flash a badge, and make me nervous.
Re: Political Thread: Closing Guantanamo?

I'm a big supporter of closing it down and starting up a luxury hotel/night life called "The Club Gitmo Royale"
Re: Political Thread: Closing Guantanamo?

Originally posted by Big Blue 1977:
Man, Rip Van Paddock just woke up thinking that it's 1964.

"The first thing Cuba will do is allow Russia to put the nuclear missiles back on the island again, 90 MILES FROM MIAMI."

You really, truly believe this? How would abandoning Guantanamo suddenly allow this to happen? Didn't we have Guantanamo when this was attempted before? I'm lost.

"There are no more moderates like Kennedy in the DEMOCRATIC party anymore. Just "progressives" liberals."

What on earth are you talking about? Nixon was more progressive and liberal than Obama.

We are in great trouble because our president is trying to destroy this country, move by move.

You say this about every democrat president. Yet, it hasn't happened (yet). Maybe Hillary will finally do it.
Nixon was more Liberal than Obama? No he wasn't.
Re: Political Thread: Closing Guantanamo?

Originally posted by bigblueinsanity:

We don't own Gitmo dude, we lease it, and the last time I checked President Reagan and General Secretary Gorbachev ended the cold war nearly 3 decades ago.
Ah yes. The ole "the 80s called and they want their foreign policy back" line. Sounds familiar. It's just as foolish now as it was then.
You actually think Russia would bring nuclear missils back to Cuba under any circumstance? really?

and here I was thinking you were one of the sane ones.
Re: Political Thread: Closing Guantanamo?

Originally posted by Deeeefense:
Originally posted by bigblueinsanity:

We don't own Gitmo dude, we lease it, and the last time I checked President Reagan and General Secretary Gorbachev ended the cold war nearly 3 decades ago.
Ah yes. The ole "the 80s called and they want their foreign policy back" line. Sounds familiar. It's just as foolish now as it was then.
You actually think Russia would bring nuclear missils back to Cuba under any circumstance? really?

and here I was thinking you were one of the sane ones.
I didn't say that. But nice attempt at a strawman. I'm pointing out the liberal misconception that Russia would do us no harm.
Re: Political Thread: Closing Guantanamo?

and plus it's a pretty awesome to see us finally get a chance fulfill Operation Northwood in Cuba.

Fingers crossed!!1!!!1
Re: Political Thread: Closing Guantanamo?

Originally posted by Deeeefense:
Originally posted by bigblueinsanity:

We don't own Gitmo dude, we lease it, and the last time I checked President Reagan and General Secretary Gorbachev ended the cold war nearly 3 decades ago.
Ah yes. The ole "the 80s called and they want their foreign policy back" line. Sounds familiar. It's just as foolish now as it was then.
You actually think Russia would bring nuclear missils back to Cuba under any circumstance? really?

and here I was thinking you were one of the sane ones.
Yeah. Don't people know that Russia is our friend now.
Re: Political Thread: Closing Guantanamo?

Originally posted by starchief5:

You actually think Russia would bring nuclear missils back to Cuba under any circumstance? really?

and here I was thinking you were one of the sane ones.
Yeah. Don't people know that Russia is our friend now.
Well I hope we are at least acquaintances since without them we have no way of getting our astronauts home from the International Space Station.

The Russians have a border skirmish with Ukraine and all of a sudden the neocons are predicted Word War III - what next?

This post was edited on 1/26 2:29 PM by Deeeefense
Re: Political Thread: Closing Guantanamo?

Originally posted by Deeeefense:
The Russians have a border skirmish with Ukraine

I'll bet they'd take issue with your belittling, trying to annex half their nation and whatnot.

No one is saying WW3 is imminent but Russia has had it's hand in messes all over the place. Pretty much the definition of geopolitical foe. The fact that you are defending Obama's dumbass take is not surprising.

On the bright side, Obama is sending Barry Manilow to Kiev for a live rendering of Copacabana to brighten their spirits in the wake of their border skirmish.
Re: Political Thread: Closing Guantanamo?

Except for hard core liberals, I would say that most people, especially journalists who cover this stuff, concede that this administration's foreign policy is really bad.
Re: Political Thread: Closing Guantanamo?

Originally posted by Rex Kwon Do:

Originally posted by Deeeefense:
The Russians have a border skirmish with Ukraine

I'll bet they'd take issue with your belittling, trying to annex half their nation and whatnot.

