NIL and UK, the down and dirty...

Let's see if I understand this:

If a player DOES NOT sign with or transfers to or from UK it's due to NLI?

If a player DOES sign with or transfers to UK it's because nobody else wanted him anyway?

Al righty then.
When Paul Azinger was announcing Colin Morikawa's collapse in the golf tournament yesterday did I believe him when he said "some people may say the $1.5 million for finishing second should be condolence but these guys are just out here for the championship." Is that the question? Because if it is, I think Paul Azinger's full of crap.
Dennis Dodd article linked was Feb 2022. 2021 season some schools still had Covid restrictions.

My data is for all 2022 season.

Also factor in 2 schools moved out of hugh football stadiums and into tiny soccer pitches....Hawaii and San Diego St
I can assure you the money paid to Shaedon (and to a lesser extent, Will Levis) left a bad taste in a ton of UK boosters mouths and many of them have pulled out entirely.

UK sees the whole thing as cutting into their advertising money and they think they can just ignore it.
You have no idea how UK sees the whole thing. You just completely made that up. Specifically which boosters pulled out? I’m sure you can name a few since it’s many.
You have no idea how UK sees the whole thing. You just completely made that up. Specifically which boosters pulled out? I’m sure you can name a few since it’s many.
How do you know how UK sees the whole thing? Specifically, how do they see it? I am sure you can detail it since you know so much.
Do what ? I’m a trained statistician by trade and that sentence makes no sense

Five year trend isn’t a too short window to make assumptions upon. UK football attendance is totally fine and not lessening yet.

Lol. You're too late to the party for me to bother

From your title, of an article published February of 2021, BBFGA,

“College football attendance declines for seventh straight season to lowest average since 1981.”​

Someone needs to link the two authors up!!

Your link, BBFGA, takes an interesting “glance” at a potential cause, “a growing list of small-stadium bandwagon jumpers moving up from FCS to FBS.” But the remainder of the article says the decline is at almost all schools all the way through 2021, negating the thought that adding ten-fifteen former FCS schools has skewed his numbers.

Well, the article at the top is by school, and is By God, detailed. It tells me what I want to hear, and I have neither the energy nor math background to shoot either study down.

Where are our accountants?

This ain’t a wordsmith’s thread, so back-to-bed!

He didn't actually look, so of course that's not what he found. Is he too lazy or too stubborn, or a little bit of both?

Simple search- declining college football attendance

Declining college basketball attendance

How do you know how UK sees the whole thing? Specifically, how do they see it? I am sure you can detail it since you know so much.
Because I trust the words that they have said. I don’t have to make up stuff like the lying goofs. Anything to promote the lie. UK brought in INFLNCR right from the jump to work with players on building their brand. They have been very supportive of NIL despite the lies you love to defend.
Lol. You're too late to the party for me to bother
Or you are talking out of your rear end (which you are).

You are stating multiple sports attendence.....but UK football has not been declining a bit.

1. Since Stoops got things built to start winning in his 4th's been a strong attendance in UK football.
2. Contrasting basketball is great and all...but once Cal's stupid act is gone and if we hire a guy who coaches for UK and not some stupid NBA farm team nonsense....UK b-ball will go right back up.
3. I can't speak for attendance on west coast, etc... but I know Lexington, Tuscaloosa, Knoxville, Athens, etc...have no problem with ticket sales.
Do what ? I’m a trained statistician by trade and that sentence makes no sense

Five year trend isn’t a too short window to make assumptions upon. UK football attendance is totally fine and not lessening yet.
I think his initial comment was about general attendance for college athletics, not specific to UK. The point about the last five years is that attendance could have fallen for 10 to 15 years before that and todays attendance could be below what it has been historically. If attendance took an uptick this year or last year, it doesn't necessarily mean attendance hasn't been declining. It could mean the decline has moderated. It could mean a new trend has begun that leads to increases in attendance. It could be an anomaly and attendance will further decline in subsequent years. It would be interesting to see 15 - 20 years of data with perhaps a rolling 3 year average to get a better idea of what's been going on with attendance in college sports. Perhaps the reports of declining attendance has been overblown. It's hard to tell from a small data set.
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I think his initial comment was about general attendance for college athletics, not specific to UK. The point about the last five years is that attendance could have fallen for 10 to 15 years before that and todays attendance could be below what it has been historically. If attendance took an uptick this year or last year, it doesn't necessarily mean attendance hasn't been declining. It could mean the decline has moderated. It could mean a new trend has begun that leads to increases in attendance. It could be an anomaly and attendance will further decline in subsequent years. It would be interesting to see 15 - 20 years of data with perhaps a rolling 3 year average to get a better idea of what's been going on with attendance in college sports. Perhaps the repots of declining attendance has been overblown. It's hard to tell from a small data set.

