Murray is visiting Oregon

Let's look at both schools.

Oregon offers him a chance to play exclusively PG. That's big for the Ducks. If he wants to be the show, that is the place for him. He won't have to share the ball much. He will have unlimited shots.

Facilities are equal.

UK has by far the better staff to work with.

UK has a MUCH better track record of getting players into the league. Has Altman produced an NBA player since taking over at Oregon? Nope. Meanwhile Cal has produced three of the last seven number one picks (and may add to the total in a few weeks).

UK offers MUCH more exposure than Oregon. UK is always on national TV and Oregon is almost never on. This might actually be a negative for UK, though, if Murray is afraid of getting too much exposure. Every UK player has his game dissected by the media "experts" trying to find weaknesses to talk about during games. He might want to fly under the radar, especially if he feels like his stock isn't going to improve and he wants to avoid people nitpicking his game. From his interviews, this doesn't seem likely, but who knows?

Better competition at UK. He would get to play Duke, Ohio St., UofL, and KU. Everyday he would face NBA level talent in practice. Once again, unless he is afraid he might look bad against good competition, this bodes well for UK.

Gets to play WITH better players. Defenses can't key on him like they can at Oregon.

Finally, UK offers a much better chance to win and win on the highest level. Four of the last five seasons ended in the Final Four.

The last and only time Oregon went to the Final Four was the first year of the tourney. FDR was president and WWII had not even started yet.

Maybe he's a huge football fan and hopes Oregon gets back to the title game in that spot, because it's not likely to happen in bball.

Seems like a no brainer to me, but who knows with these kids.
Only on Rupp rafters can a recruit visiting another school for a second time be considered a positive for us.
There has been a flurry of excuses that the Kentucky media (mostly KSR) has promoted to soften the blow of why UK did not get particular recruits.

*Zimmerman wanted to stay close to home
*Newman wants all the shots
*Brown hates the attention
* Ingram was Tobacco road-bound the whole time
* Diallo didn't want to back-up Poythress and Skal
* Swanigan's inner circle is bound at the hip to Purdue

Part of me is curious; if Murray actually picks Oregon, what will be the fabricated narrative be? Length of a recruitment typically doesn't matter (didn't help UK with Wiggins or Brown). There would be no excuse for losing a kid to Oregon basketball.

It would just be horrible. No way around that. I still think UK is the favorite, but losing Murray to the Ducks would act as the culmination point in one of the most depressing three months in UK history - if for the mere reason that there would two-dozen threads spawned within a week about how "we're fine"; "we don't need any more players, anyway", or the always over-utilized "we want kids who wants to be here".

Truly, God help us all if Murray goes to Oregon. I don't think I could stomach the inflated optimism and references to the recent string of 7 and 8 seeds that made a Final Four run.
Only on Rupp rafters can a recruit visiting another school for a second time be considered a positive for us.
Nobody said it was a positive but I don't see it as a negative either.His father always said he would take more visits and I expect at least one more to possibly UConn.
Oregon has no schollys for next year. Unless they have a creaning planned I just don't see how they are a legitimate player. They also have 8 guards on the roster for next season without Murray. Even though Murray has more minutes at the PG position 8 guards is A LOT. This only makes sense if Murray stays in 2016 which all reports state will not be the case.
There has been a flurry of excuses that the Kentucky media (mostly KSR) has promoted to soften the blow of why UK did not get particular recruits.

*Zimmerman wanted to stay close to home
*Newman wants all the shots
*Brown hates the attention
* Ingram was Tobacco road-bound the whole time
* Diallo didn't want to back-up Poythress and Skal
* Swanigan's inner circle is bound at the hip to Purdue

Part of me is curious; if Murray actually picks Oregon, what will be the fabricated narrative be? Length of a recruitment typically doesn't matter (didn't help UK with Wiggins or Brown). There would be no excuse for losing a kid to Oregon basketball.

It would just be horrible. No way around that. I still think UK is the favorite, but losing Murray to the Ducks would act as the culmination point in one of the most depressing three months in UK history - if for the mere reason that there would two-dozen threads spawned within a week about how "we're fine"; "we don't need any more players, anyway", or the always over-utilized "we want kids who wants to be here".

