Nike/Duke corruption

You are making assumptions. You don’t have any evidence that he was given a loan based off of future earning potential.
It’s amusing knowing all of these stories will soon become folklore after K is retired and gone. Speaking of the Devil, do the DuKies have a preferred suckcessor in mind?
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You are making assumptions. You don’t have any evidence that he was given a loan based off of future earning potential.
The testing center made the assumption. The NCAA used that to make a ruling.

Lance Thomas absolutely received a loan/impermissible extra benefit which would render a student athlete ineligible. The NCAA did nothing.

Congrats on the preferential treatment, the friendly whistles, the paid for recruits, and the easy paths. Duke will always remain a joke to the rest of the cbb world.
The testing center made the assumption. The NCAA used that to make a ruling.

Lance Thomas absolutely received a loan/impermissible extra benefit which would render a student athlete ineligible. The NCAA did nothing.

Congrats on the preferential treatment, the friendly whistles, the paid for recruits, and the easy paths. Duke will always remain a joke to the rest of the cbb world.

On Rose, they invalidated his score because he refused to show up to his hearings at the end of his season, essentially saying if you dont come defend yourself we are going to assume guilt. Nothing was ever proven or even assumed proven. They threatened him with that, and then followed thru.

He could have just gone, denied their the accusation, and made them prove it. He decided not to. Rose screwed Cal and Memphis as much as the NCAA did.
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Hopefully things start to pickup even more and k decides to retire rather than risk tarnishing his legacy as the greatest coach of all time.
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I would say most of the country has left behind using facts lately but I’m trying to stick with it.
So did Lance Thomas receive a $70k loan from a jeweler while attending Duke? A simple yes or no will suffice since you want to stick to the facts.
Thanks. When he refused to cooperate with the NCAA, what did they do?

And when Derrick Rose refused to cooperate with the NCAA, what did they do?

Lol can you not understand Derrick Rose was not eligible because he did not have a valid test score. There was literally no other decision for the NCAA to make whether Rose cooperated with them or not. They didn’t even punish Calipari for it.
On Rose, they invalidated his score because he refused to show up to his hearings at the end of his season, essentially saying if you dont come defend yourself we are going to assume guilt. Nothing was ever proven or even assumed proven. They threatened him with that, and then followed thru.

He could have just gone, denied their the accusation, and made them prove it. He decided not to. Rose screwed Cal and Memphis as much as the NCAA did.

My recollection of the facts was the NCAA/clearing house actually sent notice to Rose----not in Memphis where he was----but to an old address in Chicago. An argument could certainly be made Rose never received "timely notice" of the NCAA's accusations in order to defend himself.
Lol can you not understand Derrick Rose was not eligible because he did not have a valid test score. There was literally no other decision for the NCAA to make whether Rose cooperated with them or not. They didn’t even punish Calipari for it.
Can you not understand Lance Thomas was ineligible because he received impermissible benefits?
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The testing agency invalidating Rose’s test score is what made him ineligible, it wasn’t a decision the NCAA made. Without a valid test score he was not eligible for NCAA participation. Even if the NCAA investigated and thought he should be eligible unless they got the testing agency to change the status of that score he would have still been ineligible.

Okay, how about the UNLV kid who had his college test score invalidated? The logic doesn't hold since UNLV didn't have to vacate any of the games he played in.
I don’t really see the public perception that Duke is dirty behind the Magette and Lance incidents. I’m hoping for more of the same with these more recent accusations.
I don’t really see the public perception that Duke is dirty behind the Magette and Lance incidents. I’m hoping for more of the same with these more recent accusations.

Simple. Duke played a player who took money while in HS, which is against NCAA rules. The player should have been ruled ineligible and Duke should have vacated games. How hard is that to understand?
Simple. Duke played a player who took money while in HS, which is against NCAA rules. The player should have been ruled ineligible and Duke should have vacated games. How hard is that to understand?

I understand it. Let me be more clear. IN SPITE of the referenced incidents, I do NOT see the public perception that Duke is a dirty program. As for that specific incident, maybe it’s because Duke didn’t know about it before the season started? Or didn’t find out about it until after the fact. I don’t recall.
Wouldn't stress it. You guys should change your mascot from a Blue Devil to Teflon Don.

Ha ha. :sunglasses:.... but seriously, I think that could be viewed as a microcosm of our society in this country. Those with power and status seem to get away with more than those without.
I understand it. Let me be more clear. IN SPITE of the referenced incidents, I do NOT see the public perception that Duke is a dirty program. As for that specific incident, maybe it’s because Duke didn’t know about it before the season started? Or didn’t find out about it until after the fact. I don’t recall.

The NCAA ruled that neither Duke nor Maggette knew or should have known that Maggette taking money as a HS student was a violation. They never explained that decision and the decision was only announced a day AFTER Wetzel called them out for not taking action against Duke. Regardless of public perception, the NCAA engaged in a clear coverup for Duke and K. I can't see it any other way.
I understand it. Let me be more clear. IN SPITE of the referenced incidents, I do NOT see the public perception that Duke is a dirty program. As for that specific incident, maybe it’s because Duke didn’t know about it before the season started? Or didn’t find out about it until after the fact. I don’t recall.

BTW, the NCAA did explain that the reason Memphis was punished was because Rose was ruled ineligible and the reason Duke wasn't punished was because Maggette was never ruled ineligible. Again, no matter how you look at it, the NCAA protected Duke and K.
I tell you, duke fans are so delusional and downright oblivious to the fact that duke is protected to the absolute utmost that it's literally mind boggling. If only they realized how ignorant they sounded by defending duke, even when it's completely and utterly apparent duke is/was in violation of NCAA rules. It's hard for me to wrap my head around just how clueless and out of touch with reality they truly are. Their fanbase reminds me so much of KU's fanbase. Hmmm, damn, couldn't imagine why. Good Lord.
Because they do not know if Thomas recurved impermissible benefits.

Also above I think you meant “mind bottling” not “mind boggling.” It’s like when thinks are so crazy it gets your thoughts trapped like in a bottle.
The loan itself is the benefit. The down payment is questionable.

Also, mind boggling is the correct expression. Did you go to Duke or are you a bandwagoner like the other 99%?
No, you said it yourself that he absolutely received a 70k loan from the jeweler. That is an impermissible benefit.

An assumption would be if I said he was given the 30k down payment from an agent or a booster.

You're like a dog pecker gnat

That’s not an impermissible benefit though...
It isn't?? So, if a car dealer gives a new Mercedes to a bball player and says, "Pay me later." That is legal?
And to add to that ... when the NCAA inquires (only after being pressured by the media), the student-athlete doesn't cooperate??? That in itself is an automatic Level 1 infraction according to the rule book. Not for Duke though, which is the point being made in this thread.
It isn't?? So, if a car dealer gives a new Mercedes to a bball player and says, "Pay me later." That is legal?

i’ve seen many people post here that it was a loan based on future earning potential. The remaining balance was due 15 days after purchase in December. Did the jeweler think Thomas was going to get drafted and sign an NBA contract in 15 days? Most car dealers finance cars through a bank and the purchaser then owes the bank. Do you think no student athletes have cars they are paying off?
i’ve seen many people post here that it was a loan based on future earning potential. The remaining balance was due 15 days after purchase in December. Did the jeweler think Thomas was going to get drafted and sign an NBA contract in 15 days? Most car dealers finance cars through a bank and the purchaser then owes the bank. Do you think no student athletes have cars they are paying off?
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