Not throwing the kitchen sink at Hurley would

Much as I think Hurley would be a great choice it's taken him 6 years to get to this point at UCONN. It wouldn't look like UK basketball as we've ever been accustomed to. UCONN's two best players are transfer guys no one was breaking the door down for. They have the best Freshman and the best pro prospect. The four guys at UCONN are stars but we wouldn't have anything like that next year or maybe even the year that if we get Hurley. It will take a couple of years before we're back in the saddle. Can we handle that? Cal had Boogie Cuz, Bledsoe, Orton, and Wall to come with him. He had PPat staying. We don't have any of that. Would love Hurley but there's better fits.
Why not bring in Rondo and raise the NIL to about 7 mil? He could bring in past players to help him. What recruit wouldn’t want to play for guys like that.
Much as I think Hurley would be a great choice it's taken him 6 years to get to this point at UCONN. It wouldn't look like UK basketball as we've ever been accustomed to. UCONN's two best players are transfer guys no one was breaking the door down for. They have the best Freshman and the best pro prospect. The four guys at UCONN are stars but we wouldn't have anything like that next year or maybe even the year that if we get Hurley. It will take a couple of years before we're back in the saddle. Can we handle that? Cal had Boogie Cuz, Bledsoe, Orton, and Wall to come with him. He had PPat staying. We don't have any of that. Would love Hurley but there's better fits.
You're right.
There are much better options than a back to back National Championship coach.
This is what you do if you want a high priority guy like Hurley. You don’t make him an offer. You call him and simply ask, what would it take to get you to come to Lexington. That’s it, make him say his terms and if they are possible you give him exactly that and maybe throw in some cherries on top just to show how serious you are. If he says no to his own words, then he was never serious about coming and you shouldn’t waste your time.
Much as I think Hurley would be a great choice it's taken him 6 years to get to this point at UCONN. It wouldn't look like UK basketball as we've ever been accustomed to. UCONN's two best players are transfer guys no one was breaking the door down for. They have the best Freshman and the best pro prospect. The four guys at UCONN are stars but we wouldn't have anything like that next year or maybe even the year that if we get Hurley. It will take a couple of years before we're back in the saddle. Can we handle that? Cal had Boogie Cuz, Bledsoe, Orton, and Wall to come with him. He had PPat staying. We don't have any of that. Would love Hurley but there's better fits.

How many years did it take Drew to win his? I'll wait.
Just watched my first UConn game in probably a decade this weekend and got my first look at Hurley coaching.

The guy wins but he’s extremely irritating. I’d rather not win championships than suffer watching him every game.
Go root for Arkansas
Hurley isn’t going anywhere folks, UCONN is about to win their sixth NC since 99’, they have won six titles to our one and the same time period. They are a much better program right now, and Hurley is about to get a huge raise. We are most likely going to have to live with Drew and hope he can be an even better coach with everything he wants at his disposal.
Much as I think Hurley would be a great choice it's taken him 6 years to get to this point at UCONN. It wouldn't look like UK basketball as we've ever been accustomed to. UCONN's two best players are transfer guys no one was breaking the door down for. They have the best Freshman and the best pro prospect. The four guys at UCONN are stars but we wouldn't have anything like that next year or maybe even the year that if we get Hurley. It will take a couple of years before we're back in the saddle. Can we handle that? Cal had Boogie Cuz, Bledsoe, Orton, and Wall to come with him. He had PPat staying. We don't have any of that. Would love Hurley but there's better fits.
I’d wait 6 years to have teams like this.
Much as I think Hurley would be a great choice it's taken him 6 years to get to this point at UCONN. It wouldn't look like UK basketball as we've ever been accustomed to. UCONN's two best players are transfer guys no one was breaking the door down for. They have the best Freshman and the best pro prospect. The four guys at UCONN are stars but we wouldn't have anything like that next year or maybe even the year that if we get Hurley. It will take a couple of years before we're back in the saddle. Can we handle that? Cal had Boogie Cuz, Bledsoe, Orton, and Wall to come with him. He had PPat staying. We don't have any of that. Would love Hurley but there's better fits.

Who do you think is a better fit?
Sure. We can throw it all at Hurley. He will promptly say no and get a nice fat raise from UConn.
Yeah. Even if you just make that UCONN program spend an extra $6m a year on a coach that’s a win, at least if you intend on competing with them for titles.
How many years did it take Drew to win his? I'll wait.
You will never hear me say i want freaking Scott Drew, Bryce Drew, or Drew McIntyre. I want Nate Oats or for Joe Mazzula to suddenly have a burning passion for coaching UK Basketball.
Yeah. Even if you just make that UCONN program spend an extra $6m a year on a coach that’s a win, at least if you intend on competing with them for titles.
This is my attitude about it. Put an outlandishly high offer out there. Even if UConn can’t match it, they’ll still need to pay him something moderately close.
This is what you do if you want a high priority guy like Hurley. You don’t make him an offer. You call him and simply ask, what would it take to get you to come to Lexington. That’s it, make him say his terms and if they are possible you give him exactly that and maybe throw in some cherries on top just to show how serious you are. If he says no to his own words, then he was never serious about coming and you shouldn’t waste your time.
This guy negotiates
Do you all trust MB to not completely screw the pooch with this coaching search? Cal was only part of the problem, and if not for him dipping out for the Hogs, we'd still be stuck. I am hoping for the best, but am expecting MB to go for a "safe" hire from his perspective.

The best case scenario would have been to clean house and find another AD with a plan and some vision.
Do you all trust MB to not completely screw the pooch with this coaching search? Cal was only part of the problem, and if not for him dipping out for the Hogs, we'd still be stuck. I am hoping for the best, but am expecting MB to go for a "safe" hire from his perspective.

The best case scenario would have been to clean house and find another AD with a plan and some vision.
Mitch isn't a god. He's not making the decision on his own. Ppl with pockets aren't just throwing money in the wind.

And if MB would've listened to you last week we'd be 30 mil in the hole.
Do you all trust MB to not completely screw the pooch with this coaching search? Cal was only part of the problem, and if not for him dipping out for the Hogs, we'd still be stuck. I am hoping for the best, but am expecting MB to go for a "safe" hire from his perspective.

The best case scenario would have been to clean house and find another AD with a plan and some vision.

Agree. I’m worried he has us on the path to Indiana level relevancy.
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Who do you think is a better fit?
A better fit? Nate Oats for one. UCONN was a hand in glove fit for Hurley. It was the kind of thing that was written in the stars. The same way Cal was just what we needed. The same way Pitino was. Hurley just isn't that type of guy. He's a great coach. Probably the best or second best going today depending on how you view Bill Self.