Truly, God help us all if Murray goes to Oregon. I don't think I could stomach the inflated optimism and references to the recent string of 7 and 8 seeds that made a Final Four run.

Add Vick in there too who chose KANSAS as did Diallo, but "Cal didn't really want them anyway or he'd have put on the full court press." ;)
Oregon has no schollys for next year. Unless they have a creaning planned I just don't see how they are a legitimate player. They also have 8 guards on the roster for next season without Murray. Even though Murray has more minutes at the PG position 8 guards is A LOT. This only makes sense if Murray stays in 2016 which all reports state will not be the case.

Could be that they still are not 100% sure he will be able to, and are looking at Oregon as a backup for 2016 (if things at UK are not as suitable as they are this year).
There has been a flurry of excuses that the Kentucky media (mostly KSR) has promoted to soften the blow of why UK did not get particular recruits.

*Zimmerman wanted to stay close to home
*Newman wants all the shots
*Brown hates the attention
* Ingram was Tobacco road-bound the whole time
* Diallo didn't want to back-up Poythress and Skal
* Swanigan's inner circle is bound at the hip to Purdue

Part of me is curious; if Murray actually picks Oregon, what will be the fabricated narrative be? Length of a recruitment typically doesn't matter (didn't help UK with Wiggins or Brown). There would be no excuse for losing a kid to Oregon basketball.

It would just be horrible. No way around that. I still think UK is the favorite, but losing Murray to the Ducks would act as the culmination point in one of the most depressing three months in UK history - if for the mere reason that there would two-dozen threads spawned within a week about how "we're fine"; "we don't need any more players, anyway", or the always over-utilized "we want kids who wants to be here".

Truly, God help us all if Murray goes to Oregon. I don't think I could stomach the inflated optimism and references to the recent string of 7 and 8 seeds that made a Final Four run.

So, what is everyone suppose to say when a recruit picks someone else?

What is the difference between a reason and an excuse?

You imply that those aren't the real reasons why Cal missed on those recruits.

So what are the real reasons why those guys chose other schools?
Could be that they still are not 100% sure he will be able to, and are looking at Oregon as a backup for 2016 (if things at UK are not as suitable as they are this year).

That's what I'm thinking. Murray could very well end up at Oregon but IMO it would go against all of the aspirations that he states he has. I don't believe Dana Altman has coached a single player that went to the NBA let alone a number one draft pick. His first draftee will probably be Joseph Young.
Jerry Meyer just switched his pick to Oregon, and someone named Ethan Moore did as well. He's a UL fan, so it may just be wishful thinking on his part

Are you serious? JHC, Meyer changes his picks more often than he does his underwear I bet. What is the point?
Only on Rupp rafters can a recruit visiting another school for a second time be considered a positive for us.

More like only on RR do we have fellow UK fans who can't wait to bash other UK fans for the smallest things. I saw ONE person say that this was a good thing for UK, while most said it was either neutral or bad news. But no, the focus has to be on the one "pumper". Whatever.
Only on Rupp rafters can a recruit visiting another school for a second time be considered a positive for us.

And only here can someone take news that was known and expected and use it to feel less confident than they did the day before and stress its significance in all caps.

No one said it was a positive thing. It's just a thing. It's part of the process. Kids take visits. He visited Kentucky first. If he had visited somewhere else first, you'd be crying that we didn't get the first shot at him, but since he came here first, that's probably an insignificant fact.
I'm not even gonna say anything. I mean hell. I still think he's ours, but I also thought Newman had enough sense not to go to Miss St, I thought Brown had enough sense to not go to Cal, Zimmerman and etc. Maybe he's like me and wants to go tease the Oregon fan base a little and maybe try to score out there or something, while having full intentions on committing to UK the whole time. Who knows but the way things have been going are unacceptable to say the least. A commitment from Murray would make everything ok and normal again. Then we could be like "Oh yeah we didn't want those punks Newman and Brown because we we're really waiting on Murray the whole time"
Damn, wish we would have gotten Vick from Kansas. Apparently he's #1 draft pick. Better than Jordan and Kobi combined.

