Joakim Noah and Calethes were mine. Who were yours?
The UK student body hate for Walsh was unending.Matt Walsh
That is unbelievably petty. I like it.I think he passed away, so RIP.
But as a kid at UK games, I absolutely hated Dwayne Schintzius mainly because when he fouled out and Rupp Arean started the "your're out of here " chant, he intentionally wouldn't sit down so they couldn't say "you're out of here".
That is unbelievably petty. I like it.
I can't hate on White Chocolate. Dude was a baller.
I can't hate on White Chocolate. Dude was a baller.
Any 19 year old who dates a Playboy Bunny has my respectMatt Walsh
My vote as well. Him walking around acting like he was playing a triangle instrument drove me crazy. World class D-B.Noah was easy to hate
Complete jackass but his tweets trolling Utah Jazz fans are hilarious.Vernon "Mad Max" Maxwell
Noah all dayJoakim Noah and Calethes were mine. Who were yours?
He looks more like he’s auditioning for Hairspray the musical or something.My vote as well. Him walking around acting like he was playing a triangle instrument drove me crazy. World class D-B.