PF Caleb Wilson's official visit is this weekend

Are you effin kidding me? All the new jobs are not from covid recovery, cmon.

No, but they have all gone to immigrants. Native born Americans in the labor force is at a lower value than in late 2019 meaning all new job creation has been filled by immigrants. Perhaps you are fine with Americans being replaced, and I assume you are if you have no problem with 12 million plus being let into the country illegally by this administration, but I'm not and neither are most Americans.
No, but they have all gone to immigrants. Native born Americans in the labor force is at a lower value than in late 2019 meaning all new job creation has been filled by immigrants. Perhaps you are fine with Americans being replaced, and I assume you are if you have no problem with 12 million plus being let into the country illegally by this administration, but I'm not and neither are most Americans.

You realize that the article did not refute what I said, right? That Americans as a value (whole number) of the workforce has declined since pre-covid meaning the increase in jobs has gone to immigrants. It's simple math. I acknowledge that I should've used clearer wording and said the growth in employment numbers has gone to immigrants.

I do get a chuckle out of Dems providing Forbes as arguments for open borders. Nothing to drive down wages, increase housing and consumer costs, and assure corporations cheap labor like open borders. Amazing how the parties have done a complete flip on who working class Americans vs wealthy multinationals support.
Why is there political talk in a Caleb Wilson thread? Good lord yall. Drop it
Some people man. Imagine being so worked up over an election in this country. Best thing you can do is make sure you are right on your walk with the lord and not let wordly things get you bothered enough that you ruin a recruiting thread on a college basketball message board
Say what? I don't know what you are invested in but my index funds are higher than they've ever been. Have you payed any attention to the stock market? I'll never say a prez is responsible for a good or bad stock market, but what you said is incredibly ludicrous. As far as monetary policy, you do realize the Fed acts independently of the prez, right? Talk about dangerous, trump has said he wants to appoint a new Fed chair that will do his bidding. That's right, the guy with 6 bankruptcies and the guy who doesn't understand basic economic terminology wants to direct the monetary policy for America. Are you effin kidding me? All the new jobs are not from covid recovery, cmon. You are not that stupid are you. You have every right to vote for who you want but facts are independent of your cult brain.
Yeah the guy who led a fantastic economy and has the US energy independent. I’ll take his results and btw he’s a billionaire so I’m going with he knows more than you do.yes the markets have risen quite a bit the last 2 years, that made up for all losses at the end of 2020-2021. My wife parents lost almost a million dollars in their retirement from that. This economy sucks by many measures. Just because the market is rising doesn’t always mean the economy is healthy, and the bill is about to come due on all this debt and spending like of Monopoly money this establishment has done. Hundreds of billions on wars, an open border, and throwing money at illegals while actual Americans hurt. You may wanna look into those job reports and it’s funny you are talking about cults when the left is as cultish as it gets. As others have said this is a Wilson thread so these are my last words on this topic. If Harris gets into office again this country will be in huge trouble.
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Yeah the guy who led a fantastic economy and has the US energy independent. I’ll take his results and btw he’s a billionaire so I’m going with he knows more than you do.yes the markets have risen quite a bit the last 2 years, that made up for all losses at the end of 2020-2021. My wife parents lost almost a million dollars in their retirement from that. This economy sucks by many measures. Just because the market is rising doesn’t always mean the economy is healthy, and the bill is about to come due on app this debt and spending like of Monopoly money this establishment has done. Hundreds of billions off wars, an open border and throwing money at illegals while actual Americans hurt. You may wanna look into those job reports and it’s funny you are talking about cults when the left is as cultish as it gets. As others have said this is a Wilson thread so these are my last words on this topic. If Harris gets into office again this country will be in huge trouble.
Sure it is your last post, lol. Economy sucks by any measures? You mean the stock market higher than it has EVER been? You mention energy independence. You realize we are producing more oil than we ever have. Also, we've never been energy independent as we still import a ton of oil, even while producing more than we import. National debt/deficit, ugggh you may want to check the Trump numbers vs Biden. You may not like the Biden immigration policy, but we don't have open borders. Homeland security has a simple little website where you can view all the numbers of people caught. Nice of trump to put the kibosh on a nice bipartisan border bill that would have done a lot of good, which Biden would have signed. I'll keep responding to you dude, waiting for your next post.
Sure it is your last post, lol. Economy sucks by any measures? You mean the stock market higher than it has EVER been? You mention energy independence. You realize we are producing more oil than we ever have. Also, we've never been energy independent as we still import a ton of oil, even while producing more than we import. National debt/deficit, ugggh you may want to check the Trump numbers vs Biden. You may not like the Biden immigration policy, but we don't have open borders. Homeland security has a simple little website where you can view all the numbers of people caught. Nice of trump to put the kibosh on a nice bipartisan border bill that would have done a lot of good, which Biden would have signed. I'll keep responding to you dude, waiting for your next post.
There doesn't need to be a border bill. He has the authority to shut it down now.It sure the hell is open. I’ve watched with my own eyes for the past 3 years of millions flooding over the border. You are a little asleep sheep if you believe this crap. Go read you government documents since you believe everything they say to you. You can check any number of cities across America for all these illegals they are taking care of BTW. It’s easy to find. As far as producing oil, Biden got rid of all of our reserves and shut down our pipelines long ago.
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You realize that the article did not refute what I said, right? That Americans as a value (whole number) of the workforce has declined since pre-covid meaning the increase in jobs has gone to immigrants. It's simple math. I acknowledge that I should've used clearer wording and said the growth in employment numbers has gone to immigrants.