No one is saying WW3 is imminent but Russia has had it's hand in messes all over the place. Pretty much the definition of geopolitical foe. The fact that you are defending Obama's dumbass take is not surprising.
I'm not defending anything and I didn't even mention Obama. The only point I'm making is the boarder war the Russians are having with Ukrain does not equate to them wanting to move missils back to the western hemispher and pointing them at us like the OP was suggesting and you are apparently agreeing with. I find that level of paranoia more than a little wacky yet amusing.

BTW it's not half the country it's a small section - again I'm not defending the Russians just trying to stick to the facts and put it in proper perspective. Like most folks I'm 1000x more concerned about ISIL and Al Queda then I am about the Russians.

Ukrain Interactive Map
Re: Political Thread: Closing Guantanamo?

Originally posted by Deeeefense:

Originally posted by starchief5:

You actually think Russia would bring nuclear missils back to Cuba under any circumstance? really?

and here I was thinking you were one of the sane ones.
Yeah. Don't people know that Russia is our friend now.
Well I hope we are at least acquaintances since without them we have no way of getting our astronauts home from the International Space Station.

The Russians have a border skirmish with Ukraine and all of a sudden the neocons are predicted Word War III - what next?

This post was edited on 1/26 2:29 PM by Deeeefense
Yeah and closing Gitmo plus giving terrorist freedom to try and kill us again and the looney left yells hooray! They like us now. What next?
Re: Political Thread: Closing Guantanamo?

Originally posted by wkycatfan:

Except for hard core liberals, I would say that most people, especially journalists who cover this stuff, concede that this administration's foreign policy is really bad.
I'm fairly liberal and I agree
Re: Political Thread: Closing Guantanamo?

You sir, makes a very good point! In my opinion, jailhouses from 3rd world countries are hell being inhabited by living individuals. Jail guards are being handled by imprisoned drug lords that if you are sentenced to a lifetime imprisonment, you will most likely volunteer yourself to the death sentence if given a chance to. It is good to have this kind of thread from a sports forum from time to time. It makes us think of other stuff outside of sports. Thanks to the Original Poster!

This post was edited on 1/26 9:03 PM by Jase01

Dafabet sports
Re: Political Thread: Closing Guantanamo?

Wow Jase. Don't rock the boat too hard.
Re: Political Thread: Closing Guantanamo?

Well, living in a poor country, that's a fact, bro. There are a lot of prisons much worst than GB.
Re: Political Thread: Closing Guantanamo?

Yeah, Green Bay is definitely a hell hole. I concur.
Re: Political Thread: Closing Guantanamo?

Bowe Bergdahl to be tried for desertion according to ex-military intel officer.

Re: Political Thread: Closing Guantanamo?

Gunmen, which ISIS claims were assigned by the militant group, storm an up-scale hotel in Tripoli, killing at least five foreigners because....well, why not?

I'm sure none of the victims heard "Aloha snack bar" before being murdered.

Still not as atrocious as killing an abortion doctor 30yrs ago.

This post was edited on 1/27 10:37 AM by jamo0001
Re: Political Thread: Closing Guantanamo?

Originally posted by Catfan in Tn.:

Bowe Bergdahl to be tried for desertion according to ex-military intel officer.
That was one very stupid move on Obama's part.
Re: Political Thread: Closing Guantanamo?

Originally posted by Chuckinden:

Originally posted by Catfan in Tn.:

Bowe Bergdahl to be tried for desertion according to ex-military intel officer.
That was one very stupid move on Obama's part.
I'm not sure if he's foreign policy stupid, has a foreign policy agenda, or is really naïve.

Or a combination.
Re: Political Thread: Closing Guantanamo?

love how Obama sent his favorite liar Susan Rice to go on Sunday shows and proclaim Bergdahl "served the United States with honor and distinction"
Re: Political Thread: Closing Guantanamo?

Originally posted by Chuckinden:

Originally posted by Catfan in Tn.:

Bowe Bergdahl to be tried for desertion according to ex-military intel officer.
That was one very stupid move on Obama's part.
Not really. Obama is determined to close GITMO,and can't without congress, SO, he has decided to empty it out. Obama is all about politics. He could care less about this country or our safety. All he cares about is political wins. He will sign a terrible deal with Iran. No matter who the next POTUS is, they will be left with a mess to clean up. Best be stocking up on ammo. We will have to defend ourselves.
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