Oh well, maybe Tyrone Nash is still available.
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Was there ever really any consensus pre-Oregon visit for Murray that UK was considered the favorite for him, other than people making an educated guess because he'd just visited Kentucky? Serious question.
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Add Vick in there too who chose KANSAS as did Diallo, but "Cal didn't really want them anyway or he'd have put on the full court press." ;)

No one's denying that we all wanted Diallo, but next to no one on here was really all that excited about Vick.
In that case I honestly do believe he was more of a backup option to Murray, who just happened to pull the trigger and end his recruitment for the school who'd shown more interest in him.
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If Murray goes to Oregon it is because he wants to be exclusively a point guard, thinks that helps him most with the NBA, considers that the single biggest factor in playing college ball, and knows that Kentucky has Ulis and Briscoe. You really couldn't figure that out yourself?

So Murray wouldn't have a problem sharing a backcourt with five star combo guard Tyler Dorsey and transfer Dylan Ennis but he'd have a problem sharing with Ulis and Briscoe? How does that work exactly, especially when one factors in Elgin Cook (13 ppg, 5rpg, 2apg) as the small forward for Oregon? In other words, Oregon doesn't have the luxury of simply moving Dorsey to the three spot in order to make room for Murray.

Obviously they could simply tell Ennis or Dorsey to deal with it and plug Murray in the backcourt, but considering the fact that both Ennis and Dorsey were spring recruitments and are coming to Oregon expecting a starting spot, they clearly offer the same impediment to the Murray point guard rationale as Ulis and Briscoe do at UK.
No one's denying that we all wanted Diallo, but next to no one on here was really all that excited about Vick.
In that case I honestly do believe he was more of a backup option to Murray, who just happened to pull the trigger and end his recruitment for the school who'd shown more interest in him.

Nailed it.

Vick is sitting the bench this year. He'll get mop up minutes. I mean, it's crazy to think we would waste a scholarship on a kid that would be dug so deep on our bench that he wouldn't see the light of day till at least he was a Jr. I will always say that we Jared Carter'd Kansas with Vick.

Just ridiculous to think we would waste one on Vick. Utterly mind blowing.
Caneintally said he's coming, so there you have it.
. I never said that and we went thru this last month - I KNOW NOTHING AND NEVER HAVE CLAIMED TO. So if you want to put words in people's mouths do it somewhere else . Now i do think , based on what people who do have an in , that we get him ? sure , as stated a zillion times i am just a fan like the rest of yall and one who has been here for 16 years mind you .

Now back to posters with an IQ over 50 , I do think him visiting Oregon could help us as he saw how the whole world revolves around B-ball here and I think he wants someone who can make him the #1 pick and he knows that is us . Oregon isn't some bball mecca ect.Also Oregon has like 10 guards .
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So, what is everyone suppose to say when a recruit picks someone else?

Maybe nothing. Not until we actually hear from the recruits, their families, or high school coaches explaining the real reasons; and if we offer conjecture, remind ourselves that it's merely that.

I'm just offering a thought in that perhaps it's a lazy endeavor to designate reasons to failed recruitments that paint UK in the most favorable light possible, then offer those conjectured reasons up as fact: if Ulis wasn't at UK, Newman would be here; if Brown wasn't shy, he'd be UK-bound (this was also one of the widely-purported Wiggins narratives); if Zimmerman wasn't a home-body, he'd play for Cal; Skal scared away Diallo; etc.

Some of the reasons are probably true; but how do we know for sure unless a kid says as much (Newman probably came the closest)? So while I understand it's all trivial at the end of the day, I'm not buying some of the narratives until I hear from the kids or their circles. I don't think that's unfair of me either. UK might have simply lost out because they ran opposite of a coaching staff that out-worked them.

Is that unfathomable to consider?
We lose several 4 and 5 star players this recruiting season and some people think there is no way Oregon could beat us for him? To us it is a no brainer but they are picking other schools because of some seemingly insignificant reasons. Things like wanting to stay close to home, wanting to be THE man, having one person at the school they have known a long time, a rogue recruiter, going wild over getting to hang out with a well known player even though they was leaving. At least his is some of the reasons they give to go where they went.

