Missing sub touring the Titanic

I’m a gym rat and admire endurance athletes and real deal climbers quite a bit. Takes a ton of toughness mentally and physically. I’m really sick of hearing about Everest, but it’s still a hell of a feat. This is a really dumb argument and binary thinking at its worst.

You could just as easily make an argument that endurance is more important to survival than strength. Hell, our ability to stalk, run (to escape threats as well) and hunt for days is what got us here. Both arguments are for simpletons tho
Exactly, thats my point.
It's sad when anybody dies, but they knew what they were getting into. I feel worse about all the resources/money the Coast Guard wasted trying to rescue them when they were already dead.

There were also 300 Pakistani nationals killed in a boat accident this week as they were trying to flee horrible conditions, but it didn't get as much attention as billionaires trying to see the Titanic.
Here’s an idea, get in amazing shape, build muscle, do an Ironman, run a marathon, squat #500, etc. That’s testing the boundaries.

Hopping in a submersible you didn’t build and cruising to the bottom of the ocean isn’t a challenge or boundary to push, you didn’t do anything but pay money and sit in a tin can that blew up, congrats, dreams realized and whatnot.
Off topic: do you work for Rogue? I came close but was working with two potential suitors at the time and the other opportunity popped faster.
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It's sad when anybody dies, but they knew what they were getting into. I feel worse about all the resources/money the Coast Guard wasted trying to rescue them when they were already dead.

There were also 300 Pakistani nationals killed in a boat accident this week as they were trying to flee horrible conditions, but it didn't get as much attention as billionaires trying to see the Titanic.
One child gets stuck in a well in South America will get coverage until the story concludes. One child who is killed instantaneously by falling in a well in South America will not get the same coverage.

Four miners stuck below the ground get more coverage than 20 miners killed in a collapse.

It’s not rocket science why the stories of trapped people and their hopeful rescuers get more attention than the story of people tragically killed.
Off topic: do you work for Rogue? I came close but was working with two potential suitors at the time and the other opportunity popped faster.
No but love their equipment. Originally started posting here bartending at Pazzos and I loved the Rogue Mocha Porter, so that’s where the name came from, wasn’t even working out serious at all at the time.

Of course that was literally like 20 years ago.
Apparently James Cameron in an interview said that he was told they dropped weight to try and resurface so maybe they did know something was wrong if that’s true.
No but love their equipment. Originally started posting here bartending at Pazzos and I loved the Rogue Mocha Porter, so that’s where the name came from, wasn’t even working out serious at all at the time.

Of course that was literally like 20 years ago.
Was getting beat up by a female the motivation to start working out?:)
No man has ever beaten me up bro, much less a woman. Where are you from where women beat up men, like Nebraska or something?

"What Really Happens to a Human Body at Titanic Depths"​

Great article. The remains of the passengers on the sub were atomized and are now being incorporated into the environment in which they died. Being instantly cremated at temperatures as hot as the sun and then dispersed in the sea isn’t a bad way to go.
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I don't know this youtuber. He has 13 million follows. That puts him between fox news and cnn.

He was scheduled to on this same expedition a month ago, but was cancelled due to weather. He chronicles every step from Newfoundland to getting to Titanic's site. They stayed over Titanic's site for days, but the weather went from bad to worse and they abandoned the journey.

When they arrived back to Newfoundland, weather was better. They set out to take a 3000' dive, but it was ultimately scratched.

I don't think this kid paid for the trip. I think it was given to him because of his youtube reach.

It's a good watch to just see Oceangate procedure. The ship that takes you out is less than luxurious. It's pretty sparse. Being sealed in the submersible is also shown.


I subscribe to this guy. The Titanic info always has me courious.

He gets into the tech side and has footage of this submersible being made.

From what I read they died instantaneously in that depressurization as well so not horrific if you don’t know I don’t think.
I just don’t feel that bad honestly except for the 19 year old that apparently didn’t want to go.

I mean, if some dudes built a rocket at their house to go to space and it was shotty as hell and they all died would you be like what a tragedy?!?! Doubtful, you’d probably be like well that was a really dumb decision.

And don’t bring up space X or anything that’s completely different, those dudes literally have more money than NASA and NASA farms out work to them so they’re legit.

OceanGate or whatever was a really stupid idea/plan and this was known beforehand and bound to happen at some point.
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