That is well stated!

But also, UK took out seating capacity for the luxury boxes as well. Commonwealth capacity was 71k but that was knocked down with luxury boxes.
That is well stated!

But also, UK took out seating capacity for the luxury boxes as well. Commonwealth capacity was 71k but that was knocked down with luxury boxes.
It will probably never happen, but I would love to see the upper deck extended around one of the end zones and the luxury boxes on that end zone moved on top or on top of the visitor side of the field. That might get us back up to around 70,000. That's probably as large as we would ever need. I imagine that would be very expensive compared the marginal revenue it would generate so I doubt we ever see it.
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It will probably never happen, but I would love to see the upper deck extended around one of the end zones and the luxury boxes on that end zone moved on top or on top of the visitor side of the field. That might get us back up to around 70,000. That's probably as large as we would ever need. I imagine that would be very expensive compared the marginal revenue it would generate so I doubt we ever see it.
Make Kroger field noiser for sure.....that is one facility upgrade I'd love to see and Mitch has never passed on spending money on facility upgrades for sure.
LoL what is even being argued?

If college sports attendance has been in a 10 yr decline....gonna be hard to blame that on portal transfers that started 3 yrs ago, and NIL earnings which began 2 yrs ago.

I'll just repeat what I've already said (because it was so smart and accurate), college football popularity in the future has never been brighter. If it wasn't, the combined media deal signed 6 months ago from Fox/CBS/NBC to the Big Ten to the tune of a billion wouldn't have happened. Those folks bet a lot of cash on lots of eyes wanting to watch CFB, all day and all night, every Saturday in the fall!
The Supreme Court ruled the NCAA couldn’t cap NIL earnings .Meanwhile, universities cap the athletes earnings with a mere scholarship, while using, not only their NIL, but their blood sweat and tears, to rake in hundreds of millions of dollars. Passing the burden of actually paying for these kids effort on to a collective. Creating the hellish landscape we gaze upon now.

Universities should pay the players. Period. End of story. All the TV money, the JMI money, all of it, should be proportionally distributed to the players. All this NIL shit is simply allowing Universities to have their cake and eat it too. And it’s time for it to stop.
All the TV money??

Attendance is falling for several reasons.

Somewhere on the list of reasons why, simple economics/finances. Game day has gotten expensive. It's also costly in the time department.

A typical game day is travel to, posting up hours prior, 3.5-hour game, traffic and travel back. Essentially an all-day endeavor.

People did that in eras past because in order to see a game you had to commit to and earn it. Now 24/7 media, technology, streaming, etc...

There was a time when not everyone and their brother could get on tv due to there being only a handful of stations in general, and only a couple that would carry a sporting event. Those slots went to a few programs. Anyone who wasn't a Notre Dame fan had to go to the stadium to see their team.

Now, you can watch UK v Carnegie Mellon Tech South Pole Observatory Campus on ESPNTagalog+...and take in game prop bets.

Also, anyone who knows anything about the consumption palate and habits of millennials to gen z knows they aren't really into committing a whole lot of time to anything.

The game day going demographic of the last 30-40 years is older, less mobile and able to get to a stadium, walk up and down steps, and on a fixed income. They're not real big on expensive tanks of gas to get to the stadium, nor $5 dollar hotdogs.
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I’m sure all of you NIL Debbie Downers will want to be a part of Deone Walkers NIL event
I saw this link on another thread. Looks like I’ll be getting one or more chances from my siblings for my birthday, February 5th!

I’ve never tossed battle axes, but will show some caution: I wouldn’t want to hurt our AA freshman DT/Nose, nor piss him off!
It will probably never happen, but I would love to see the upper deck extended around one of the end zones and the luxury boxes on that end zone moved on top or on top of the visitor side of the field. That might get us back up to around 70,000. That's probably as large as we would ever need. I imagine that would be very expensive compared the marginal revenue it would generate so I doubt we ever see it.

That was the plan at one time, but declining attendance in general put it firmly on the back burner. Mitch said they had to concentrate on the game day experience, which meant losing some seats to comfort, cruitin', and convenience. Maximizing dollar value per sq ft basically.

If they put another 10k in the west end zone and 5k in the east, I would love it. They could actually bring that deck down past the front of the luxury boxes in that end zone to maximize seating space.

What my preference has always been is to dome that sucker. Sliding roof style. Open when weather is great or when we need an advantage in bad weather. Closed when we play some basketball there against the likes of 50Kan$a$, UNCheat, etc. Don't have to fill it, though we just might, for those big games. Just be pretty damn cool to play the games there and put over 40k in the stands for it. Host some tourney games there or at Rupp (since Rupp wouldn't be considered home court anymore with us playing half or more of the games at CWS). Would definitely generate revenue and attention.