Murray could use the reason that Oregon has recruited him longer, he has a special bond with the coach there, he doesn't like the attention he would coming here, etc, etc, etc. Things like having a much better chance to win the championship, winning most of his games here, practicing and playing with much better players here, playing for a coach that would give him better preparation to be a pro etc, etc, etc may mean little to him like it did for a bunch of others.
Just passsing the time in style
And getting away from the books.
Probably feels he owes it to them.
Hes ours.
Hey azzhat , just stop . I never said that and we went thru this last month - I KNOW NOTHING AND NEVER HAVE CLAIMED TO. So if you want to put words in people's mouths do it somewhere else . Now i do think , based on what people who do have an in , that we get him ? sure , as stated a zillion times i am just a fan like the rest of yall and one who has been here for 16 years mind you .

Now back to posters with an IQ over 50 , I do think him visiting Oregon could help us as he saw how the whole world revolves around B-ball here and I think he wants someone who can make him the #1 pick and he knows that is us . Oregon isn't some bball mecca ect.Also Oregon has like 10 guards .

Uh yesterday you said this. :rolleyes: yes because what people do on twitter equates to where they will play ball LMAO . We will get Murray but his twitter gives nothing away. No biggie hard to remember all the signings predicted.
RE: UConn + Murray

UConn has 12 scholarship players right now (listed below). If you see 13 listed anywhere, it is including a walk-on who was on scholarship last year, for what I believe was his junior year. If UConn doesn't add anyone else then he will likely receive the remaining scholarship but if they do, he won't. That said, while UConn would take Murray (who wouldn't), I do not believe UConn is going out of the way to get him for 2015 and prefer him for 2016. There seemed to be a lot of incorrect information on UConn's scholarship situation and recruitment of Murray. Have a nice evening.

PG: Gibbs, Adams
SG: Purvis, Cassell
SF: Hamilton, Calhoun, (RS) Larrier
PF: Miller, Facey, Enoch
C: Brimah, Nolan
Just passsing the time in style
And getting away from the books.
Probably feels he owes it to them.
Hes ours.
Oregon's assistant coach, Menega? was a director of Murrays AAU team. While that tidbit seems insignificant, recruits are picking schools because of ridiculous things like that.

Kind of has a feel that his dad doesn't won't his son to miss out on getting to experience everything. And can understand them wanting to get his classes done before putting a lot of thought into their decision. Focusing on those classes has to be top priority so can understand the low key approach to everything.
Uh yesterday you said this. :rolleyes: yes because what people do on twitter equates to where they will play ball LMAO . We will get Murray but his twitter gives nothing away. No biggie hard to remember all the signings predicted.

LOL and like zillion other people have said that as well. Why would you single out one person for giving his opinion , in another thread mind you not this one ? I have never ever claimed to know anything but you want to start something for zero reason . I get it, a few newbies in April took my confidence the wrong way but i have never been anything more then a fan . When everyone in know says we are getting him i think it is alright to say i think we do as well . Geez get a life .I have been here long before you and will be here long after you . I have put you on ignore so i don't have to respond to the drivel .
I guess what I don't understand with the Oregon recruitment before the Nike Classic breakout game scoring 30 points that night he was being recruited by Oregon for their 2016 recruiting class. After the Nike Classic All-star game is when the big schools UK, Duke, etc. starting recruiting Murray for 2015 and have him reclassify. If you look at Oregon and UCONN roster they have both added huge guards to their line-up next year in Ennis for Oregon and Sterling Gibbs for UCONN. I notice one poster mentioned above that with the guard situation at UCONN they now have 5-star Jaylen Adams pg, Sterling Gibbs pg, and at SG they have Purvis and Cassell. The poster above mentioned that UCONN also really wanted Murray for their 2016 class. That is why Oregon went and got Ennis pg from Villanova. In an interview with Jay Wright he mentioned that is why Ennis went to Oregon for 1 year to be able to play and start at PG. Oregon also has 2 good guards coming in next year in Dorsey and Small and still have couple of guards from last year. I believe that Oregon is like UCONN and they would prefer having Murray in their 2016 Class. I also believe that all of the Jamal Murray's talk about being #1 in the 2016 NBA Draft has to be looking at Coach Cal and Kentucky if indeed he wants to be a Top Pick in the 2016 NBA Draft. Murray has said this multiple times and if you just look at Coach Cal's number of NBA 1st Rounders just in the 5+ years at Kentucky and that doesn't include Memphis. I still see Murray to UK unless we hear something different after the visit on Saturday morning.
I guess what I don't understand with the Oregon recruitment before the Nike Classic breakout game scoring 30 points that night he was being recruited by Oregon for their 2016 recruiting class. After the Nike Classic All-star game is when the big schools UK, Duke, etc. starting recruiting Murray for 2015 and have him reclassify. If you look at Oregon and UCONN roster they have both added huge guards to their line-up next year in Ennis for Oregon and Sterling Gibbs for UCONN. I notice one poster mentioned above that with the guard situation at UCONN they now have 5-star Jaylen Adams pg, Sterling Gibbs pg, and at SG they have Purvis and Cassell. The poster above mentioned that UCONN also really wanted Murray for their 2016 class. That is why Oregon went and got Ennis pg from Villanova. In an interview with Jay Wright he mentioned that is why Ennis went to Oregon for 1 year to be able to play and start at PG. Oregon also has 2 good guards coming in next year in Dorsey and Small and still have couple of guards from last year. I believe that Oregon is like UCONN and they would prefer having Murray in their 2016 Class. I also believe that all of the Jamal Murray's talk about being #1 in the 2016 NBA Draft has to be looking at Coach Cal and Kentucky if indeed he wants to be a Top Pick in the 2016 NBA Draft. Murray has said this multiple times and if you just look at Coach Cal's number of NBA 1st Rounders just in the 5+ years at Kentucky and that doesn't include Memphis. I still see Murray to UK unless we hear something different after the visit on Saturday morning.