I do get a chuckle out of Dems providing Forbes as arguments for open borders. Nothing to drive down wages, increase housing and consumer costs, and assure corporations cheap labor like open borders. Amazing how the parties have done a complete flip on who working class Americans vs wealthy multinationals support.
Of course it completely refutes what you said, you just don't accept what it says because it screws with your belief. And now we're suppose to believe that poor old gringos can't get jobs because of immigrants. Talk about twisting the argument.

I've mentioned this before. My brother in law is a roofing contractor, or was one to be honest. He loved trump. After a big crackdown on illegals my brother in law said he lost his whole number one crew and half his number 2 crew. He said they were awesome. I asked him if he was still happy with his trump vote and he wouldn't answer. He switched his contracting focus after that.
Of course it completely refutes what you said, you just don't accept what it says because it screws with your belief. And now we're suppose to believe that poor old gringos can't get jobs because of immigrants. Talk about twisting the argument.

I've mentioned this before. My brother in law is a roofing contractor, or was one to be honest. He loved trump. After a big crackdown on illegals my brother in law said he lost his whole number one crew and half his number 2 crew. He said they were awesome. I asked him if he was still happy with his trump vote and he wouldn't answer. He switched his contracting focus after that.

I will say it again. Native born employment numbers have not reached the same number before covid. If there is a net increase in jobs, with natives not experiencing a net increase, the increase has occured via the foreign born population. Your article tacitly acknowledges that in one sentence but then jumps to how beneficial immigration is to the upper class.

The "border bill" was an absolute catastrophe that deserved the scorn from the right:

8,500 illegal crossings allowed daily or 5,000/day average before the authority to shut the border was allowed but only if they were from Canada or Mexico. From Costa Rica? No problem! Come on in and you don't count. Oh, you have children with you (who are likely trafficked and not yours)? You don't count either. Less than this number and the President would have no authority to shut the border. Oh, and immigrants would still be allowed entry at ports of entry. That bill would LEGALIZE what is occurring on the southern border as it takes away any enforcement measures to get illegal immigration to ZERO where it should be.

Tell your brother in law to hire Americans and pay them well. I own a contracting company that employs 28. They are all citizens and from economically depressed eastern KY.

Back to my original point - you cheer on replacement of Americans. I don't. Congrats on that, I guess.

I will say it again. Native born employment numbers have not reached the same number before covid. If there is a net increase in jobs, with natives not experiencing a net increase, the increase has occured via the foreign born population. Your article tacitly acknowledges that in one sentence but then jumps to how beneficial immigration is to the upper class.

