
@Kash should shut the hell up until the offense starts playing on a high school level. Boring as shit games in November aren’t a major draw.
My official position on 2018 UK football: it’s downright amazing, and it’s the best season I’ll probably ever see in my lifetime. Thank you Stoops.
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I bought an open-box Ratio8 from Clive Coffee.
It was in that range with a full 10 year warranty.

It is quite stylish (of which I’m a bitch to). It pre-infuses and poursover water at precisely 200° as required for perfect coffee... the big knock is that the coffee doesn’t stay hot for long as there’s no hot plate. But any snob knows, you never drink coffee that’s been cooking on a plate.


Technivorm Moccamaster is the smart choice option as the benchmark of gourmands.

That or the bonavita is inexpensive and highly rated.

Supposedly, Bialetti machines are out of production... which I find impossible to comprehend.

I've got a 5-cup Bonavita, which I really like, but I'm leaning towards the Ratio for my next coffee upgrade. Something about the name Technivorm Moccamaster reminds me of worms and snakes.
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Yes. You're on the outside looking in still, behind Mav. I aim to keep it that way through various methods of collusion, cheating, and just beating you in the final regular season match up.
Now that you mention it, I'm looking for a really good TE...and by "really good" I mean someone that won't consistently bring donuts...and by "bring donuts" I mean put up zero points.
Now that you mention it, I'm looking for a really good TE...and by "really good" I mean someone that won't consistently bring donuts...and by "bring donuts" I mean put up zero points.

Let me know if you find one. Rare as unicorns.

You bastard.

*checks my ff schedule*

Welp, I'm done. My QB and RB1 have byes next week, so i'll probably get beat by fn LEK.

I tried to tell you weeks ago that you were jockeying for 5th place.
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Every now and again I get asked to stop at Kroger (not the football field...the store) to pick something up. One of those times happens to be every single freaking Wednesday before Thanksgiving...every single year. For some reason the wife always forgets something whilst shopping for Turkey Day stuff. Same food, same list every year...yet she always forgets something(s). So there I am...every single freaking Wednesday (today being no exception) before Thanksgiving picking up something that I can't find...

...which brings me to the original point of this post...

Why can I not find those few items? Because Kroger (not the football field...the store) changes their store configuration between every one of my stops in there. And I don't just mean a section or two is different. I mean that the entire store has changed. Entire isles have vanished and/or have been moved from one end of the store to the opposite end. I get sent there for 3 things and it takes me 30 minutes to find them. I'm convinced that they do this just to eff with people like me. It's their way of saying, "you don't belong here just give up and go home".

But eff those mother effers. My new strategy is to walk straight up to an employee as soon as I walk in the door and hand them my list. I'm not looking for jack. Just point to the isles that contain these 3 items. Or go get them for me. I tested this new strategy today and I was in and out of there in less than 10 minutes. And that's with Kroger (not the football field...the store) being packed.

Also...once again...rogue shopping carts were just aimlessly scattered about the parking lot. Which isn't all that unusual in this effed up world in which we live. But today there were twice as many as usual. Im telling you, man...if I were king, refusing to return carts to their rightful place in the cart corral would be punishable by being pelted with rocks and garbage upon first offense. Second offense? Up against the wall!!! Here's your blindfold.
I like to picture my Stan Musial as floating in heaven wearing a tuxedo Cardinals jersey — cause it says “I wanna be formal, but I’m here to play ball too” — with this playing in the background...
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This very well could be the worst defensive team in the history of basketball.


And I've never seen a D-1 team this bad at feeding the post. It's a simple concept...throw the ball away from the defense. Improve the passing angle with a pass fake or by dribbling if necessary. Most players learn that in 4th grade. And can do it with a fair amount of success by 7th or 8th Grade. Pretty much master it by junior year in HS. Not these jackals. Maybe they are color blind and can't tell the difference in jersey colors??? Either that or there is a wholotta DGAF with these dudes...which would also explain the lack of effort on the defensive end of the court as well.
