Missing sub touring the Titanic

What could go wrong with a sub that was once up for auction on Ebay?

It was the main communication boat not the sun that was on eBay.

And yes those death waivers end up being useless. When I was a parasail captain we made everyone sign waivers but if anything bad happened they weren’t worth a thing.
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Not sure this story is legit as I haven't seen it confirmed elsewhere:

"A CANADIAN AIRCRAFT searching for the missing Titan submersible, which failed to return Sunday from an expedition to the wreckage of the Titanic, detected “banging” in 30-minute intervals coming from the area the divers disappeared, according to internal e-mail updates sent to Department of Homeland Security leadership and obtained by Rolling Stone."
Hell of a time to be having an orgy.
Not sure this story is legit as I haven't seen it confirmed elsewhere:

"A CANADIAN AIRCRAFT searching for the missing Titan submersible, which failed to return Sunday from an expedition to the wreckage of the Titanic, detected “banging” in 30-minute intervals coming from the area the divers disappeared, according to internal e-mail updates sent to Department of Homeland Security leadership and obtained by Rolling Stone."
This seems to be legit. I’ve seen many other reports they were hearing banging every 30 minutes.

Oxygen is estimated to run out at 10am UK time Thursday morning. 3pm Wednesday right now.
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If you can hear banging on the inside of a sub thousands of feet underwater, seems like there would have been an abundance of cheap modern technology that could send signals from the sub, no matter how incompetent the manufacturer was.

Just sounds completely implausible.
Just doesn’t seem like there would be enough time at this point to bring it to the surface before the clock ran out. That’s assuming they’ve even found it, which apparently they haven’t.
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Just doesn’t seem like there would be enough time at this point to bring it to the surface before the clock ran out. That’s assuming they’ve even found it, which apparently they haven’t.
How would they even bring it to the surface? I thought I read the submarines that have the ability to go deep don’t have that ability? Maybe just depends on how deep it is.
Just doesn’t seem like there would be enough time at this point to bring it to the surface before the clock ran out. That’s assuming they’ve even found it, which apparently they haven’t.
My thought as well, and even if they find it, then need to attach to a cable and bring to the surface which may not even be possible depending on where it is
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Just heard on the radio that noises turned up nothing. Said the noises they were hearing with sonar were legit, but further searching turned up nothing.
It’s awful but this late in the game it’s going to be a loss of them all minus a miracle. There is legitimately no way to bring that thing up.

Even if they had a week I don’t think they could get down there attach a cable and pull it all the way up in time.
And yes those death waivers end up being useless. When I was a parasail captain we made everyone sign waivers but if anything bad happened they weren’t worth a thing.
According to a family member who specializes in corporate defense, waivers can be effective in a defense and/or complicate recovery. They won't stop a suit outright. One key is that the person who signs one must fully understand a waiver (be required to get an attorney to review it). However, if the facts are bad enough (gross negligence, etc.), a waiver is worthless.

In this case, I don't see what a suit is going to recover. The tour company is now probably worthless/bankrupt. Maybe they have some insurance that could provide some cash.
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Why would a billionaire fake their own death?

A psycho in Belgium recently faked his own death and then showed up to his funeral in a helicopter, apparently all just to see which of his family and friends cared the most about him.

If Hamish Harding's pulling the same stunt, his stepson's failing the test miserably.


It’s awful but this late in the game it’s going to be a loss of them all minus a miracle. There is legitimately no way to bring that thing up.

Even if they had a week I don’t think they could get down there attach a cable and pull it all the way up in time.
Yup all this speculation and I think the end result is inevitable - sad but true
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I get the fascination with the Titanic but at the end of the day it's a large piece of wreckage over a hundred years old. There are Viking ships and vessels from two plus centuries ago that have been found in recent years. That seems way more interesting to me and you don't have to go two miles down into the icy depths to see/find them. I bet James Cameron has some emotions stirring right now. He's been to the wreckage multiple times and has an obsession with the ship and the ocean in general. There hasn't been this much talk about Titanic since 1997.
The Malaysian jet was never found, looking like they may never find this sub either. I have to believe there was some kind of catastrophic event 2 hours into the descent, may have died instantly on Sunday but may never know
The Malaysian jet was never found
I thought some debris from the flight did wash up on the shore, so there is at least some physical evidence that it crashed into the ocean.

I worry that if there is some thought that this thing will be found close to the Titanic, it will just inspire other idiots to try to tour the Titanic and look for this wreckage.
If I’m ever a billionaire looking to fake my own death and disappear, hiring a shady submarine deep sea exploration company to add me to the manifest has skyrocketed up the list.
I was just discussing this with someone. Is it possible, that these 5 wanted to disappear, and what better way than to a place your body can't be recovered from (to see that you aren't there). I'm not saying I think this is what happened, just putting out there the possibility. Seems as believable as putting your life at risk in this jerry-rigged contraption.
I"m not a lawyer but from what I've seen in business, those types of waivers are typically worthless in cases like this. From what has been posted above this sounds like a product liability case on steroids.

Waivers are not always ironclad. However I think this one would be pretty solid when you combine it with the obvious assumptions of risk involved with going 13k feet deep in the ocean.

Moot either way as this company won't have any money to pay any judgment anyway.

Immensely poor decision by these folks. Can't imagine hearing about the playstation controller and thinking it was a good idea
1500 vs 5, I wouldn’t call this a “major sea tragedy”, I’d bet 100+ Cubans die a year trying to get to the Keys.
I’m not disputing that - just saying sometimes there’s things that are “cursed” - and I guess the threshold I’m using as major is the amount of coverage it’s getting like when the space challenger exploded.
Gotcha that makes sense. I don’t think it’s cursed but that’s fun to think about, I just think that humans aren’t ready to be 2 miles undersea and if you try it good chance you won’t make it back. Really it all boils down to common sense and practicality. This was a dumb choice, plain and simple.

I think a lot of the time, as has been mentioned, billionaires have a sense of invincibility because they’ve been able to do whatever they want with basically zero repercussions for years if not decades.
Gotcha that makes sense. I don’t think it’s cursed but that’s fun to think about, I just think that humans aren’t ready to be 2 miles undersea and if you try it good chance you won’t make it back. Really it all boils down to common sense and practicality. This was a dumb choice, plain and simple.

I think a lot of the time, as has been mentioned, billionaires have a sense of invincibility because they’ve been able to do whatever they want with basically zero repercussions for years if not decades.
Humans naturally want to push boundaries. We want to chase things.

Billionaires have everything. No financial worries. They can travel anywhere. They probably have no trouble getting the spouse they want. They can donate anywhere. Buy and build a dream home. They have no challenges.

So what else? They're going to try the impossible.
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Humans naturally want to push boundaries. We want to chase things.

Billionaires have everything. No financial worries. They can travel anywhere. They probably have no trouble getting the spouse they want. They can donate anywhere. Buy and build a dream home. They have no challenges.

So what else? They're going to try the impossible.
Why take your 19 year old son with you?
Wasn’t it that if not found by now they’re dead? If that’s the case I hope it was more an underwater failure and instant death than anything prolonged.
I hope the viewport failed or similar. That way, they probably never knew what hit them.

I would venture to guess if they were alive and awaiting rescue, they used up the air far quicker than now.

Probably, in less than half the time, with no training, anxiety, and the inevitable panic.

Of course, I hope I am wrong and they are rescued.

I honestly think the thing imploded.