The "border bill" was an absolute catastrophe that deserved the scorn from the right:

8,500 illegal crossings allowed daily or 5,000/day average before the authority to shut the border was allowed but only if they were from Canada or Mexico. From Costa Rica? No problem! Come on in and you don't count. Oh, you have children with you (who are likely trafficked and not yours)? You don't count either. Less than this number and the President would have no authority to shut the border. Oh, and immigrants would still be allowed entry at ports of entry. That bill would LEGALIZE what is occurring on the southern border as it takes away any enforcement measures to get illegal immigration to ZERO where it should be.

Tell your brother in law to hire Americans and pay them well. I own a contracting company that employs 28. They are all citizens and from economically depressed eastern KY.

Back to my original point - you cheer on replacement of Americans. I don't. Congrats on that, I guess.

I certainly don't cheer on replacement of Americans, not sure where that attack came from. Below is a fair analysis of the bill, you know, the one trump torpedoed. It is, or was, a step in the right direction.

Also, the u.s. worker unemployment rate was the lowest on record last year, see below
I certainly don't cheer on replacement of Americans, not sure where that attack came from. Below is a fair analysis of the bill, you know, the one trump torpedoed. It is, or was, a step in the right direction.

Also, the u.s. worker unemployment rate was the lowest on record last year, see below

Thank you for confirming everything I said as to why the bill rightly deserved to be tanked.

The new emergency authority could be activated if border “encounters” reach a daily average of 4,000 over a period of seven days and would become mandatory once border encounters reach over 5,000 over a period of seven days or 8,500 over a single calendar day. However, there are several other rules governing the use of the emergency authority, rendering it much less straightforward than the simple mathematics of crossings (for example, the so-called “discretionary” authority at the 4,000/day level would in fact be mandatory for the first 90 days at that level after passage). In addition, the bill defines “encounters” to exclude apprehensions of unaccompanied migrant children.
The bill gives the federal government significant discretion over exactly when to implement this new emergency summary-deportation process and does not require it to be publicly announced. The upshot is this: on any given day, a would-be asylum seeker would have no idea whether they would be allowed to seek asylum in the U.S. or not. The government would be allowed to opt people out of summary removal for a variety of reasons, including operational constraints such as overcrowding. Non-Mexican unaccompanied children would also be exempted. Those set for summary removal could receive a screening for non-asylum humanitarian protection by affirmatively “manifesting” fear of persecution or torture to a border official—volunteering without prompting that they fear return or showing an obvious sign of fear.
People summarily deported under this authority could be sent to their home countries, or if the Mexican government is willing to accept them, sent to Mexico instead. A second deportation under emergency authority would trigger a one-year bar from obtaining a visa.
Crucially, the emergency authority does not “close” or “shut down” the border. It does not prevent unauthorized migration entirely: legislation cannot physically prevent people from crossing between ports of entry at all (it can only assess consequences for what happens after). Furthermore, the bill requires the government to allow people to seek asylum at ports of entry even during a border emergency and requires the government to maintain capacity for 1,400 daily entries in this manner—ensuring that asylum will not be wholly unavailable.

The bill was absolute horse shit that legalized an open border. But regardless, you can have the last word. so have it. Have a good one.
Man....saw this thread had a bunch of new replies, assumed there was some new juicy stuff on Wilson or Lewis.

Sorry I don’t mean to add to it but I’m pissed off about this crap. I’d rather keep it about basketball but I shouldn’t reply when it is brought up.
Thank you for confirming everything I said as to why the bill rightly deserved to be tanked.

The new emergency authority could be activated if border “encounters” reach a daily average of 4,000 over a period of seven days and would become mandatory once border encounters reach over 5,000 over a period of seven days or 8,500 over a single calendar day. However, there are several other rules governing the use of the emergency authority, rendering it much less straightforward than the simple mathematics of crossings (for example, the so-called “discretionary” authority at the 4,000/day level would in fact be mandatory for the first 90 days at that level after passage). In addition, the bill defines “encounters” to exclude apprehensions of unaccompanied migrant children.
The bill gives the federal government significant discretion over exactly when to implement this new emergency summary-deportation process and does not require it to be publicly announced. The upshot is this: on any given day, a would-be asylum seeker would have no idea whether they would be allowed to seek asylum in the U.S. or not. The government would be allowed to opt people out of summary removal for a variety of reasons, including operational constraints such as overcrowding. Non-Mexican unaccompanied children would also be exempted. Those set for summary removal could receive a screening for non-asylum humanitarian protection by affirmatively “manifesting” fear of persecution or torture to a border official—volunteering without prompting that they fear return or showing an obvious sign of fear.
People summarily deported under this authority could be sent to their home countries, or if the Mexican government is willing to accept them, sent to Mexico instead. A second deportation under emergency authority would trigger a one-year bar from obtaining a visa.
Crucially, the emergency authority does not “close” or “shut down” the border. It does not prevent unauthorized migration entirely: legislation cannot physically prevent people from crossing between ports of entry at all (it can only assess consequences for what happens after). Furthermore, the bill requires the government to allow people to seek asylum at ports of entry even during a border emergency and requires the government to maintain capacity for 1,400 daily entries in this manner—ensuring that asylum will not be wholly unavailable.

