Nursing Home or euthenasia?

Euthanasia should be legal. I'll be damned if I'm going to end up like my great aunt who wasted away in a nursing home and didn't know who I, my mom, or my siblings were for the last few years of her life.

My papaw had Alzheimer's and he didn't have a damn clue who I was for the last 2 years of his life.

My SIL had an aunt with really bad dementia. On rare moments she'd become lucid and tell her husband she wants to die. She lived in Northern Michigan. On Christmas Day she got out of the house when her husband was in the shower. They found her frozen to death on the side of the road.
I fully support human euthanasia as long as the person being euthanized either a) consents in writing or b) person is completely brain dead and unable to live without the help of machines/is unable to care for themselves in any fashion.

We do it for our pets when they’re sick, injured or suffering. But apparently it’s bad if we do it for humans. I’ve told my wife if I get to the point I can’t remember her, can’t feed myself and can’t wipe my own ass, to please take me somewhere euthanasia is legal and give me the needle.

My family watched as Alzheimer’s slowly took my grandmother away. She got to where she was a drooling vegetable in a wheelchair who didn’t recognize or remember anyone, couldn’t eat or drink without a tube and couldn’t control her bowels. She lived in that state for 4 years. Can’t help but think euthanasia would’ve saved her and my family from a lot of undue suffering.

We also had a family friend living in Washington who had terminal brain cancer. He picked his own euthanasia date and was very at peace with it when they day came.
Never could understand the condemnation of Dr Kevorkian.

My mom spent her last years with Alzheimers. So tragic. The Long Goodbye. She hated the home. I always felt worse when I left her than I did going into visit and going in was sad.
My daughters already know if it’s going be a long drawn out process of no chance they take me to the boat ramp and I’ll wheelchair myself into the lake or river while they act to get stuff out the suburban and keep it running because I want to contribute to global warming when I go out in my own terms 🍺
I’m worried about Gods judgement and it’s his call when I die.

I like the thought of euthanasia, but wouldn’t allow it as an option.

In my opinion if I need assisted living my children should deal with it if they want the inheritance. If not exhaust my resources until I’m gone.
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The guy below your posts that looks like he’s wearing a waistcoat and UK football helmet
Oh I gotcha.

That’s me. I’m a Confederate soldier that’s also a UK fan. Saturday Night Live even had me in for a skit a few years back haha. I couldn’t wear my UK helmet or hat/jersey on air though. Trademarks and shit.

Euthanasia should be legal. I'll be damned if I'm going to end up like my great aunt who wasted away in a nursing home and didn't know who I, my mom, or my siblings were for the last few years of her life.
It is in Europe.
90 year old Mom made it through chemo but damn it's been rough for her. I've been wondering if it's worth it. She's hanging tough though. In my opionion why not take the chance. At least she can see her grandchildren and great grandchildren. It makes her happy .
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I watched my mom spend the last 12 months of her life in a nursing home as a confused, angry, frightened, bedridden, skin covered skeleton who didn’t know where she was or who people were. Euthanasia should absolutely be an option.
Worked in a Long Term Care facility for nearly 2 decades & I can say the financial burden suffered by folks is nearly as bad what those residents go thru on the daily. So much ‘suffering’ just to be alive. Not living per se. Just alive. Some unable to speak. Others unable to move. Not speaking of locomotion but simple things like scratching one’s arm or nose. What is worse are those who are unable to do either. Just imagine your nose is itching & not only are you unable to obtain relief by scratching, you are unable to verbalize the need for someone to plz help out. Heartbreaking all around.

For me …. If I’m able & have the ‘balls’ to do it, a $0.10 9mm projectile will do the trick quite nicely. I just cannot fathom going thru some of this. Not only from a personal level but also the time, effort & money. My family will suffer just to keep me alive. Again, no living. Just life for the sake of life.

This may sound completely morbid to some but having seen it first hand & ppl suffering for decade like this, it all of a sudden doesn’t sound so bad.
Can’t be a Christian and believe in euthanasia.
Not saying you are wrong or right, but I don’t understand how a caring, loving God would prohibit entry into heaven for merciful suicide. I’ve reseached religous literature and can’t locate a sensable, straightforward explanation.
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Cost of nursing homes or insurance to cover is astronomical. Can’t stand the thought of lying around all day with a rag chunked up in your ass hoping you die soon and go home to Jesus.

Literally going thru this w/my momma / family

Eye opening to learn about the tricky factors to navigate regarding nursing home or home care - divided up schedules for the immediate family & obtained a couple of trust worthy sitters

SO important to be aligned with family - engage and activate hospice , you can always graduate off if conditions dictate or family chooses

If something happened and she was in pain and even less mobile - or - if she slipped into catatonic non responsiveness --- then we would have a very tough decision
Can’t be a Christian and believe in euthanasia.
I'd say most people don't believe in long-term suffering when there's no hope. And I think we're quickly moving in a direction as a society where "end it if I get to that point" is seen as a would-be viable option. No one looks at a friend or family member suffering horribly and thinks "please just keep hanging on..."

We're still a religious society but on social issues and something as personal as this issue, society is simply moving away from an old way of thinking and it's happening at a rapid pace.
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Back in the day when the religious doctrine was established (re: no euthanasia), it was probably a lot harder to keep someone alive who was in pretty bad shape. So I assume it was less of an issue.
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I'm not sure if this counts or not because euthanasia relies on a sound mind to make decisions but my dad had dementia and I can guarantee you he lived at least 3 years longer than he would have wanted to.
Yup this happened with my grandma a few years ago and my mom and aunt spent many hours with her during that time just to come home crying and upset.
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I've always said the minute I can't take care of myself is the time I'm done living this life. I'd hope a quick death happens before that. The only downside is not knowing and being able to tell your family goodbye.

I hadn't dealt with much death over the first 36 years of my life (a grandparent). Unfortunately, the last 14 years there's been quite a bit. Two grandparents, two stepparents, two uncles, a cousin, mother and father in law, and a couple of grandparents on the wife's side.

Kinda depressing actually to watch so many family members die. I have a number of aunts and uncles in their 70's. So there will be a handful more over the coming years. Hopefully not to soon. They might outlive me.
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