Penalty on Key was Barrion Brown's fault


Oct 29, 2004
BB has been chirping every single play, including the opening kickoff which was a touch back. They should've already thrown a flag on him but threw it on Dane to get the game under control.

BB is a good player but I'm so tired of his mouth and it costing us a major penalty almost every GD game. Stoops and/or the WR coach needs to grab BB by the facemask and tell him to shut the f*ck up and play ball.
BB has been chirping every single play, including the opening kickoff which was a touch back. They should've already thrown a flag on him but threw it on Dane to get the game under control.

BB is a good player but I'm so tired of his mouth and it costing us a major penalty almost every GD game. Stoops and/or the WR coach needs to grab BB by the facemask and tell him to shut the f*ck up and play ball.
Agree. BB isn’t good enough to taunt.
They all talk dude. What the f are you talking about?

You say someone is "dumber than a creek rock" (whatever tf that means) when they say BB isn't good enough to taunt or talk. So I ask you to prove that BB IS good enough to taunt. Otherwise, you are *sigh* dumber than a creek rock if you can't prove that he can talk sh** to opponents.
You say someone is "dumber than a creek rock" (whatever tf that means) when they say BB isn't good enough to taunt or talk. So I ask you to prove that BB IS good enough to taunt. Otherwise, you are *sigh* dumber than a creek rock if you can't prove that he can talk sh** to opponents.
Again. They all talk. If BB wasn’t good enough to talk then he would be the worst player in the ncaa. Wise up.
You are dumber than creek rock
The guy makes one, maybe two plays a game but chirps and pushes after the whistle and bows up to a DB about every other play. Drops passes, runs lazy routes, a weak blocker, constantly on the verge of receiving a major penalty. Yes, he makes a huge now and again. But, he talks smack like an AA and plays like a second team all-SEC kick returner.
The guy makes one, maybe two plays a game but chirps and pushes after the whistle and bows up to a DB about every other play. Drops passes, runs lazy routes, a weak blocker, constantly on the verge of receiving a major penalty. Yes, he makes a huge now and again. But, he talks smack like an AA and plays like a second team all-SEC kick returner.
They all talk like they are all American. You think he is the only one talking. There is a lot of talk on the football field. C’mon.
So they all talk, but BB talking somehow keeps him from being the worst in the NCAA? If that's the logic, I don't wanna wise up.
Brown has talked the talk since he arrived in Lexington. He did this in HS and turned some teams away from recruiting him. He has NOT walked the walk. Runs his mouth much more than he runs good routes. He is a cancer on the team. Attitude is the major piece of the puzzle for good culture on the team. To continue to allow Brown to act like a thug is a big negative on the coaching staff. It will hurt recruitment. I would NOT want a son to play on a team that allows someone to act like Brown. There is no place in the game for this behavior. I'm going to support Pope and will return when we get a MUCH needed coaching change. We can't keep doing the same thing year after year and expect different results.
BB has been chirping every single play, including the opening kickoff which was a touch back. They should've already thrown a flag on him but threw it on Dane to get the game under control.

BB is a good player but I'm so tired of his mouth and it costing us a major penalty almost every GD game. Stoops and/or the WR coach needs to grab BB by the facemask and tell him to shut the f*ck up and play ball.

I agree bb needs to shut up but they both do. Then coupled with his backbreaking fumble, key really erased all his good works tonight.

No clue where our wrs get the attitude they have. Go do something and let that speak for you instead of hurting the team. Teams see they can clearly get in these guys' heads so it it will be every game.

All that said, from the stands i saw a ton of jawing from both sides but flags only seemed to be thrown against us. Not sure if tv gave a better view.
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I agree bb needs to shut up but they both do. Then coupled with his backbreaking fumble, key really erased all his good works tonight.

No clue where our wrs get the attitude they have. Go do something and let that speak for you instead of hurting the team. Teams see they can clearly get in these guys' heads so it it will be every game.

All that said, from the stands i saw a ton of jawing from both sides but flags only seemed to be thrown against us. Not sure if tv gave a better view.
They're no doubt 2 of the 5 highest paid players on the team. People thought Tennessee would poach Brown after his freshman year. Ryan Lemond was on KSR during Dane's first season talking about how Key was definitely a three year player and the family was already planning for him to be in the NFL after his junior season. Too much hype too early, and never really lived up to the billing. Whether or not Stoops is back next season I don't expect either of them will be.
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Key cost us the football gm with the fumble and the unsportsman; we just cant have nice things. Im numb to it now.
If you look teams constantly try to taunt and rough up Barion, because they know they can get him to reciprocate. The Ole Miss game was another example. They constantly hit him late numerous times knowing he would eventually bite and he did by getting a crucial personal foul. To blame DK's PF bon Barion is a bit of a stretch. Dane didn't seem very focused, as he bobbled several catches to go along with his other miscues.
I got no opinion on Brown's chirping, but my theory for stopping it is this, if a WR feels he has to talk to the DB eveytime he makes a catch, DB want be called for targeting. No WR made a catch, jumped up and started chirping at Ronny Lott or Jack Tatum.
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They all talk like they are all American. You think he is the only one talking. There is a lot of talk on the football field. C’mon.
I’m gonna jump in here on this comment. If you haven’t seen brown taunting more that anyone, you haven’t been watching. He runs up and taunts even when Key makes plays. He was one second from costing us the Ole Miss game. He came flying up to the DB that interfered with Key. We got the flag. If our guy wasn’t standing there to block brown he 100% would have gotten a flag. All momentum killed, we probably lose.
If you make a great play fine.. celebrate. Jabber some.
Why run up and taunt a guy that has just gotten a flag thrown on him, on your teammate. That just searching out a penalty. He does it a lot. Way more that anyone else I’ve seen on any team.
He’s one of ours but you can’t pretend you don’t see him actively searching out conflicts. He does it every game.
I’m gonna jump in here on this comment. If you haven’t seen brown taunting more that anyone, you haven’t been watching. He runs up and taunts even when Key makes plays. He was one second from costing us the Ole Miss game. He came flying up to the DB that interfered with Key. We got the flag. If our guy wasn’t standing there to block brown he 100% would have gotten a flag. All momentum killed, we probably lose.
If you make a great play fine.. celebrate. Jabber some.
Why run up and taunt a guy that has just gotten a flag thrown on him, on your teammate. That just searching out a penalty. He does it a lot. Way more that anyone else I’ve seen on any team.
He’s one of ours but you can’t pretend you don’t see him actively searching out conflicts. He does it every game.

