Nike/Duke corruption

Duke investigating itself. This is priceless. Like letting the fox guard the henhouse.
That part isn’t a big deal. All schools initiate an internal investigation. It’s the first step in the playbook. The question will be what happens when the NCAA launches one. Will they be in UNC coverup more or UL “make an example of them” more. I’m betting on the former.
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That part isn’t a big deal. All schools initiate an internal investigation. It’s the first step in the playbook. The question will be what happens when the NCAA launches one. Will they be in UNC coverup more or UL “make an example of them” more. I’m betting on the former.

The question is what can the NCAA investigate.... Avenatti alleges Nike is the one paying these player’s families and or coaches.

What can the NCAA do to Nike? First off would they do anything to Nike? Of the 68 teams in the tournament this year Nike sponsored 40 of them. That doesn’t seem like a bridge the NCAA would want to burn.
Big difference now that a lawyer has started the process. He may have a client directly involved or was in meetings that someone said hey let's throw our weight to Duke or have inner workings with Lebron/USA BB/DUke/Nike a collusion of sort. Don't know but if there is a whistleblower that Avenatti has or someone with inner knowledge to talks and plans. He can subpoena records that NCAA cannot, he can get phone records etc.. Might be a conversation that took place that we want recruit A and C to go to Duke along with E. May be someone with intimate knowledge of what transpired and change of policy concerning AAU and preferential treatment.
Didn't see anything related to Duke, but Arizona will be vacating some games it appears.
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The evidence Avenatti has released thus far, in and of itself, is pretty weak. And he’s presented no evidence to date to support any of his accusations related to Zion.

There’s a high likelihood that a lot of people are setting themselves up for a massive disappointment. Until Avenatti releases some credible evidence, it remains highly probable that Avenatti is simply throwing around accusations in order to create a headache for Nike in the hopes of getting a settlement for Gary Franklin.
The question is what can the NCAA investigate.... Avenatti alleges Nike is the one paying these player’s families and or coaches.

What can the NCAA do to Nike? First off would they do anything to Nike? Of the 68 teams in the tournament this year Nike sponsored 40 of them. That doesn’t seem like a bridge the NCAA would want to burn.

NCAA's default argument, and the argument for their defenders when it comes to Duke and UNCheat. What can we do? Our hands are tied. That never seems to happen with other schools though does it?
Last night on the ESPN pre-game show they were discussing the allegation that Nike paid Zion's mother as a "consultant". Jay Williams claimed that, even if that is true, it would be difficult to prove that she did not provide consulting services of some type. Bilas of course disagreed, as any sensible person would. What would the justification be for that type of arrangement?
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Last night on the ESPN pre-game show they were discussing the allegation that Nike paid Zion's mother as a "consultant". Jay Williams claimed that, even if that is true, it would be difficult to prove that she did not provide consulting services of some type. Bilas of course disagreed, as any sensible person would. What would the justification be for that type of arrangement?

Wait a minute. You're telling me that TWO Duke alumni ran cover for their alma mater? I mean, stranger things have happened, but come on now? I don't buy it.
Wouldn't matter if they had a cancelled check, finger prints, and a stool sample, NOTHING is going to happen to Duke as far as punishment goes.
If anything they'll be rewarded for doing such a great job of investigating themselves.
They are "above the law" so to speak.......just like UNCheaters !
Doesn’t matter. We have already seen in the past when it was clearly defined there was impermissible benefits a BS excuse was made up as to why Duke or the player would not be held accountable. At this stage i don’t even know why they address it. Might as well just come out and say yes there was wrong doing but honestly we don’t care, it’s Duke, and we like Duke.
Duke investigating itself. This is priceless. Like letting the fox guard the henhouse.
Mich St and others involved with Larry Nassir did their own investigation and girls were still molested for a long period of time after their so-called investigation started. It took a lot for the dam to break. So yeah let's let a place like Dook police themselves I am sure no one ever covers up things that would hurt their program. Mich St and the US gymnastics buried tons of info on the worse child molester ever, but I'm sure if Dook finds something they will be the first to turn themselves in. What an F-ing joke! When will allegations have to be looked at seriously by sources outside of an institution that may benefit by covering things up? Get real Dook, you cheating bastards. How about just one thing like the Bagleys filing bankruptcy and then once signed with Dook moved into a gated community with homes averaging over a million dollars. Let's just focus on how that one thing happened. Because I'm pretty sure bankruptcy wrecks your credit for a long time. Dook is a joke and luckily rat boy is washed up and they will no longer be relevant for much longer.
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If anything, this "internal investigation' let's Duke find all the evidence and get rid of it before the NCAA or, gulp, the FBI look into it. The only way the NCAA would look into it though is if they knew the FBI might be on their trail and they don't want to come up empty handed.
The question is what can the NCAA investigate.... Avenatti alleges Nike is the one paying these player’s families and or coaches.

What can the NCAA do to Nike? First off would they do anything to Nike? Of the 68 teams in the tournament this year Nike sponsored 40 of them. That doesn’t seem like a bridge the NCAA would want to burn.

They will not do anything about NIKE, but will do something about schools that have players that are or have received benefits that break NCAA rules. But they will need to see some proof.

Then again, they do not have to see proof. NCAA dropped the hammer on Rose/Memphis by simply taking the testing centers word that they could not conclude Rose took his own test. So they (testing center) invalidated it. NCAA never looked into it thoroughly at all.

So...NCAA can do what they "want". In this they they do not "want" to take Duke down. So...they will not
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They will not do anything about NIKE, but will do something about schools that have players that are or have received benefits that break NCAA rules. But they will need to see some proof.

Then again, they do not have to see proof. NCAA dropped the hammer on Rose/Memphis by simply taking the test g centers word that they could not conclude Rose took his own test. So they invalidated it. NCAA never looked into it thoroughly at all.

So...NCAA can do what they "want". In this they they do not "want" to take Duke down. So...they will not

The NCAA didn’t invalidate anything. The testing service did. That’s a big difference.

And the NCAA can’t do whatever they want. It’s actually the opposite, which is why you usually only see schools get hammered when they cooperate. NCAA is extremely limited in what they can do in instances when schools dispute the facts and evidence of infractions is not readily available.
The NCAA didn’t invalidate anything. The testing service did. That’s a big difference.

And the NCAA can’t do whatever they want. It’s actually the opposite, which is why you usually only see schools get hammered when they cooperate. NCAA is extremely limited in what they can do in instances when schools dispute the facts and evidence of infractions is not readily available.

That's what I said