The revenue increase would make it pretty hard for the basketball coach to be allowed to shy away from those big time traditional powerhouse basketball opponents. Doubling revenue (at least) for those games would be too hard to pass up.

Rupp holds 20k
Add 20k at just 35$ each. $700k additional
Add another 20k in the uppers at just $15 each puts you up to $1M per game.
Would need huge video boards facing the upper decks, but that's been done at other venues. Sell VIP experience access to and through the recruiting facility for more revenue....
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LoL what is even being argued?

What you said wasn't true, but is.

If college sports attendance has been in a 10 yr decline

Still in denial? Interesting

...gonna be hard to blame that on portal transfers that started 3 yrs ago, and NIL earnings which began 2 yrs ago.

No one is blaming it on that. Why do you have to deflect instead of just admit you were wrong about declining attendance? You're usually pretty reasonable. Why fight over the facts?

I'll just repeat what I've already said (because it was so smart and accurate), college football popularity in the future has never been brighter. If it wasn't, the combined media deal signed 6 months ago from Fox/CBS/NBC to the Big Ten to the tune of a billion wouldn't have happened. Those folks bet a lot of cash on lots of eyes wanting to watch CFB, all day and all night, every Saturday in the fall!

College football's future popularity and revenue prospects WERE brighter 30-40 years ago, same for the pros, as the prospects and ad revenues skyrocketed to where we are now. Salaries and revenue in the early to mid 2000s (2002-2011) were by comparison astronomical when set side by side with those 30 years before. I doubt we'll see the same kind of increases from here once inflation is taken into account.

If popularity continues to increase it can still drive revenue upward, even as attendance declines, (if it does), as attendance isn't always the biggest revenue generator for schools. No one has said it wouldn't that I've seen here. So I guess you're the only one arguing that point...?

I didn't see where anyone pointed out that Miami (FL) has had issues with attendance going back decades, but has had relatively great success (even in down years) in terms of revenue, popularity, etc. That makes the point that attendance isn't paramount, though that wasn't really your point. It does however make the attendance decline less of a factor in the future revenue potential.
The truth is if this IS PAY4PLAY then we've already lost the war

We have just inked the second signing class effected by NIL, and have just about concluded our transfer portal recruiting for our third haul/season.

And our class rankings do not seem
to have suffered.

Who have been significant early recipients of NIL at Kentucky?

Levi’s and Wan Dale come to mind.

Were they quietly assured of significant amounts of money, prior to their commitments, or in the case of Wan Dale, his entry into the portal?

No one, here, can say (for certain) that they were not recruited with $$ being at least a part of their consideration. Nebraska fans openly said as much about Wan Dale’s transfer.

I agree that NIL is a threat to the “status quo,” but so far we appear to at least be treading water regarding signing talent.
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Oh bullspit

A cease fire has to have both sides, all sides agree

The next good UK player who enters the portal i ain't sitting on my hands when some dumbass says "SEE HE DONT THINK STOOPS CAN WIN HERE" when there are reports it is about NIL. Or, when a big time recruit doesn't pick us, and that's the issue.
You can continue to push a false narrative that hurts UK or get with the program and support NIL at UK.

We all know which sides the frauds take and what they care about.

What’s horseshit about it? If you’re a company profiting of someone’s labor, you pay that labor. You don’t ask your customers to pool their money, after they paid you btw, and pay your employees. That’s horseshit and it ain’t too funny if you ask me.

Lol. Yeah. A fraction of the overall, because it costs a buttload to operate the business. Basic economics.

Its horseshit because you don't give certain employees the entire revenue source and ignore everything else, unless you're stupid. There are a ton of other employees and expenses, and the employees are also dependent on the name, reputation, structure, and history of the business for the overall revenue generated and their paychecks. It isnt just because the employees showed up for a little bit of that history.

I was a player, but I understand the business model. The players should be able to be paid. No question they should. They should be able to generate all the NIL sponsorships they can muster, without restriction. Whatever the market will bear. But that's on them. It's not the schools job.

It's not good enough to be good enough. You have to go out and market it and get yourself paid. The scholarship gives you an opportunity to do that, when you wouldn't have it otherwise. Work together with the system rather than taking the whole thing down because of greed.

They have the opportunity now to earn the endorsement money they should have always been able to earn.
So horsehit that they agreed to settle the lawsuit and agreed to pay the players billions for doing just that.

Yep, that horsesht. When someone sues you, you'll understand how and why settlements happen. The only way this system has a chance to continue generating revenue was to settle. Doesn't mean more than that