The bill was absolute horse shit that legalized an open border. But regardless, you can have the last word. so have it. Have a good one.
So the conservative Republicans that negotiated and supported the bill are to be blamed too? I never said the bill was perfect, but it allocated and payed for a lot more resources that are desperately needed. Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't the last border bill like 30 years ago? That is ridiculous. I'll bet if you and I sat down for an afternoon at ksr grill eating wings we can write down a dozen things on a napkin that we could agree on. This bill was like that, an advancement but not perfect.
Thinking about it more, I think the portal will be used sparingly this year because we have so many certain departures. You know what most of your needs are and can address them with high level high school recruiting. Year 2? There might be only one senior. Way different. You may have more surprise departures.

I’d really like to fill some of our final scholarships with portal players who need a year for injury rehab or for training. Something like what Louisville got in Ali Khalifa this year would be perfect for building roster depth.

Continuity is so important. I really think a lot of emphasis is going to be placed on keeping Kentucky players out of the portal.

A little off topic, but I also think early decisions for high schoolers will be emphasized. None of this waiting until April or May every year for a college decision. If you want to come here, commit. A way of identifying guys for whom playing at Kentucky means something.

No, but they have all gone to immigrants. Native born Americans in the labor force is at a lower value than in late 2019 meaning all new job creation has been filled by immigrants. Perhaps you are fine with Americans being replaced, and I assume you are if you have no problem with 12 million plus being let into the country illegally by this administration, but I'm not and neither are most Americans.
Jobs that Americans think they’re to good to do!
You guys know there's a political thread in the Paddock, right?

Back to the topic at hand.

If Pope lands Wilson, he's got himself two top 20 picks next season in Wilson and Johnson. He's never coached that type of talent before. I also think Chandler could eventually be a guy who makes noise in the SEC and gets drafted.

UK could potentially have four 1st round picks next season (Garrison, Wilson, Chandler, Johnson).