Sounds like George Pickens when he played for us. A GT DB got in his face chirpping and George grabs his facemask and throws him head first into a concrete wall. He was on sideline drinking from water bottle and a vol fell out of bounds and George pretends he is urinating on him with his water bottle. He was good for at least 1 a game.
The Brown and Key era has been a massive disappointment. Neither have lived up to their billing in collegiate performance. But both have measurables that will likely get them drafted
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Just because "everyone" is chirping and taunting, doesn't mean our guys have to do it. The coach could stop it or the players could decide to focus on being the best they can be rather than just telling everyone they are the best.
BB has been chirping every single play, including the opening kickoff which was a touch back. They should've already thrown a flag on him but threw it on Dane to get the game under control.

BB is a good player but I'm so tired of his mouth and it costing us a major penalty almost every GD game. Stoops and/or the WR coach needs to grab BB by the facemask and tell him to shut the f*ck up and play ball.
Key actually hit the Vandy player in the head with the ball after the play was over. Penalty was deserved and it was not a smart thing to do as it killed our opening drive
Wrong. Brown was taunting, but Key made the penalty.
Yes. Key hit a player in the head with the football. Both players were playing dumb. The team blew what should have been a win with undisciplined conduct and penalties which are another form of undisciplined play.
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BB has been chirping every single play, including the opening kickoff which was a touch back. They should've already thrown a flag on him but threw it on Dane to get the game under control.

BB is a good player but I'm so tired of his mouth and it costing us a major penalty almost every GD game. Stoops and/or the WR coach needs to grab BB by the facemask and tell him to shut the f*ck up and play ball.
Dont disagree that Barion needs to stop talking and play but that was ALL on Dane and it was a critical mistake at the time. He shoved a ball into the guys neck in front of a ref and that would be called 100 out of 100. Hell threw my hands up at him before the red pulled his flag.

If Im coaching nowadays, Id use the lack of discipline players have today in regards to ego to my favor as part of my game plan. Ty are triggered so easliy to react I'd teach my guys to bait them all game long into doing it. I'd spend as much time on that as tackling and blocking. Its just too easy, these guys cant refrain.
Dane made a good play and blatantly shoved the opponents head with the ball. It's no one's fault but Danes.
Not the first time he's had a immature penalty 15 years after a good play.
BB has been chirping every single play, including the opening kickoff which was a touch back. They should've already thrown a flag on him but threw it on Dane to get the game under control.

BB is a good player but I'm so tired of his mouth and it costing us a major penalty almost every GD game. Stoops and/or the WR coach needs to grab BB by the facemask and tell him to shut the f*ck up and play ball.
He’s not a winning player and Stoops has allowed him to become the culture of the offense. He’s the poster child for the end of the Stoops era to me
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Dane made a good play and blatantly shoved the opponents head with the ball. It's no one's fault but Danes.
Not the first time he's had a immature penalty 15 years after a good play.
You're right (as are several others on this post) that Dane incurred the penalty. However, I have officiated both basketball and umpired baseball and, being human, if I see a player who is chirping excessively or doing the little things just to piss an opponent off and pushing the envelope, if I can't get that player for an infraction, any other player that comes close to the line (on either side) is more likely to get one. Some of that is human nature and some of it is to get the extra curricular stuff under control before it begins to spiral. My opinion is that Brown's incessant talking, pushing after the whistle, bumping DBs after a play, etc. made the officials a bit more aware and they wanted to get a handle on this behavior before it escalated. Dane's push, I believe, would have been overlooked had it been the first and only incident at this point in the game. But, Brown had already had several near-confrontations (on the GD opening kickoff that went through the end zone for one!) and I think Dane got a ticky-tack UC call because of Brown's behavior. Just my opinion. Officials are human and they will look closer at players who are constantly jawing and, sometimes, at their teammates.
We just aren't good enough to overcome crap like that in key situations. If that doesn't happen the whole game changes and we probably win. The margin for error was razor thin in the game