If this was 6 years ago, I’d be chomping at the bit during this game. Yelling at the refs, mad at our lack of hustle and defense but tonight I’m just propped up on my couch like whatever. I just don’t have that passion anymore for Kentucky basketball
Amazing how some of you only show up when we're playing subpar.
My thoughts on what we were missing in the first half:

But I think we only had 7 fouls called on us all half. Guys have to man up!
We had 5 fouls called on us in the first 5 minutes and had to play matador defense the last 12 minutes. Almost no contests at the rim at all.
Give me 5 guys that ain't scared and let's go!
Wheeler Oscar Toppin Mintz give me 1 or 2 more tonight and let's get out of there with a W.
Ty Ty basically sat for 15:00 and UK was down 13…. Its down to 5 and Washington will be back with just 2 fouls to start the 2nd half.
Can’t get Grady going when he doesn’t have a man without 10 feet of him and Mintz and Wheeler are seeing him, hesitating, and then deciding the 45% 3 point shooter isn’t shooting well enough to take wide open 3’s tonight.
He's literally missed like 3 open shots tonight. Love the kid, but like Allen, he's got to do what he's "paid" to do.
How are you doing today, man?
Hang over effects of Covid are going to be around a while I'm afraid .. I mean I went to work , but feel lethargic , head feels foggy , and my breathe is like really metallic / acidic ?? its strange as heck . Thanks man .
I guarded Damion Fishback in high school. Held him to 39.
That's a good one, TubbyFan. We played Rich Hendrick and his Bristow H.S. team in the quarterfinals of the District Tournament in 1964, when Hendrick was a junior (as was I). He was averaging 44 ppg. We played a triangle zone and a double-team man-to-man chaser against Rich ... and held him to 44 ! We won the game 98-97, no overtime.

The next year when Hendrick (and I) were seniors, we played Bristow at their home gym. Coach John Oldham of WKU was there to watch Richard. We played a box-and-chaser again, but only one guy playing man-to-man on Hendrick. My buddy who was "the chaser" held Richard to 65 !
Wrong board in case you didn't know.
I think the joke is that we’re so bad in basketball that he’s already looking forward to football season.

We will win this game if Cal tears this team a new asshole at halftime and then immediately drops his dogmatic beliefs about fouls and letting players play through them.
T&M is 9th in forcing turnovers
They are 270th in defensive rebounding

Things are pretty much playing out like that in this game.
In all seriousness to only be down 5 at the half with the way we played and the amount of time Ty Ty played . I’m totally surprised I figured we’d be down double digits. I bet our defense cranks up another notch and I bet we shoot better in the 2nd half. Like other people have said I wish just for a minute that Cal would dictate the tempo!
Hang over effects of Covid are going to be around a while I'm afraid .. I mean I went to work , but feel lethargic , head feels foggy , and my breathe is like really metallic / acidic ?? its strange as heck . Thanks man .
I was praying for you and your family last night. I will continue to do so. I'm glad you were able to go to work, man. I got hit by Covid a few weeks ago. No bueno.
Wheeler was really hurting us early, but I think he has settled down. Hopefully that continues.

Refs letting A&M be very physical with us, no surprise given the crew.
Cats aren’t quick and when Wheeler isn’t in they’re actually plodders. TY having to be careful with 2 fouls.
Unfortunately, you are right.
TAMU is especially quick.
I love Grady, but he is getting abused off the dribble on defense.

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