National writer finally calls out UNC/Huckleberry

I'm not sure it is true, since I read it on the internet, but the article said the seven players who graduated from that 2007 team all majored in African & Afro-American Studies. That includes Sean May.

Felton, Williams, and McCants did not graduate.

No wonder Huckleberry Williams was concerned about too many players majoring in one area. He needed to find some other easy departments, which I understand he did.
Folks they should be punished not only for this , but several other things....but, get ready for it because they are going to skate on this...the ncaa is not going to let their media darlings be tarnished! The question is...are there enough presidents and ads out there that are willing to buck this when it happens and raise nine million kinds of hells?
lol, there are statements in that article that are just untrue. Clearly an opinion piece.

This kind of "we are Carolina and can do no wrong" is why many fans of other ACC schools detest UNC. UNC is the ACCs version of Texas; "we are in charge and you are NOT." The "Carolina Way" slogan is actually very funny in light of the 25 year academic fraud that was going on behind the slogan. UNC administrators have fought so hard not to maintain the school's academic reputation, but to protect Saint Dean's status. Arrogance personified, and that IS a fact.
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Because he didn't do anything wrong. The NCAA has not once stated that Roy Williams did anything wrong. In fact, the NCAA cleared Roy Williams of any wrongdoing.

Again, knowing the facts is always helpful when you want to talk about something.

The NCAA did not "clear" Williams of anything. There are no allegations specific to actions he took, or should have taken, in the NOA. That simply means the NCAA found no evidence to support a charge against Williams personally. That does not mean that the NCAA "cleared" him.

Knowing the facts is helpful when you want to talk about something.
No it doesn't. If those classes were not there, McCants would have taken other classes. How do you know he would have failed those classes and thus been ineligible? In order to believe that, one has to make an assumption. You can't argue backwards. Not to mention that most of what McCants says is suspect because (1) he refuses to make his claims under oath with the threat of perjury hanging over his head, (2) most of his claims are completely rejected as untrue by every one of his teammates.

And btw, keep in mind, not all of the AFAM department classes were suspect.

Your argument about hypothetical grades in alternate classes is irrelevant. In the instance you outlined above, the problem would be that UNC made an "erroneous certification of eligibility." Whether he would've been eligible if he had taken another class does not chcange that fact that he was certified using fake ones.

At any rate, that point doesn't matter much anyway because the NCAA charged UNC with benefits legislation violations and not player academic eligibity violations. And whether you attack McCants character or not, it doesn't change that fact.
The championship Roy won at Kansas is tainted also. One of the starters gained admission after his high school transcript was altered.
No it doesn't. If those classes were not there, McCants would have taken other classes.
So, what you are literally saying is that if UNC had not offered McCants the means to cheat, he would not have cheated. So you put all the blame on UNC, just like the rest of us.

I don't think that's what you were trying to say. I think you intended to say that McCants could have taken real classes and remained eligible to play basketball, so it's no big deal that he cheated. Do you iknow how stupid that is?

You are obviously a UNC grad, because (1) you had no clue how to use the English language to say what you meant, and (2) what you intended to say is stupid.
No it doesn't. If those classes were not there, McCants would have taken other classes. How do you know he would have failed those classes and thus been ineligible? In order to believe that, one has to make an assumption. You can't argue backwards. Not to mention that most of what McCants says is suspect because (1) he refuses to make his claims under oath with the threat of perjury hanging over his head, (2) most of his claims are completely rejected as untrue by every one of his teammates.

And btw, keep in mind, not all of the AFAM department classes were suspect.

Moronic post. He took those classes. The same classes that SACS put the filth NC on academic probation for. Those classes kept him eligible. Just another squealing NC pig wallowing in academic slop.
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