Odd baseball rules


Dec 14, 2005
So why is it not an out when the batter foul tips a ball into the catchers glove? It's an out if the batter pop flys a ball into foul territory and it's caught, so why is that not considered a caught foul ball for an out??
A foul tipped ball into the catchers glove isn't a foul ball, it's a strike. A foul tip third strike caught by the catcher is a strike out not a foul out.

It makes sense to me.
I think it is a matter of being fair. A lot of the time the ball is foul tipped it doesn't change its trajectory fast enough and the catcher basically catches the ball the same as if there hadn't been a foul tip. It is basically just luck. So, rather than rely on luck they allow the batter to foul tip the ball and be caught. However, when the catcher has to use actual skill and catch a ball that has largely changed trajectory then it becomes a foul out.
Just speculating. But perhaps a caught foul tip is not an Out because it can be difficult to know it a ball hit the bat or not in those situations. So simply calling it a strike removes that judgement call.

My son was in the city championship little league game 2 nights ago. Had 3 not common calls made in that game, one of which me nor our coach knew the rule (similar & related to the above question).

Base runner called out between 1st & 2nd when batted ball hit him.

Batter hit by pitch (in the face), but not awarded 1B, called a strike instead saying he swung. Looked like he started to swing, tried to stop & turned his body further to avoid the ball.

Runner steals (3B) on the pitch, batter swings, foul tip, catcher catches the ball. The runner is allow stay on 3B (doesn't have to return to 2B).
Originally posted by JonathanW:
Just speculating. But perhaps a caught foul tip is not an Out because it can be difficult to know it a ball hit the bat or not in those situations. So simply calling it a strike removes that judgement call.

My son was in the city championship little league game 2 nights ago. Had 3 not common calls made in that game, one of which me nor our coach knew the rule (similar & related to the above question).

Base runner called out between 1st & 2nd when batted ball hit him.


Batter hit by pitch (in the face), but not awarded 1B, called a strike instead saying he swung. Looked like he started to swing, tried to stop & turned his body further to avoid the ball.


Runner steals (3B) on the pitch, batter swings, foul tip, catcher catches the ball. The runner is allow stay on 3B (doesn't have to return to 2B).