If he wants to be THE PG, then none of the schools on his list are ideal.

UConn has Gibbs and Adams.

Oregon has Ennis.

Michigan St. has returning starter Nairn.

Michigan has returning starter Walton.

UK has Ulis and Briscoe.

If he was dead set on playing PG, then why not look into going somewhere that has a big hole at PG like Thornton did with Duke?

At UK he would be one of three PGs that are all different type of players and very complimentary to each other.

Ulis is a pass first PG that can shoot. Briscoe is a get to the rim, aggressive scorer that can pass. Murray is a shooter who can also get to the rim and score as well as pass.

Murray fits perfectly as the last piece of our puzzle for next year.
LOL and like zillion other people have said that as well. Why would you single out one person for giving his opinion , in another thread mind you not this one ? I have never ever claimed to know anything but you want to start something for zero reason . I get it, a few newbies in April took my confidence the wrong way but i have never been anything more then a fan . When everyone in know says we are getting him i think it is alright to say i think we do as well . Geez get a life .I have been here long before you and will be here long after you . I have put you on ignore so i don't have to respond to the drivel .

Since you claim to of been here for so long you should know better than to act like you know the future of college athletes.
Nailed it.

Vick is sitting the bench this year. He'll get mop up minutes. I mean, it's crazy to think we would waste a scholarship on a kid that would be dug so deep on our bench that he wouldn't see the light of day till at least he was a Jr. I will always say that we Jared Carter'd Kansas with Vick.

Just ridiculous to think we would waste one on Vick. Utterly mind blowing.
This is a dumb post. He's way better than UK scholarship players, Derek Willis and Dominique Hawkins.

This is in jest by the way
I don't think it is appropriate to say someone is going to get injured even if it is in jest.
This is a dumb post. He's way better than UK scholarship players, Derek Willis and Dominique Hawkins.

Vick will get garbage minutes until he his a junior. No different than Willis or Hawkins. Willis and Hawkins will provide some valuable experience for this year's team.

Sunshine pumpers giving Vick some magical Super powers.

"Derp derp, I heard Vick was going to turn Kansas into contender, derp derp"
I don't think it is appropriate to say someone is going to get injured even if it is in jest.
You're absolutely right. If Tyler were to read that he would surely break down in tears.

Give me a break. There are way too many important things to worry about to get your panties in a bunch over that.
If he wants to be THE PG, then none of the schools on his list are ideal.

UConn has Gibbs and Adams.

Oregon has Ennis.


Plus, Oregon has Cook (13ppg) solidified as their small forward and incoming stud combo guard Tyler Dorsey solidified at the two spot.

In order to make room for Murray, Ennis or Dorsey - both spring commits who were brought in under the premise that they'd start in the backcourt - would have to move to the bench.

There are actually more playing-time impediments at Oregon then there are at UK.