While that might not be a big deal because Cal did that type of stuff so often, it would show BBN early on what Pope can or cannot do with legitimate talent.
There doesn't need to be a border bill. He has the authority to shut it down now.It sure the hell is open. I’ve watched with my own eyes for the past 3 years of millions flooding over the border. You are a little asleep sheep if you believe this crap. Go read you government documents since you believe everything they say to you. You can check any number of cities across America for all these illegals they are taking care of BTW. It’s easy to find. As far as producing oil, Biden got rid of all of our reserves and shut down our pipelines long ago.
We've allowed 13,000 convicted murderers and 18,000 convicted rapists into our country and have no idea where they are! Bad policy.
We've allowed 13,000 convicted murderers and 18,000 convicted rapists into our country and have no idea where they are! Bad policy.
Good Lord, please take your lies and hate spewing attitude to the other board. I hate having to answer this crap here. I can atleast ignore the other board completely. I'm too in love with UK basketball to ignore this board.
Good Lord, please take your lies and hate spewing attitude to the other board. I hate having to answer this crap here. I can atleast ignore the other board completely. I'm too in love with UK basketball to ignore this board.
You are very entertaining. I really enjoy your parroted takes, which are entirely original and definitely aren’t cookie cutter MSNBC talking points that are propagated by a propaganda machine that detests your average American. Keep up the great work my dude! Btw you forgot to say “threat to democracy” four times — it’s the best way to show you really get it!
Sure it is your last post, lol. Economy sucks by any measures? You mean the stock market higher than it has EVER been? You mention energy independence. You realize we are producing more oil than we ever have. Also, we've never been energy independent as we still import a ton of oil, even while producing more than we import. National debt/deficit, ugggh you may want to check the Trump numbers vs Biden. You may not like the Biden immigration policy, but we don't have open borders. Homeland security has a simple little website where you can view all the numbers of people caught. Nice of trump to put the kibosh on a nice bipartisan border bill that would have done a lot of good, which Biden would have signed. I'll keep responding to you dude, waiting for your next pos
There's a wakeup call coming for you and those in your sinking boat of belief. Those who have been poisoning your mind will suffer the greatest but most likely you will be very happy, although having done nothing to deserve it. How you respond will be very important going forward and you should know that everything you believe to be true is false. Political parties exist to divide us and for no other reason. A unified American electorate is what scares the corrupt politicians more than anything else because THEY'RE ALL CORRUPT. They all sow seeds of corruption at every level of government. Once having been divided, politicians then conquer, kick all of us to the curb, and divide the spoils. People need to wake the F up and stop being useful morons. We're going to lose our country if isn't already gone.
There's a wakeup call coming for you and those in your sinking boat of belief. Those who have been poisoning your mind will suffer the greatest but most likely you will be very happy, although having done nothing to deserve it. How you respond will be very important going forward and you should know that everything you believe to be true is false. Political parties exist to divide us and for no other reason. A unified American electorate is what scares the corrupt politicians more than anything else because THEY'RE ALL CORRUPT. They all sow seeds of corruption at every level of government. Once having been divided, politicians then conquer, kick all of us to the curb, and divide the spoils. People need to wake the F up and stop being useful morons. We're going to lose our country if isn't already gone.
Trump is included in the corruption.
Trump is included in the corruption.
Trump is unique in that he might be the only one that can't be controlled or manipulated like every other politician this country has ever known. Even some politicians in his own party seem to be scared of Trump which breaks every norm I've ever seen for member of the same party. IMO, that can't be a bad thing considering how screwed up EVERYTHING in the country is right now. The bottom line is that these political parties have morphed into enemies of the American people, as I see it. The level of corruption is so deep and wide, from your local school boards to the halls of Congress, it's staggering to imagine the full affect. If people would stop blindly defending a political party without thinking and remind themselves of civil responsibility to do the right thing according to the Constitution, and start demanding accountability from these clowns, we might have a chance. GO BIG BLUE.
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You are very entertaining. I really enjoy your parroted takes, which are entirely original and definitely aren’t cookie cutter MSNBC talking points that are propagated by a propaganda machine that detests your average American. Keep up the great work my dude! Btw you forgot to say “threat to democracy” four times — it’s the best way to show you really get it!
Trump is unique in that he might be the only one that can't be controlled or manipulated like every other politician this country has ever known. Even some politicians in his own party seem to be scared of Trump which breaks every norm I've ever seen for member of the same party. IMO, that can't be a bad thing considering how screwed up EVERYTHING in the country is right now. The bottom line is that these political parties have morphed into enemies of the American people, as I see it. The level of corruption is so deep and wide, from your local school boards to the halls of Congress, it's staggering to imagine the full affect. If people would stop blindly defending a political party without thinking and remind themselves of civil responsibility to do the right thing according to the Constitution, and start demanding accountability from these clowns, we might have a chance. GO BIG BLUE.
I agree.
Trump is unique in that he might be the only one that can't be controlled or manipulated like every other politician this country has ever known. Even some politicians in his own party seem to be scared of Trump which breaks every norm I've ever seen for member of the same party. IMO, that can't be a bad thing considering how screwed up EVERYTHING in the country is right now. The bottom line is that these political parties have morphed into enemies of the American people, as I see it. The level of corruption is so deep and wide, from your local school boards to the halls of Congress, it's staggering to imagine the full affect. If people would stop blindly defending a political party without thinking and remind themselves of civil responsibility to do the right thing according to the Constitution, and start demanding accountability from these clowns, we might have a chance. GO BIG BLUE.
But, everything that comes out his mouth is lie or delusional nonsense