Good topic. Not the biggest expert on this sort of thing, so I have nothing to add myself. But here's a summary of what everyone's come up with so far, I think. (Feel free to amend. I'm not sure why 6th and 7th regions are combined above.) Still missing a few nominees for five of the regions.
1. Joe Fulks, Dan Langhi
2. Frank Ramsey
3. Rex Chapman, Butch Beard, Corky Withrow, Patrick Sparks
5. Jim McDaniels, Clem Haskins
6 and 7. Darrell Griffith, Allan Houston, Wes Unseld, Tony Williams, Charlie Taylor, Brandon Bender, Paul Yaden, Dujan Wheat, Q, Terrance Farle
9. Dave Cowens
12. Reggie Hanson, Kenny Davis, Leonard Coulter
13. Frank Selvey
15. Kelly Coleman
16. Larry Conley, OJ Mayo