You dirty rat.Damnit! Sabathia brought his A game tonight.
Looks like we have to deal with a couple more weeks of insufferable bastiche-ness.
You dirty rat.Damnit! Sabathia brought his A game tonight.
Looks like we have to deal with a couple more weeks of insufferable bastiche-ness.
Damnit! Sabathia brought his A game tonight.
Looks like we have to deal with a couple more weeks of insufferable bastiche-ness.
Female?If you jackals ever see on the news that kaizer sosay done kilt someone there will be no need to ponder the motive.
You can instead spend that valuable time talking amongst one another about how tragic it was that kaizer's wife asked him to drop the kids off at school that morning and yet another idiot parent at ks's kids' school did yet another idiotic thing in the carpool line which finally crossed the threshold for good ole kaizer.
This morning it was indeed a female. A hot MILF that I know personally to be exact. Probably the only thing that kept this particular incident from being the headline maker. Hot MILF's get a pass of course. There is, however, a threshold...and it is drawing nye.Female?
Bottom line, I’d vote for acquittal — chicks shouldn’t be driving cars.If you jackals ever see on the news that kaizer sosay done kilt someone there will be no need to ponder the motive.
You can instead spend that valuable time talking amongst one another about how tragic it was that kaizer's wife asked him to drop the kids off at school that morning and yet another idiot parent at ks's kids' school did yet another idiotic thing in the carpool line which finally crossed the threshold for good ole kaizer.
Dammit Mash, that’s genius level thinking right congrats man. Maybe next year you can drain it with your bumpstock and then set it's empty carcass on fire.
Does anyone even swim in it?
Does anyone even swim in it?
We literally, and this is 100% the gospel truth, got in it ONE time this year for a grand total of about 90 minutes -- which is 90 minutes longer than it's been used the past 5 years combined. This is not counting, of course, me doing a half-assed SEAL impersonation today by wading neck deep into the freezing water (67 degrees to be exact) to unbolt the rails of the steps so that I could put the cover on it.Does anyone even swim in it?
Eat A @ick In A Fire?Kill it dead, brother. Kill it D.E.D.
If UNC doesn't eat some sort of shit tomorrow, I'm gonna be upset a little bit, but not upset enough that it detracts from my overall joy about UL, our football team, and our Big Blue Madness. But damnit, UNC needs to fry, and Jay Bilas needs to EADIAF.
My kids are going to learn:
Boulevardier... w/chocolate bitters. (A bourbon Negroni) New favorite adult cocktail.
basically all you have to do is offer the same impermissable benefits to regular students that you offer to the athletes and your good to go. since the ruling basically stated that regular students benefited from the classes in the same way the student athletes did they couldn't prove that the athletic dept was purposefully benefiting the athletes. it was a university academic problem, not the athletic depts. the athletic dept just happened to benefit from the university problem, but it wasn't their fault.
so impemissible benefits are fine as long as you benefit everyone. see, Louisville just needed to have some regular students in the dorms getting handies and bjs from the strippers and whores and they would have been fine
I think my wife is chaperoning the school dance tonight. House to myself.I gotta chaperone the 8th grade dance tonight. I hope some hoodlums got some decent weed on them.